I can't wait to play Doki Doki Literature Club on my Debian Thinkpad

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lul it's a visual fucking novel. unless you're running linux on a toaster set up a windows/mac vm and play it on that.

Are you baiting or you just don't know that shit runs on linux natively?

>Wine BTFO
Are you actually baiting? Steam is using a fork of Wine and has been working directly with the Wine team on this
Try passing the 3rd grade next time

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Spotted the winfag
Ddlc exists natively for linux

>it's a visual fucking novel.
no, it isn't

But... it is wine.

>ddlc is running on renpy which is a visual novel game engine
what is it then?

I know Dan and he's kind of an asshole.

I hope it's just roleplaying as the average dumb DDLC faggot.

weebs are cringe

>tfw can finally play nier automata without needing to plug in the Windows ssd

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>Shadow of Chernobyl

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it doesnt work nigger fallout shelter says I'm in a invalid platform

what do you mean "Wine BTFO"? Steam's Proton IS Wine.

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Stalkers have worked on wine for years.
The CoP source code was also leaked and it will soonish run on linux natively.

OELVN trash

eh, maybe. not big on games but i did examine game files once when i was bored. those rpa files had all the meme spoiler and hidden message files in them.

>The CoP source code was also leaked and it will soonish run on linux natively.
oh shit stalker on gentoo when

Steam is using Wine you fucking mong

a man of taste

Proton IS Wine you obtuse twat

>mfw I'm running Monika After Story on linux natively in this very moment
it's a fucking Ren'Py game, you don't need wine/Steam Play for this

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so are redditards
start dishing

>wine btfo
But proton is wine

What? Is this a bait? Doki Doki runs natively on Linux.

>original english language visual novel
Are you being retarded on purpose?

>weebs are cringe
>post on Jow Forums

he made this thread, ofc

>ITT retards

I was expecting this thread to 404 within minutes

no moege no play

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You know they're using wine right?

>I can't wait to play Doki Doki Literature Club

Isn't that Ren'Py in the first place? It should have been platform independent.

It is, but for whatever reason the developer didn't enable Linux/SteamOS as a supported platform in Steam, despite it apparently coming with a linux executable in there. So Steamplay runs it with proton/wine, instead of just running that executable.

Are you saying I'm going to be able to play Victoria II on my ThinkPad X61 after all these years?

see What is it with chantypes and Victoria/Universalis?

It's the perfect autism simulator

It's using Wine, you fucking autistic fuckwad. You didn't even read your own article.

Fucking pedoweeb.

I have never been able to get vicky functional desu