Gender wage gap

This is a generalisation but Women like to gossip over celebrities, who is getting married, and who are having babies.

And men like to gossip over scientific discoveries and technological innovation.

So, why do women think that their minds are going to help the economy to the same extent that a man’s would?

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rekt em OP

what's wrong with her eye

>So, why do women think that their minds are going to help the economy to the same extent that a man’s would?
Literally Jews.

This isn’t about rekking anyone. I’m just trying to follow their logic


Only a small minority of men like to gossip about scientific discoveries and technological innovation.

Yeah if you take the men from all races to be your sample. But I’m primarily referring to the civilised world.

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It's the same in the civilized world.

>I’m primarily referring to the civilised world
men talk hobbies, usually sports

this is a generalization but men like to gossip about sports and wrestling while girls gossip over spaceflight and exploration

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Favorite male conversation topics: women, money, sports, occasionally current events or politics (but those are rarely discussed at anything beyond a surface level or for any length).
Men are probably more intellectual than women on average, but it's mostly because a minority of men drag the average up.

Oh yeah, another big conversation topic is family.

Girls that flat should be legally considered men.

Only if she has short hair.

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Only if they are average or below

Not even .1% of women like doing that

That’s not Phil Collins

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flat with eyebrows like that are top tier

Have you met /v/? Or almost 90% of all the video game kids these days?

There is nothing scientific about their worship of e-celebs.

/v/ mostly has brown skin though

Jow Forums is mostly brown

and Jow Forums is one of the highest pop boards on Jow Forums. so if what you say is true, just imagine the amount of tech/science people amongst white men.

Not even .1% of men talk about technological innovations if it’s not a new car

Seriously, you just can’t seem to comprehend that someone different than you could think in the same ways that you do.
Just because you only talk to other guys about x doesn’t mean women aren’t talking about that to each other.

>Not even .1% of men talk about technological innovations if it’s not a new car

trying and think of one white guy in your life that doesn't spend 80% of his time talking about science and technology. yeah, i thought so.

>Not even .1% of men talk about technological innovations if it’s not a new car

try and think of one white guy in your life that doesn't spend 80% of his time talking about science and technology. yeah, i thought so.

>Gender earnings gap
FTFY. You're welcome.

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So most men? By the way, the wage gap doesn't exist. Either OP or not, stop trying to flip this on its head because it doesn't fucking exist in the first place. It's fighting the SJW version of a boogeyman.
But still, back to with you!


The vast majority of white guys I know spend almost no time talking about science and technology. You must move in some social circles that are very unrepresentative of the broader world. If you don't mind my asking, what sort of area do you live in and what sort of social circles do you spend time in usually?

>And men like to gossip over scientific discoveries and technological innovation
...and why they can't get a girlfriend and how their dick is too small and so on.