Unironically, ubuntu is best operating system i have ever seen

unironically, ubuntu is best operating system i have ever seen

Attached: ubuntu.jpg (2684x1670, 148K)

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Xubuntu is better.

ive always liked unity. sadly everything else about it is garbage

>Ubuntu, aka NSA/Linux
>best os

That's a wierd way of saying Kubuntu.

Attached: kubuntuBB.png (1026x580, 444K)

love u ubuntufags

this, GNOME is fucking garbage.

Why do you call it NSA/Linux? Have you found anything spoooky in the source code

I don't like red. I also don't like purple.

wait until you try Arch Linux

you should try GuixSD (pronounced 'geeks'), a Free Software Foundation™ approved free GNU/Linux1 distribution

Elementary OS with dark theme

Install Solus

Attached: solus.png (1323x927, 80K)

Can anyone explain the hate for Gnome? I like it

Jow Forums just gets triggered at the fact that Mexicans have developed the greatest desktop environment known to man

thats mate, not gnome. Gnome was made by swedish ladyboys.

>personal taste
>devs are assholes I think
that's it

Canonical is based in the UK so Ubuntu is MI6/Linux. RedHat is based in the US so Fedora and RHEL are NSA/Linux.

Attached: 2ce3873cf4f1f3f6a0b7a89d0880f728af200ea5f2be7ddf566bd9fab8bab57f.jpg (576x768, 75K)

Ubuntu peaked with the divinity of Lucid Lynx and then just started going downhill with every release. And it's still trying to reach the bottom even now.

Yeah I prefer Ubuntu to any of the other distros I've used. I mean there's very little to choose between them, so picking the one with the largest community seems to be the most reasonable way of going about it.

With that in mind, 18.04 had a bit of dire release.

They're both garbage...

Does run unity swell...fuckin debian fucks up

I'm pleb-tier unity on OSX, laggy but otherwise ok.

this but unironicaly

this was true in 2008 but not now

mint is better


based and redpilled

Try this.

Attached: large.png (1920x1080, 549K)

Not with Unity, no.

> beta
Try is all it is good for in the coming years.

apple-style sell of an OS by showing a high def wallpaper picture as if that has anything to do with anything

After they ditched the fallback mode it needs 3D which is a problem for pure free software distros and old hardware.

where can a nigga cop that background

Ubuntu doesn't use unity.

Unity died last year

Tried Ubuntu Studio and holy hell is xfce4 outdated as fuck.

It's up to date though

unironically agree
have been using arch for a while but recently made the switch to good old Ubuntu and after some minor ricing it's probably the best os I remember
justwerks™, customizable, looks good, feels good, default programs are good, what's not to love?

Attached: screen.png (1920x1080, 998K)

> and when I say unironically I mean completely ironically

Share terminal color theme?

only pedophiles and terrorists use linux

>desktop icons

Don't forget us communists!

openbox coupled with xfce. Wake up, niggerfaggot. It's not the year 2006 anymore.

this isn't the 70's kid
nobody cares about communists anymore

1 Ubuntu singlehandedly changed the Linux world for the better with high quality builds like 8.04
2 Ubuntu is still unbeatable if you just wanna quickly get Steam running with proprietary drivers
3 Ubuntu has widest hardware support if you are not a server

It's better than Mac OS, and Mac OS is better than Windows. I don't think it's the endgame, though.

>1 Ubuntu singlehandedly changed the Linux world for the better with high quality builds like 8.04
>2 Ubuntu is still unbeatable if you just wanna quickly get Steam running with proprietary drivers
I'd argue that this is probably equally easy on a lot of other distros, like arch and fedora
>3 Ubuntu has widest hardware support if you are not a server
This depends on the kernel, so not only is that not really relevant to the distro, but Ubuntu doesn't use as new of a kernel as some other distros. I can't think of any reason it'd be superior here.

If you are here, you probably already know what you should install

Lots of packaged drivers in deb from vendors when there's no kernel support.

