>He doesn't have IPv6
Do you call yourself a technology enthusiast? Why are you even in Jow Forums right now? Maybe /v/ is more up to your speed
He doesn't have IPv6
>oh look mom my ISP got ipv6, let's pretend I had anything to do with it and brag on Jow Forums
kys retard, sage goes in all fields
>get IPv6
>FTP server breaks along with many other things I was hosting
>Call ISP
>they give me IPv4 back
dodged a bullet there
>sage goes in all fields
>Doesn't actually put it in all fields
Go fuck yourself tripfag. even /v/ is too good for you. try reddit
you murican? ipv6 isn't anything new.
fuck that botnet
>mom found the 4to6 tunnel
sounds like bullshit, no sane ISP would cut IPv4 at the same time they activate IPv6.
IPv6 is really useful, btw, been using it for 10+ years. first with a tunnel to he.net and later with a 6rd tunnel from my ISP. They don't provide real native IPv4, though, just 6rd. But it's faster than a he.net tunnel.
>found the newfag
whats that ?
I don't know what I'm talking about: The post
my meme is better
>he doesn't have DoH
Gotcha beat, user. GG.
You are a stupid fuckwit. KYS immediately, violently and publicly so we can laugh at you and your tiny, bloodied penis bouncing down the street after your full-body explosion.
What even uses ipv6 other than iotrash?
>if I don't have it it's a botnet
and so has it been since the beginning of technology
>actually wanting ipv6
You couldn't glow more in the dark even if you tried to.
Eat shit glow in the dark CIA nigger
grep ipv6 /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="resume=/dev/disk/by-label/swap ipv6.disable=1 quiet showopts"