I just installed Debian after 15 years of using Windows. It's fantastic!

I just installed Debian after 15 years of using Windows. It's fantastic!

Attached: d.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)



That's cool man, you made it look really nice too.

At the same time people here kinda don't care. Better to send it to friends or reddit than Jow Forums

What's your reasoning behind shit at the top and shit at the bottom?

Upboated and happy cake day.


lets have lesbian sex >.

Attached: 2018-08-27 16:15:03.png (606x390, 55K)

with our female penises

goes without saying

nice blog

Dog turd logo

care to share wallpaper?

One day I will switch to linux, I swear, and hearing positive words like this keep me optimistic.

What DE is he using?


It really is fantastic, bro!

Attached: 1499344799569.png (759x1043, 955K)

Fuck off cancer

>Adobe shit
What the fuck.

Some people just use their computers as tools my friend, not everyone cares about their (((freedom)))

Would you take arsenic to cure a sore throat?

Post it in the desktop thread.

>Freedom is Jewish
Nice try Shekelberg