Steam Proton

Now with Steam getting most games working in Linux, are you more likely to give Linux a shot?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

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Nope. That has no bearing one my use of linux.

I guarantee you most games still won't work. It'll only be a select few extremely popular titles that'll get official support.

Even so, why would I use a buggy, unsupported, pain in the ass OS that requires lots of effort just to get it to run properly and not crash.

I've used linux exclusively for 14 years.

Most software I use is compatible too.
They need to polish it up a bit and I'm gonna be ready to move.

If the games work better than on windows maybe. But probably not even in that case.

Fuck off

>most games
That's pretty optimistic OP.

Does it work in pirated games?

Should work as you are able to add custom games onto steam. I haven't tried it myself though.

>he hasn't tried to run an old-ass windows game on windows 10
People have been booting to linux just to play old-ass games way before proton has ever been thought of

It should work better with pirated games as there is no DRM to fuck things up.

I will happily drop windows for gaming.
I have now a win7 to play some AAA of some time ago and a laptop with Antergos, to programming, some indie games and the occasional lan party.
I can buy now a freshly new pc, put Debian on it and test my old AAA to decide if I have to maintain my win7 or drop it altogether.

I still fear the day when I will want to play drm free games thought.

I don't play old ass games that I don't have systems for.

Already installed Xubuntu for me and mint for the wife

So you can quit relying on Microsoft to do everything for you like a data-cuck you are.

Yeah once Proton gets out of Beta then I will definitely use Linux as my main driver.

Attached: .png (375x360, 51K)

This isn't /v/, you dipshit. We already use GNU/Linux and we don't play with video games.

No because Linux is still awful for DAWs.

Dude, stop using the royal we. There's no need to pretend you're special just because you don't like something that's popular.

I mean we as in Jow Forums users. If you play with video games then this isn't your home board.

Lelnux is a joke man.

Stop shilling that garbage.

No, you mean we as in you. Look around. You're outnumbered. Instead of bitching about it, how about starting another thread about ricing your GAHNOO SLASH LOONIX instead?


This Pajeet is right, use Microsoft Windows!

Just because there are /v/ users on Jow Forums doesn't mean Jow Forums has a different consensus.

Pretty much you got LMMS and that’s it. Fairly rudimentary, but I ain’t shelling out for Ableton Live.

Fuck off.

I only use macOS.

But it does. Consensus is achieved by all the users. Even the ones that play games. You can't just say that a certain group of people don't count towards consensus because you don't agree with them, because that is the exact opposite of what consensus means. Again, don't get angry, just go post something you do like instead. Stop being a contrarian manchild.

/v/ users are not Jow Forums users. That's like counting tourists in with the citizenry, it's fucking stupid. Funny that a /v/ kid would call someone else a manchild.

You're the one getting angry about people having different hobbies and using their computers and technology for different things, my dude. Seems pretty manchildish to me.

You must be really keen on admitting what a retard you are.
>getting angry about people having different hobbies
I just dislike when kids from /v/ come to Jow Forums to spam their retarded gamer shit. Playing with games isn't a hobby. It's more like playing with toys, watching TV, or listening to music. It's a distraction.

>listening to music is a distraction
fuck you pal

>Playing with games isn't a hobby

Attached: stop_liking_file.jpg (600x673, 79K)

Linux Kernel is currently compiling on my netbook, almost done installing Gentoo.

If all this works in the end all my home computers will run Gentoo Linux exclusively and I will have zero reasons to use windows

That's not an insult.
It's a distraction. It's what stupid people do to kill time.

Even your phone, router, and server?

Business-wise I'll still use Windows because O365 is a piece of shit on the web. If Quake runs without problems I'll consider Debian.

I do not feel any consequences of this data mining. There are none.
Remember, normies browse on edge/IE with zero adblockers and nothing happens for them. There haven't been reports for ad-based malware in the surface web for years.

Exactly what hobbies are in general. Activities done in liesure when time isn't be allocated to something what society would consider "productive"

>There haven't been reports for ad-based malware in the surface web for years.
Do you know where you are?

Okay, I'll bite. SHow me the details.

An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

>being a fucking hobby snob ON FUCKING Jow Forums

No, hobbies are actual activities. Playing with games is just letting your brain rot. Licking windows isn't a hobby, so why should playing with toys be one?

>this bullshit again
I bet you think chess rots your brain because all you do is sit in front of a board and move pieces

No, chess requires intelligence. Getting "epic killstreaks" is the opposite.

>le brain rot

>brain rot
So like sleeping or doing sports? There's time for work (9-5) and time for relaxation (5-x). Just because you're an autistic programmer and the company slams you homework and you like it, doesn't make you superiour.
Plenty of videogames more challenging than chess.

You weren't here? Hiro ran ads with embedded malware last year.

Yea I missed that. Source?

