So, this is it, right?

So, this is it, right?
This is how Windows dies?...

Attached: Screenshot_20180825-192046.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:


the fuck are those other two

The differences in fps are negligible.

The human eye can't distinguish past 30 fps

Not every human eye is the same, as well as that information that is wide spread is wrong.

>windows consistently has 20-50% more fps
yeah, w-windows btfo...

Correct. The eye can't distinguish past 24 fps.

My ass

W10 in this benchmark can max a 144hz monitor out while the other 2 can't.
It's a good thing you guys are joking, right? right?

Two people in 1v1 having 30 fps and 60 fps perspectively and equal skill the one with 60 fps will beat the guy with 30 because he has an advantage of a faster game.

how's the input lag in proton/wine compared to a native game?

Correct. Anything over 12 FPS is just ego stroking.

if its good enough for my chinese cartoons, its good enough for me

40% less FPS
you can keep linsux

I wouldn't say a 20% difference is negligible, but it's still really good. Certainly enough so to push over people sitting on the fence.

A winfag can't count. What a surprise.

>hurr durr we can't game on linux so gaymers are fuckin losers u manchildren
>500 threads of "windows BTFO we can game now we have like 9 games u have no reason to have windows we so much better than u"

Freetards are the feminists of the IT world - will do an immediate 180 on their deepest-held beliefs if they think it can win them an argument. The funniest part is that they, like feminists, will swear blind that they haven't done a 180, or pretend that it's perfectly logically consistent.

Bonus points for "it's like Jow Forums is more than one person" - when everyone knows full well you were knocking gaming yesterday.

Attached: 1503912009673.jpg (519x600, 141K)

Are you a salty macfag?

Attached: goober.jpg (450x399, 61K)

switching to linux today
wish solus os supported proton better

what distro should i use Jow Forums

>9 games
t. brainlet

ya nice iq retard, nice blog spot post


Ubuntu to test the waters
Gnome classic for a better desktop experience

rather use linux mint

This man is leading you astray. Gnome3 sucks my big ass. Get Xubuntu or Kubuntu instead.

Close, but my monitor can't destinguish above 60fps

Gayming is not welcome on Jow Forums.
But implying that only Jow Forums uses Linux is retarded.
So fuck off faggot.

Proton merely scratched the surface
it needs to get to within margin of error in FPS to actually replace winpoo

>we renamed WINE so it's totally new and revolutionary now!

Attached: 1505680819698.png (798x770, 676K)

no one thinks this retard lmao

Not like more than 100 patches

>chinese cartoons
>animated on twos

20% margin is pretty good, and considering Proton is beta its pretty gud at its state.
Give it a few years when more games use Vulkan and then no point to use windows cx

fucking noob isnt even using 396.54

Spot on, to be fair i wish nu /v/ would leave

translation from DX to Vulkan at a higher speed would be fucking impossible dumbfucks.
The point is support.

apart from gaymes does this help with programs like autocad ?

>Purposefully trouble yourself to run Linux just to be forced to use Steam DRM and get lower fps.
Is this what freedom looks like?

Oh wow another dumb frogpost. Yet they will kick and scream that they are ORIGINAL 4CHANNERS REEE

get the fuck out

it looks like the usual shills just received their memo about proton
>i don't see any graphical difference, so I will stick to windows
>hahaha fake% difference, LOL DOA
>I don't understand your post
>what am I looking at, hur dur

You should've been here a couple days ago, this entire board was spammed with that nonsense, pretending it's anything more than rebranding.
Protip fags: the difference between wine and proton is within margin of error.

>screenshot shows Wine and Proton losing to Windows by over 30fps
>this is how Windows dies

seriously, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to see this as Windows dying?

>install Linux to avoid Windows proprietary botnet
>immediately install Steam proprietary botnet

>difference of 30fps from 120 to 150
>while playing a non-supported windows game on linux
if you can't realize the benefits, or the feat that this is, I am out of words for you, lad

it's just damage control at this point. Expect a major push on /v/ and Jow Forums for that matter that 60 FPS isn't good enough in the coming months

toppest of keks

>Microsoft's cock is so up my ass I can't even understand proton

>30% performance drop is a benefit

Attached: 1527142797792.webm (640x800, 409K)

the benefit is ditching windows
are you stupid?

So you tell me that after all these hype by valvedrones and lunix fanboys about Valve pouring millions into "killing windows". This is the best they get?

Some garbage AAA video game with significantly less performance on Windows?

Wow nice native video games you got there

Attached: 1534448573867.png (404x300, 173K)

Isn't the cool thing about Proton the fact that Valve pushes Wine patches upstream?

You mean 20%

>crippled kid gets new prosthetic limbs that allow him to run 120 meters in a set amount of time
>all the other kids can run 150 meters in that set amount of time easily
>you applaud like a bugman because the crippled kid is your kid
>but absolutely nobody else cares

but 144fps has already been the new standard for PC gaming for over 5 years.

I understand that it will never, EVER match the performance of Windows, so it will always be inferior.

>Some garbage AAA video game with significantly less performance on Windows?
no, higher FPS is better. the shitty AAA game actually performs significantly worse on Linux.

Games are for manchildren but this will help get more people on gnu plus lonix

oh, the shills
if you think Linux is the crippled kid, honestly tell me what is windows 10 in its current state (insider releases and all)

>Grog no liek gameng

>I understand that it will never, EVER match the performance of Windows
And how did you come to that conclusion?

>but 144fps has already been the new standard for PC gaming for over 5 years.
(Citaiton Needed)
Consoles can't even do 60FPS and yet every PC gamer has somehow ascended to 144FPS? Yeah, I'm sure friend.

