Lets say I own a business and I want to hire someone. There is this two candidates, both have the same studies and experience, but one is a male and the other is a female. Why the fuck should i hire the female one?
Lets say I own a business and I want to hire someone. There is this two candidates...
in my experience i would hire the guy because i would wanna fuck the female desu
Why should you hire the male one?
No two people are exactly alike. Interview them both, and see which one displays better knowledge and potential. You would know this stuff if you were in a hiring position.
What if it was your cousin. Asking for a friend.
You conduct another round of interviews with the
potential employees and do this until the better
candidate is apparent.
If you are just looking for dank Jow Forums bantz then hire the
female for the diversity hire and get
you probably should hire the female unironically since it'd look good for your business in ((( broader society )))
it would be weird because my cousin and i have done quite a bit of lewdities before when we were teenagers and we haven't spoken in a while
it depends. if you are straight, hire the female for the blowjob. If you are gay, hire the male for the gay blowjob
Tax cuts.
Oh you meant for performance? Nah, can't give you a good reason.
For as long as the government makes companies pay for maternity leave and it's impossible to fire pregnant women I will not hire any women under the age of 50. I've seen enough cases of them getting a job and instantly starting to multiply being on maternity leave for years.
You should talk to her and try to find closure. If both of you bottle this up and sweep it under the rug it will be a mental burden for the rest of your lives. At worst you'll end up disowning each other but without the lifelong mental burden.
Reasons to hire the male, men don't ask for pregnancy/motherhood leave and are generally less emotional.
Reasons to hire the female, women generally don't ask for raises as often as men.
It also depends on the industry and job, for example, you shouldn't hire a woman if the job involves lifting heavy objects.
Stop it this isn't b or therapy club, don't keep him going
I lived through an eternity of schism between me and my cousin after I confessed to her. It would all have been magnitudes better if we would have gotten closure. She's a drunk, I'm a loser who dropped out of HS working minimum wage still in love with her. I want to die every day.
You would already be dead if you REALLY wanted to, poser.
That's what makes it worse, I'm too much of a coward to put a shotgun in my mouth because I love her.
This is the only reason. But balance it with the pitfalls.
>higher absenteeism among females
>more complaints about working conditions females make
>increased censorship of your workplace demanded by females
>the lowering of morale and having to make your workplace more "female-friendly" that results from the first three
>the risk of lawsuits if you fail to do to do the previous three - which can kill even a medium enterprise
TL;DR if you can avoid it, don't do it.
this to be honest senpai
You can pay her less.
Probably she looks better,
No you can't, because it's been illegal for decades.
I'm pretty sure it's been scientifically proven that women earn 76c to every $1 a man makes. Therefore, the economically rational decision would be to hire the woman for cheaper labour.
Tennessee, the musical
if you wanna keep your business working, the man, if you wanna fuck her and lose everything, the female.
you could always fuck hr and hire the man, tho.
Just give her a lower job title.
women are usually very meek, they buckle to shame and pressure and (((tactics))) such as "aren't you a teamplayer?"
if i need a codemonkey i'd probably hire a woman
>I'm pretty sure it's been scientifically proven that women earn 76c to every $1 a man makes
This is true. The operative word is "earn". Ruminate on this.
Doesn't work - cases were fought (and won) on this trick decades ago.
You shouldn't. If both candidates are the same or similar then generally you should pick the one who would get along best with the other co-workers. Find out which of them it is.
Except it isn't. The statistics for these numbers are taken by averaging the salaries for all females (regardless of profession, experience, etc), and comparing it against the same metric for all males. It is dubious at best. All it says is that on average women tend to pick career paths that do not pay as much.
The women is less likely than the man to effectively seek a raise or a promotion and will therefore be cheaper to employ in the long run.
user is right
never hire women either as client or owner
because they work less or work in jobs that pay less, nothing to do with inequality
Depending on how old the female is I'd say go for her. Typically less overall need to explore/better themselves so they're a lot more predictable and stable, and typically have something important to them directly supported by consistent income such as a child.
Or go with the guy if you have to work directly with them often.
How about finding a new love, with even bigger milkers ?
This advice may be outdated or at least nullified by today's standard. While still likely true, you're more likely to have other (PR and/or HR related) issues today.
his premise is that they are exactly alike, except for gender. dumbfuck.
You could also fuck her.
No, you just don't actually want it.
Idk OP, have a talk with each of them and choose the one whose personality you like more
duh, you can pay her 20% less.
You don't, either she's a disgusting roastie or SJW bitch. Worst case she says you molested or raped her and go to prison for life
Hire the poor NEET programming user.
People keep saying this is something you can do but I've never seen it happen irl. I'm starting to doubt the legitimacy of it.
Hire the woman it will cost you less
In reality this does not happen. Fucking dream boy
Depending on your country's labor laws it would be more advantageous to hire the male, since the female could get pregnant.
Hiring female is more expensive in a long run.
if you really need that employee to do a critical part of your project/business then hire a man. you can fire him if he does not perform.
if the job is not intensive hire the woman.
Eye candy if she's attractive with a nice body. Make her wear a skirt and high heels and such.
Otherwise, uh hire the male.
Why don't you just call her up and say "Hey, I need closure so I can move on with my life. Please tell me it's never going to happen between us."
you shouldn't. females shouldn't be in most workplace environments. they simply don't work as hard as men, and they constantly start shit.
Hmmm not him but what if that causes him TO kill himself?
Because it's not as common for a women to get interested in compsci in the first place, and the idea is that opting for the women in situations like these where the only significant difference really is gender, it will help to get more women in the future interested in the field as they start to see it's not just a 'boys' subject.
That's the idea at least. Personally I believe the problem is much more deep rooted in society, and diversity quotas are like a bandaid on a gushing artery.
>hire felame
>skips work every in 28 days
>distracts men with pheromones and tight skirts
>overall productivity goes down
>cannot banter with the mates like usual
>everyone is afraid of geting #metoo'ed
>gets pregnant
>company is legally on the hook maternity leave (1 year)
>hire a guy like we should have done in the first place
>things go back to normal
>still paying that maternity leave tho
that'd be even better
I don't really see why it's a problem at all. More freedom results in more differences between men and women, not less. If women choose people-oriented jobs more often, and men choose thing-oriented jobs more often, nobody is losing. Everyone is doing what they choose to do.
Females fart smell like perfumed flower, I'm not lying
I get what you're saying but I don't think it's an issue of 'more or less' freedom. Framing it in that way takes away a lot of nuance and distracts from the real issue.
Looking at recent history, the divide between women and men in computer science wasn't always in such contrast. When computers were first taking off in the 70's, the gender divide in researchers was almost even. This alone should prove it's not part of some innate behavior in men or women to chose these subjects over others, something in society changed that casued the behavior of future generations to change. What exactly that is is the job of actual, real academics to look into, people who spend years studying this stuff and have PhD's etc, but a rough indicator (if you allow correlation to equal causation for a moment) is that around the 80's when personal computers became more popular, the way they became marketed was usually in ways that would appeal to boys more than girls (the types of the first video games etc) and from there these new generations went into compsci less and less. This isn't the fault of the people marketting computers the way they did or 'men' in general, it's just what happened. All we can do now with this hindsight is be aware of the facts and act accordingly to try and correct the problems that have arisen from society just naturally developing, and diversity quotas are meant to be the first step in that. Again though, I don't think they come close to the root of the problem.
female so you can fug