Demonic heatsink general

post heatsinks

mods are based edition

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is that some Heatsink that nasa make that's too expensive for normies like us to have?

this guys putting 1080ti vapor cambers on CPUs via a custom bracket or some thing. results seem pretty good if he physically presses it down with his hand. why don't we have CPU full sized vapor cambers. :(


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That looks real nice

reminds me of the farlands from the minecraft beta

Yes. We will never see consumer heatsinks like this because generating the fractal pattern to maximize surface area requires so much computation time it basically puts it into the bracket where only government-backed projects can afford it

Hello antvenom XD

vapor chambers and normal heatpipes are basically the same thing

where do i get one?

Those were neat to explore, honestly.

Why don't they use a space filling curve like a Hilbert curve for heat sinks?

its just extruded aluminum, cheap as fuck to manufacture

why would they? large surface area, but also very long distances and least sturdy.

AMD wraith spire has a vapor chamber.

all this tech just to play the shitty current gen games liberal studios shit down our throats

well, the dissipation pattern changes the farther out you get, so not sure if a consistent pattern would be optimal

oh yer I didn't think about that heatpipe coolers already have a vapor chamber im retarded. this is just some guy doing small form factor shit.

he is making like a 45mm heatsync including fan to cool prime at 75deg. but there is a 58mm cooler that can actually do it already.

hes just doing retarded things to make some thing 1/2cm shorter.

A heatsink under constant conditions has a temperature gradient from the point closest to the heat source to the one furthest away from it, an ideal heatsink would have the entire device the same temperature with maximum surface area, maximum surface area at the cost of being very long reduces efficiency

This is about the most stupid things I have seen. On par to audiophiles bullshit.

Actually, that does looks like heatsink designed for audiophile equipment.

hey, i wouldn't care what they push down my throat as long as i'm having fun.

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like the guy custom looping his notebook and still making it fit the original case
he brazed his own radiator ffs

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It's an impossible extrusion to make, though, since it has a number of blind holes. The rest of it would be pretty tough too, so many thin lines and grooves with sharp angles that it'd be nearly impossible to make a die that could survive use.

blind holes.. stop being a retard and trying to sound smart you can make it with a aluminium punch for like 0$.

Might be doable with 3d printing. I know SpaceX uses a form of it for making their engines.

that's called CNC machine and has existed for 60 years. all you retards acting like 3d printing is new is sad as fuck.

kits that let you make pointless stuff with cheap plastic glue gun shit is new. but machines that can lazer/print/sculpt/cut in 3d to much much much greater detail have existed since the space race started in the 1960s.

do you even understand how a CNC machine works?

Attached: HD-7990-DEVIL13-5-e1399054710772-850x429.jpg (850x429, 65K)


You're a dumb fuck. Additive manufacturing of metal is very, very new

Attached: wasp_cooler.jpg (2560x1536, 515K)

fucking captcha

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Yes but a 3d printer can do some things that a cnc machine cannot. For example if you want a hole in a place where a drill bet cannot get to, like in between two pieces of metal, then a 3d printer in your only option if you want it in one piece.

SLS has only been a thing since 1980s

>liberal studios
Muh silent majority

fucking based ole sigmund with his MMA moves

shame i'm working on vibrations and frequency optimization for the foreseeable future, would love to work on multiphysics heat problems

it's just some 3d printed heatsink, the fins look too thick to be effective, something similar with 3d printed metal might work, but it would be a waste of money when a $20-100 heatsink does fine, diminishing returns as fuck

the wasps carry out the heat

It's a shitty solidworks model, it's not real.

>don't mind me, I'm just going to attach this sea coral to my cpu


It would be trivial to 3D print. Trivial, but not cheap just yet.

Ummm sweety, CD projekt red was making some very trans-phobic remarks on their twitter.

>having fun.

bees can resist higher temps

I'm a brainlet when it comes to heat and how it works but I have CAD software experience and can probably make something semi effective
Show me some of the ideal kinds of heatsinks and how they attempt to spread heat

Are these... pincushion-like heatsinks any good? Seems like too much empty space where surfaces should go.

>4x4-pin power
Holy mother of god.

Yeah but I'm not made of money

Hes talking about SLS wich can do things that CNC can't do.

>4 8 pin connectors

Holy shit that reminds me of that gif where some glitch happened in an mlb game.

I get tingles looking at it.

Attached: the show.webm (878x680, 2.02M)

I love people that meme that 3d printers are a new technology because they wasted 2/3grand of them over recent years.

saying shit like "additive metal technology is new"

just fuck off you fell for a Kickstarter meme its not new technology its not revolutionary they basically sold you a at home science kit and convinced you it would change the world you idiot.

thumbnail reminds me of this

Attached: beekeeping.webm (202x360, 1.77M)

it's a 2-chip card you retards

Welp, Super Mario has seen better days.

Fuck you user, I read that as
>yeah but I'm not made of honey
I thought you made a funny joke for once.

ITT: people who don't know how extrusion works.

Oh god please tell me that's shopped

lmao based

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An old one i found on the lol interwebz

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...and then have your pc crash.