>hey kids, come switch over to Linux!
>here, read this pamphlet about all the benefits of free software!
>you can still play fortnite and GTAV, with only a 20-30% loss in performance!

and as poorly programmed as Windows 10 is, Linux is still 20-30% worse.

using logic instead of feelings.

look at the prices of 144hz monitors compared to 60hz monitors. there's hardly any price difference now.

I know this is a troll, but the average person will see 40-75 fps depending on things like their heart rate, level of stress, fatigue, etc. It's possible to increase this perception up to 140fps through the use of stimulants like caffeine and adrenaline. Over 250fps is theoretically possible in fight or flight situations, or if you are on speed. But, like most things with the body, what you can perceive is not a hard number, it varies throughout the day depending on many conditions.

fucking this

>and as poorly programmed as Windows 10 is, Linux is still 20-30% worse.
oh, boi
I can't handle this bait
what's next? you are savage

>can't come up with an argument
>starts shitposting

The performance hit in Linux is because DirectX doesn't exist for Linux, and Proton/DXVK is translating API calls on the fly, which everyone already knew was going to mean a performance hit. That would not be the case for a Vulkan game, and hopefully if Linux gains gaming market share devs will start using Vulkan or Microsoft will release a cross-platform DirectX (unlikely).

One is a Windows wrapper for running Windows applications in Linux, the other is the thing valve is putting out for porting Windows games to Linux that's based on the former.

Basically showing that Linux can now run GTA V at a framerate high enough to basically be imperceptibly different from gaming in Windows

funny how you make a big post like that and then pull the numbers straight out of your ass

>and as poorly programmed as Windows 10 is, Linux is still 20-30% worse.
>Linux is the crippled kid

>and as poorly programmed as Windows 10 is, Linux is still 20-30% worse.

>running exe is the future of linux

Attached: 84151.png (658x624, 1.57M)

Attached: crysis3_wine_vs_windows.jpg (1920x1080, 386K)

It's literally just different people, and freetard makes zero sense here. Anything you'd run in Wine is non-free software, as is Steam.

>Microsoft will release a cross-platform DirectX
this, or DirectX source code getting leaked and integrated into WINE by pirates, is the only way gamers will ever switch to Linux any time in the next few decades.

even if all devs start releasing all their new games with Vulkan support that matches or exceeds DirectX framerates, the DirectX exclusive games released before that point will always still exist and people will want to play them for decades. I'm still playing Deus Ex, released in 2001, for example. it will be DECADES before Linux can replace Windows as a gaming OS, that's how long it will take before DirectX11 exclusive games released around 2015 will be playable at 4K@144fps in WINE, and you better pray the standard for PC gaming doesn't increase any higher than 4K@144fps in those decades.

>Anything you'd run in Wine is non-free
practically, but not necessarily

This would unironically fix linux's software distribution problems...

When commodity hardware can achieve 9001 fps in the games you're talking about the performance hit from DXVK won't matter, so no, old DirectX games are not going to prevent people from moving to Linux.

hence 12fps, im not sure what you mean senpai

Honest question, why does API translation introduce that much overhead? Method calls are really cheap. I also thought graphics programming involved a lot of batching, and it's not like shaders are making system calls, sooo... shouldn't performance be basically the same? Especially since Vulkan is supposed to be a lower level API anyway.

I'm so sick of you faggots.
>typing in a terminal is too hard >:(
>okay well here's a graphical package manager
>nooo I don't wanna use that either i need to download shady things from the internet and double click on them

Stop trying to pollute Linux with your pants on head retarded windows philosophy. I don't care if Linux doesn't get popular if it means you faggots stay in your graveyard of an operating system

Attached: 1458757768470.jpg (543x799, 96K)

And I should also mention that this is already possible for games like the one you mentioned. It only takes ~5-6 years before a game is old enough that it won't matter.

it's not perfect but it's better than just straight up running windows

>we dont want windows
>we want windows programs though
exactly why no one respects the freetards

Attached: 959855.png (542x360, 764K)

that was my point, but that will take decades unless there's some huge burst of new technology. at nvidia's rate of 20-40% performance increase every 2-3 years it's going to take a while.


>hooray, Linux is slightly less shit now!

I know how to use the command line but I want to install the latest version of software from the devs in most instances.

it can be very minimal, but keep in mind non-ms directx stuff is all reverse engineered
microsoft didn't make DXVK, they had to figure out d3d11 from scratch, so the current overhead will mostly be down to less efficient implementation and bugs

Why is this wrong, friend?

funny how you are a dumb nigger. But I'm not going to waste my time linking all the studies that demonstrate that fighter pilots have been recorded to see at as high as 220-250 fps, or how when at rest, you see far less than when alert.

progress has slowed down a lot in the last 15 years. my GTX 1080 still can't play some games from 2007-2008 at 1080p@144fps in Windows. almost 144fps, but not quite.

what's wrong with those statements exactly?

it is probably the NVIDIA graphics driver on linux that is shit. That has nothing to do with steam/proton/wine and only with NVIDIA half-assing Linux support. I really want to see this guys xorg.conf settings

That's a huge performance hit. Someone barely getting 60 fps, will get fucked.

Freetards never cared about gayms, outside of the weirdos who play open sores shit.

Macfags can use the crap too.

then just run windows

You didn't answer my question

Not all games are Quake, you know?

to run a couple of windows programs, when everything else works so much better in linux?
if i play a NES game in an emulator, should i also instead just drop everything else and put a NES on my computer table?

git gud

Computing is all about applications, not operating systems.

It doesnt make sense to have a preference for an oprating system that has literally zero apps, when due to the stated preference for said apps the operating system with proper apps should be preferred in the first place.

You sure you’re not CPU bottlenecked?