Why hasn't this taken off?
Just image: Jow Forums converts uploads to webp. Suddenly the majority of browsers are downloading files 30% smaller.
Why hasn't this taken off?
Just image: Jow Forums converts uploads to webp. Suddenly the majority of browsers are downloading files 30% smaller.
Other urls found in this thread:
>doing anything to improve Jow Forums
Because Firefox, that's why.
That's the irony, it would save money on bandwidth if he actually did it.
Non supporting browsers pretty much just automatically grab the old style images.
Literally because Mozilla are fucking babies that refuse to let Google win in the picture department as well as the video department. Also because JPEG is 'good enough'. GIF wasn't, and WebM is still used less commonly than MP4. Google could make WebP take off in a month if they chose to, but they're not making money off of it.
same reason he won't switch to hevc/h264 or at least vp9
>released under a BSD license
Shit. I opened the thread to say "because it's proprietary", but then opened wikipedia to double check. I guess I have no idea why it hasn't taken off.
I don't get this, how do you actively block those things whilst allowing other encodings though?
It's what the server accepts/rejects, not what the browser can display.
>Why hasn't this taken off?
Because it's a big commitment. Once you add support for an image format, you can't just "un-support" it. That would break a ton of websites.
No one cares about Firefox anymore. It's got more to do about Safari not supporting it.
> Jow Forums converts uploads to webp.
yes, another layer of lossy conversion is exactly what all my images need.
They could still save space by using lossless webp instead of png.
>lossy compression
Fuck off. We need to stop giving normies the option to use lossy compression. The only way we'll ever get true proper adoption of lossless is by forcibly making morons have no other option. Until then people will continue to slowly destroy data as they continually downgrade quality through repeated lossy compression
No half measures, fuck WebP.
If Jow Forums servers had to do the conversion that's a lot of extra compute needed server wide.
It could possibly be done client side before upload, but jewt would still have to code it or hire someone too, fat chance.
As was said though, HEVC/VP9 really should be a thing by now.
>Jow Forums converts uploads
bitch he's afraid to commit cpu time to running an in-house fucking captcha
size isn't the issue
>No half measures, fuck WebP.
>he doesn't know about lossless WebP
av1 will have it's own image format, i think. it would be hella cool if hiro implemented support for those once they come out of experimental phase.
Do you really think that'll happen? We're still waiting for VP9 and Opus support.
computation may be more expensive than bandwidth.
That's the only reason I can see.
You don't even need to covert. Just forbid uploading anything else than webp.
In case it doesn't work out
And all previously uploaded stuff would stay
The plug-in could be removed once all webp shit is pruned
probably not but i sure hope so since a whole lot of people are backing it up and it will be a standard without a doubt.
why is Intel labelled "initel" if you mouse over the intel logo at that link?
lul didn't even notice that
probably a typo, netflix is also labelled as "neflix", didn't look at all of them
FLIF is even smaller and way better than WebP and WebP is an awful format pushed by only daddy google
Flif master race then
Does FLIF have the option to be lossy in addition to lossless? If it does it's trash, but otherwise this looks good.
Yes, although there's no generation loss and you have to explicitly tell the encoder to use lossy compression (in contrast to WebP, where lossless is a special option).
But if we all used WebP then iOS users would barely be able to browse Jow Forums except in dedicated apps
Nothing supports flif, not even newer/older versions of flif.
Do it client side and watch anti js autists screech
If Hiro made the captcha green tick last for more than 3 minutes, he would save shitloads of bandwidth on data transfer from captcha image requests. Especially the fade out captchas. I've seen sites where the captcha verification lasts for hours, so I know this is something he can control. He could make captcha verification last more than 3 minutes if he felt like it.
i used opera browser (before the chinese got it) on my android phone, and "turbo mode" converted images to webp format on the fly @ opera's compression servers.
Actually sped up web browsing in most cases.
My windows phone did something similar with images being compressed. I've got a ton of Jow Forums reaction images that I can't post here because they're all windows media photos that were saved on my old phone. I also have a few "bitmap" images that I can't remember downloading.
Jow Forums is too slow for take any changes. Jow Forums exist since 2003 and only in 2016 Moot finally fixed the base code and added video support
Because iphone and safari doesn't support it.
I wonder why it's so short.
>he would save shitloads of bandwidth on data transfer from captcha image requests
Those are served by Google though.