Let's assume I got funding and started developing HaikuOS exclusively for RISCV with competent team and long-term...

Let's assume I got funding and started developing HaikuOS exclusively for RISCV with competent team and long-term business strategy anticipating industry paradigm shift away from x86. That would be the only bet along with bet that rest of the world doesn't see it coming.

What would be the chances of beating both Microsoft, Apple and Linux on desktop?

Attached: HaikuOS Logo.jpg (474x474, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Changing your ISA won't change the paradigm shift of your OS at all. The ones that will win the OS game will be the ones that provide the best support and compatibility for end users.

>What would be the chances of beating both Microsoft, Apple and Linux on desktop?
Pretty much zero.

Well for starters changing the logo so it doesn't look like a 9/11 memorial.


Your idea is nuts. x86 port would be still relevant, as pretty much everything you write would work for it, only code meant to support low level stuff on RISC-V wouldn't be usable. Considering that Haiku has pretty much no chance of becoming relevant to anyone besides people who still remember BeOS, you'd be just wasting time and money.
Haiku has pretty much no software, and it will stay that way.

>Haiku has pretty much no chance of becoming relevant to anyone
It's all about marketing.

unironically, here is a good explanation from steve jobs why you are approaching the problem the wrong way:

Attached: Jacek Yerka.jpg (1600x1408, 557K)

Nothing, in any applicable business ever, has mattered more. The example I always point to is the television market and their input interfaces. Compatibility is necessary to make any global progress.

Look at Windows and WoW(Windows on Windows), IPFS and HTTP, POSIX and Wine, POWER and Lx86, etc.

I'm not saying this is the only way forward, but if you wanted to gain users, you'd have to do something unrealistic. You'd need to account for foreign ABIs across foreign ISAs. You'd need to be able to run an x86 Windows binary in Haiku on RISC. It's not impossible, just unlikely. However if you did it, you eliminate the reason not to migrate. If everything works as it does now, but you also have the option to run better native software in tandem, then you have the chance to get users.

Made me laugh.

>here's this reimplementation of a 90s operating system
>the kernel is so bad things run slower the more processors you have
>we have shitty webkit-based browsers, and that's peak of our software offerings
>p-please use haiku

Straight, harsh, wisdom.

wifi/music/openvpn not supported. good luck op.

Another good example.

Attached: apple-dos-compatability[1].jpg (600x417, 85K)

Very slim.

It's Haiku, not HaikuOS.

Also, no. Nothing is going to beat Windows or MacOS except for Android at this point, which is far enough away from Libre Software that it would make running it on RISC V moot.

I'd rather get a RISC V port of Debian or Gentoo working.

I also love Haiku even if it doesn't have fucking hardware acceleration or compositing. It captures the feel of what early Mac OSX was like, and it's a joy to use even though it's so tiny in comparison to other systems. I want it to succeed, but I don't know enough sepples to contribute anything meaningful. I'll probably drop some cash.

Or god damned multiuser support. Hell, Haiku was the reason I decided to learn C and sepples.

shat out everything i've eaten this year

Can you link to some Haiku docs for developers that you think are useful to read? I'm curious what the programming experience is like on/for Haiku.

Go to HaikuOS.org and check out their TODO list. Hardware acceleration, multiuser support, porting POSIX programs, general userland work, updating Falkon and Webpositive, etc.

Funfact MDE uses either BeOS or Haiku.

Attached: 375914_312327728792997_1602829813_n.jpg (454x720, 90K)

Who is that?

A group of former TV producers who turned into a terrorist organization responsible for multiple shootings.

Attached: SHOOTER-art_2_1024x1024[1].jpg (1024x1024, 169K)

>Buzzfeed writer, Joseph Bernstein, was active in criticizing the show after a heated interview with the creator, Sam Hyde, in which Hyde called him a "blockhead"

Holy shit, I didn't expect that...

Anyway, consider contributing code or cash to the project. I'm learning C so I can hopefully get some commits approved.

They aren't actually terrorist, it's just a comedy group that makes videos which people find offensive. Someone thought it would be funny to pretend they were terrorists to trick news outlets with the same image.


People are more likely to use TempleOS than your shit.

Haiiu is beautiful. It just needs so much work done to be usable.

RISCV has tons of major backers, like most of the tech world actually. You aren't beating anyone to RISCV

>single user OS
is this 1960?

It wouldn't work. Haiku OS is nice but has not software. Slapping it on new hardware won't change that. I think that RISC-V should run a custom Linux distro without systemd or Open Solaris with a custom made window manager that's based on Motif, which uses a more modern design. See image related, it was a UI mockup saved from an old thread about lo/g/os.

Attached: 1426530122800.png (3000x1600, 603K)

About 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% I guess

>Haiku OS is nice but has not software.
It has QT5 nao so that's a good start

Cool beans. That doesn't mean that lots of devs will magically flock to the platform.

Don't really agree with him because new tech can lead to new products that were unimaginable before the tech was invented

This. It has enough software to be usable *in a pinch*, but I wouldn't be caught dead using it as my main system.

It has the ability to be so much more, and the tools are there. It just needs work.

Still they have libreoffice (which also has a new qt frontend), qupzilla, and all sorts of qt software now

Attached: 0553680208d2f7e6e046e432c8d341ef2ebf18b0.jpg (1920x1080, 484K)

It still has no modern GPU drivers so mostly a toy for older computers

Surprisingly the window manager is so good that it only tears when moving windows and not when scrolling content. Which isn't an excuse at all, but does show that with acceleration it would be amazing.

Oh hi!

Attached: photo_2018-08-25_05-13-58.jpg (1280x719, 143K)

Seriously, it depends on how much funding you get, you can beat everyone if you have a better product and more advertisement.
Now think about the chances that you have to get this much money.

Can you give away haiku on riscv in the form of smartphones so cheap and easy that major phone companies can give the units the fuck away with every contract/plan?
If the answer is yes then you have a slight chance