Ah, didn't think of that. Thanks for clarifying. I suppose any non-free hardware support would mostly be outside the kernel also.

naw it is shit

They're the same distro, you fucking tards. Stop placing undue emphasis on something as irrelevant as the DE.

legit question: what's the difference between ubuntu and debian?

You're just not part of the Arch target userbase and tried it for the memes or to be a kewl kid

Repos, updates, kernel.

What did user mean by this?

The creator of gnome literally said that Linux is fucked and now uses macos exclusively

He's right you know

You do know that it's more of a server distro?

Attached: cock.png (237x237, 51K)

Ubuntu? No it isn't. Only a retard would use that on a server.

shows you haven't tried lots of them.

archfags are pathetic. enjoy your systemd


I noticed no one answered your question. Debian is more intune to the FOSS community where as ubuntu has a ton of 3rd party support for drivers and proprietary software. At their core, there is no difference since they can both run the same packages without any issues.

His question was answered.

Arch has a target userbase? lol.

I know. I just opened my laptop and didn't refresh lol. Wanna fuck?

Ubuntu also uses systemd retard

What the fuck does that mean?

All linux communities have their share of retards. Also there is nothing wrong with systemD, the code is actually readable. The only thing that sucks about it is that its such a big file, it slows down most of the init jobs.

Its when you combine the words wan and na. As in, wanna fuck?

I don't get it. Sounds like yankee nigger babble.

Many profitable companies use ubuntu server. The poster you replied to is wrong saying it's more catered to server, unless they just mean all Linux in general. You are very wrong however stating it is not a good server.

Pls i need it too

Its okay if you don't understand. Not many people have the ability to be cognizant enough to do so.

Hello Klandri !

might as well use Windows lol

>Many profitable companies use ubuntu server.
Such as?

Doesn't MATE have an all-Euro dev team though?
And I'm pretty sure Mexicans did make the earlier versions of GNOME, back when it was just yet another GNU (or FSF?) project. To be fair it only really got bad when RedHat started to push things and people into it. Thankfully MATE showed up.

>Time and date always at the top with basically no use otherwise
>launch thingy on the side or bottom
>cant combine the two with out downloading an ap
fuck off.

Nope. Its made and maintained in south america. Gnome is the European desktop. The reason why its called "mate" (pronounced mah teh) is because its a spanish tea that is popular in South America. You can google this instead of take my word for it.

So I did look it up.
At most some US flags in sight. Also pic related.

Attached: 1535439797096.png (720x1206, 258K)

ubuntu isnt an operating system its a kernel

I think that image is the biggest one.

and VMs, let's not forget about them.

Why not Mint?

MATE is the Argentine fork of the older Mexican software.
Based Latin America

Feels bad. I remember gnome being based DE that was default user choice on all major distros. Nowadays nobody gives a shit about footfags and their bloated tablet UI. Unity is a failed attempt to copy OSX style but under the hood it's ugly compiz hack combined with ama botnet. KDE is on it's way to become next king of bloat, at least most of the lighter alternatives are still maintained.

Attached: 1534773396331.jpg (251x201, 5K)

MX-17 is better

Attached: 033af172100398d12e348afd98852df844a9cab7.png (1280x720, 426K)

default from system theme (using themes in pic) but with transparency

>tried it for the memes or to be a kewl kid
that literally is Arch's target userbaase

Regret. I should pick debian or Xubuntu/Lubuntu instead

Attached: speccy.png (1920x1080, 2.86M)

uhh the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu/lubuntu is mainly just a few packages
you can fairly easily just install whatever de you want and remove the ones you don't want

DE is very relevant for what you can accomplish with your computer. If it crashes like plasma or gets in your way like gnome it can make you hate the whole distro and search elsewhere.

install gentoo

Attached: 1531865024415.jpg (819x686, 75K)

how do you manage to install 2000 packages? wtf

nigger tier

what am i stepping into?

>not using glorious Parabola GNU/Linux-libre with OpenRC

really? the absolute state of white people using linux; STOP USING UBUNGO

Cinnabro here

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