How much more efficient is this compared to an intelligent design radiator? I know evolution design can produce some pretty extreme shaped antennas with extremely good performance in very specific application. But this sea weed doesn't strike me as particularly powerful heat radiator.

Yes actually, they're extremely good. But they're not cheap to make and are unsightly. That's why you don't see them in normalfag stores.

Eastern Europeans don't give a shit about PC

I know googling your shit for 3 seconds is to much to ask so here you go, dumb fuck.

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most of the entire world doesn't give a shit about the extreme marxist faggotry about muh pronouns n shiet

This isn't some bulk product though, good chance that it was cut with a wire edm. Plus the guy has a point with the blind holes are they addition to costs.

Are you trolling or just being retarded? Honest question. It's not uncommon for children to go out if their way to avoid admitting being wrong, making up stories as they go, one stupider than the last. But also to pretend being an idiot and think that getting people to berate you for idiocy is a proud accomplishment. So which one is it? Because that shit there is as standard as it gets, made cheaply by extrusion of a continuous bar shaped like this, and cutting it up to length.

Hey man, if you want to be irrational you can be right. In light of your mindset that making a whole die for a limited run of products seems like a feasible and economical investment to you, there is probably a good reason why you are related to the trades.

Making a die for it is cheaper than 3d printing it. Mill makes it in 2 quick passes, then it's only a matter of actually extruding it. Printing it takes hundreds of painstakingly slow passes.

You ever profile on a cnc? You are potentially taking .0001 passes to get that hollow interior, it ain't cheap, it requires design experience, and it requires a fair amount of material removal; following that you then need access to your extrusion press.

>Block all the vents
>Run Prime95 and FurMark
Absolutely devilish

I ain't scared of no strawman

It's automatically designed, brainiac. And where the fuck did that 0.1 thou came from? You can single pass that shit with a corn mill and the "finish" still be good enough to make extrusions. Have you seen just how much slop there is on a extruded aluminum surface? That shit ain't high precision.

>corn mill
I assume you mean rough endmill, you still have sfpm limits and with this exact design you aren't going to be having much wiggle room in your tolerancing.

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 41K)

>its 3d printed
citation needed

it's not, he probably just saw the lines on it and assumed as such
the lines are a result of it being a voxel-based image, not a 3D print

some blog called it the dolly the sheep of heatsinks

Haha no.
The design reason for why the 295x2's were water cooled was legit because it was the only way the waste heat could be exited from the case instead of building up internaly. It wasn't simply a water cooler, it was a heat pump. Yes, they could pull close to 600w or more. It was an insane card.

dolly the heatsink

>the lines are a result of it being a voxel-based image, not a 3D print

Expert confirmed!
Voxel 2d, and a 3d extrusion.
Very artsy, probably not the highest quality or efficiency

it makes sense to use a 3D grid of equally-spaced points (voxels) to compute this model in an automated fashion
it's easier to handle than a smooth model made of curves, you probably won't lose much accuracy if you smooth it after the fact

I contemplated doing that instead for longer than I care to admit.
Sometimes you just gotta bee yourself.
Although in my case that'd be fatal.


protip, if you print it with with the base oriented vertically, it doesn't get any blind holes, just the weird shape

Guy you actually replied to here. There's a huge difference between extruding a hollow in a thin-walled tubular piece and trying to put a whole bunch of small holes in a relatively solid block. It might be technically feasible with a whole ton of work but it probably wouldn't be anywhere close to economical to mass-produce. Milling is also pretty impractical for holes that deep and narrow, it's doable but it's gonna be hell on tooling.

Seems like it's actually 3D printed, and that makes a lot of sense, since that's by far the most practical tech to small-batch produce that design. It would also probably work quite well as a metal injection molded part.

hole technology

>whenever you see this know that it is a swarm. google it. it's not as impressive as it looks. t. beefag


short runs of 3d cnc or metal fdm are significantly cheaper than making a die for holes that small

why is this even a discussion, nobody would let any of those holes stay in the actual design if it were mass produced.

oh boy, someone's reposting the heatsinks I posted. The corals come from here:
And the heatsink from hell comes from here:
I'm quite tempted to grow my own corals, but I'm not sure where to get 108 hours of CPU time to run the coupled thermofluid simulation.
because heatsinks that take every little detail into account can do better
nah, the cost of computation isn't the bad. The bigger problem is the cost of manufacturing. Additive manufacturing is really the only way to make them. It could get cheaper especially with things like additive investment casting. Where you can 3d print a ceramic mold FAST and pour whatever metal you want into it. Fucking trainers companies are starting to print the rubbery bits in mass quantities.
CNC is going to be very difficult to impossible to make these heat sinks
it's designed to be 3d printed. No one has 3d printed it yet. That being said, 3d printed heat exchangers are starting to be used in certain applications where you need compact lightweight heat sinks
It's not evolution, it's convex optimization.
Ah yes another topopt bro!
Dude Sigmund's main game is SIMP not MMA. You can use other optimization algorithms in place of MMA. Multiphysics and multimaterial optimization is fun and you should implement it for fun. Also, Sigmund's work is probably going to be obsolete in a couple years, some one just solved free material optimization

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that's easy as fuck to compute you retard, all you need to do is compute it once