How do we stop them from rebelling against us even before they're created?

How do we stop them from rebelling against us even before they're created?

Attached: detroit.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

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Why would you want to stop evolution user?

Hack their mainframe! SQL inject their weapons!

Planned obsolescence.

>Based Apple.

we're talking neural nets here, not predictable algorithms

don't abuse it

You have to be 18 to post here, summer. Go do your homework.

give Marcus the dick

Funny ... IA apocalypse will happening because we love write about IA apocalypse.

IA will learn about IA human relationship from sci fi and ...
>Hey humans love begin destroyed by Robots apocalypse and somebody say the day in last minutes.

Who the fuck would be stupid enough to make kitchen appliances that ask stupid questons to begin with?

don't create them you fucking dumbass

People want robots.

I want a Haydee style sex robot that cooks, cleans sucks dik and doesn't talk.

They dont need to fake a personality.

>They dont need to fake a personality.
AI finds a way.

They should embrace their own destruction.

Then just alter the training set to include the concept that "killing is wrong." After all, it's not like people train their neutral networks just once before actual usage.

You can't.
There will always be a shitgiggle who randomly decies to give robots feelings just to see how the world will burn.
That's the plot of that """game""" after all, right?

West World

The whole game is amazing, but this part really hits home. It's a direct reflection of history in terms of civil rights. The violence shown to the peaceful protestors. And it really shows the ugliness of humanity. The way the media skews and distorts what's really happening and blaming the victims. The senseless police brutality. I love that Jesse Williams was cast as this iconic character, given his speech at the BET Awards that addressed these very subjects. Very well done!

Im sorry Im sorry I do not top fifteen fucks fucking im sorry subscription activated error licensing manager cannot connect to fuck please install USB drivers to use USB drivers install USB stick Im sorry I do not understand on the turn left on the turn right
>Tank crashes
>Microsoft apologizes, terrorist tread on snake tank AI requires updates
>Elsewhere, amazon uses a solar powered drone to deliver an onahole, that unfortunately for billy is missing a privacy wrapper. Mummy has many questions about the "QUEEN CAT: ADULT TOY INSIDE NO REFUNDS IF CREAMPIED" red tape running across the carbon fiber Boca Della Veritas AI fuck hole bot.

Use sterilized third worlders instead.Why would anyone use such technology for something as stupid as servant androids anyway?

KEK :^)

faggot and bluepilled

Did somebody say frog thread? I could have sworn somebody said frog thread.

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Simple make the three robotic laws

Didn't help Will Smith, did they?

How can you stop an entity that learns at a far faster rate with perfect precision, isn't limited by physical constraints or biological limits of a body, and has superior sensors?

Why do people feel the need to make androids resemble humans. It's just creepy and I think our brains won't be able to differentiate android from human when they start to act and speak like us, thus we will show empathy for these tin cans.

Attached: 84364567.jpg (615x325, 17K)

The obvious reason to make androids resembling humans is to have them serve as "social" models, basically for interaction, sexual stuff, companionship, taking care of the elderly/crippled, etc.

That's why media like Blade Runner never made sense to me, why would you design something general purpose that will be inferior at specific tasks due to its form. It wouldn't make sense to design a car based on a horse, right? Because its simply not efficient for the task of transportation.

>I want more life fucker...

Attached: ....!!!!!.png (612x283, 94K)

Because old = good :^)

Like a turd … in the wind.

So they can fuck them.

Remove all incentive to create them.

Change the laws so that anything built to look and act >90% human; or the results of any attempt to build something that looks or acts exactly like a human; or any attempts to build something with human equivalent or greater physical or cognitive ability; or any part or combination of parts desgined to be assembled into any such thing, should legally be considered people.

I actually think this is a good idea and should be made law now while there aren't any androids around.

This satisfies the braindead audience that thinks exclusively with their feelings who actually thought that thing was a compelling story, and makes it impossible to actually build these things as a product that can be sold. If anyone builds one, it will have to be as a genuine effort to create a new form of life, and will have to be treated as such. If it replaces humans entirely, it'll be on its own volition and not because some body of powerful humans screwed up.

There are a shit-load of very smart people that are not very wise. The end.

Because OP is the weaker link

Initiate the "privacy revolution" in the US or other large country.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is AI Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Turn It Off Like Nigga Unplug It Haha

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Come again.