>So like sleeping or doing sports?
No, those are beneficial. Playing with toys makes you dumber, unfit, and lethargic.
>Plenty of videogames more challenging than chess.
Yeah, I'm sure clicking on things to "shoot" them is really challenging.

I don't know, look it up in the archive.

>putting chess behid a screen makes chess brain dead
>increasing variables in chess makes it brain dead
>adding more win conditions in chess, making it more difficult makes it brain dead
>inb4 braindead AI
>inb4 intentionally ignoring multiplayer
This is just mostly for strategy games. If you really think that video games are brain dead passive things that require no skill, you should try competing against any high ranking player in any genre. If your assumption is true, winning would very easy for someone as high IQ as you.

1/3 of three games I tested worked without having to edit a single text file.
That one game had a funky startup* though which required me for kill a non-responding window before it would start.
>Rez Infinite was the game, it has a loader menu where you choose either levels 1-4 (ie a port of Rez HD from x360 to PC) or level X (which is a new UE4 powered level, PC and PS4 only), that loader menu doesn't work and closing it like that will auto-launch the RezHD portion, which can be played fine. Stage X isn't available at all since you can only run it via the launcher and the launcher is broken in Proton.
The games that didn't work were GTAIV (fixed WTV270 with xliveless, black screen on loader menu) and KOTOR1 (fixed, but you have to edit the kotor.ini file to use windowed mode, fullscreen won't work)

Chess is literally just about memorizing moves. It's Database: The Game, dullard edition.

You should be able to win against any high ranking competitive player if you think video games arw that easy

MSOffice works fine on Wine, it's the one thing that has constant commercial support, since MSOffice compatbility is literally how CodeWeavers get paid.

>Playing with toys
engages your mind the same way chess does, literally. It's just that chess requires years of training to become good at, so that you can confidently challenge random people. Meanwhile most games are easy to learn, hard to master.
>really challenging
The fact machine learning is orders of magnitude harder to make for videogames is a good indication which is more difficult to play.

>putting chess behid a screen makes chess brain dead
No, I never claimed that. Virtualisations of sports are good if they can be played the same way.
>increasing variables in chess makes it brain dead
Potentially, yes.
>adding more win conditions in chess, making it more difficult makes it brain dead
An example of this? Chess doesn't need to be made more difficult, you just need better competition.
>If you really think that video games are brain dead passive things that require no skill, you should try competing against any high ranking player in any genre
In a contest of who can click faster? Sounds retarded.

Might check it out then.

Chess is about mental combat. Just because some strategies work doesn't mean it is purely memorisation. Learn to spell, by the way.
No, it's because only failed programmers bother with video toys.

>who can click faster?
Competitive chess is timed, you lowlife. Try playing something like GalCiv III with hexagonal map, research trees, and upgradable units, then realise how fucking stupid you look.

install umatrix and check out what domains want to run their shit on your computer. from time to time amgload pops up.

either it's passive and requires no skill or you acknowledge that it does require skill and, therefore, not passive and brain dead. Besides, reducing video games to "just clicking" is just dishonest. You're not really willing to argue properly and you're still just going to resort to "lol clicking"

>only failed programmers bother with video toys
Karl Magnusson plays online chess you brain damaged sperg. Also nice projection.
Pic related.

Attached: yHgOKV5.png (708x748, 63K)

>chess is mental combat
Chess is memorizing moves and which moves go against what moves. The fact that 80s technology is enough to beat a grand master while you need a few months of machine learning training to create an AI that is even remotely good against a bunch of retired esports gamers proves how retarded you are.

Yes, it is timed. That doesn't mean it's about moving faster.
>Try playing something like GalCiv III with hexagonal map, research trees, and upgradable units, then realise how fucking stupid you look.
Yeah, try playing with this skipping rope and skipping faster than some world champion. Guess playing with toys really is a noble pursuit.
Chess can be played the same way virtually or physically. It's still a sport, not a toy like your Call of War shite.

>reflex isn't a skill
>i'm just going to conveniently ignore all other aspects of a first person shooter and keep on shouting "lol clicking" just so i can have some semblance of an argument

So ultimately your problem with games is speed and reaction times, so you play friendly, non-timed chess.
You literally BTFO'd and outed yourself as a senile boomer.

You think it's hard to program a chess game? Children do it regularly.
The human element is the most important part of chess. Everyone except scrubs know this. That's like saying poker is just a matter of drawing good hands and is, therefore, pure luck.

I suppose you don't consider js cryptominers to be malware.

>so you play friendly, non-timed chess.
I guess you've never played at any level if you think it's some kind of race against the timer.
Oh, right, like running around by pressing Q, or whatever. True epic gaming right there. Get the fuck back to /v/, kid.

>get BTFOd in skill argument
>move to "human element" argument
>intentionally ignore that most games have multiplayer
>intentionally ignore real life meetups with fellow competitors
>intentionally ignore online gatherings like groups or clans where they coordinate and team up for online competitive matches
The fighting game scene makes a mockery of your poorly-informed opinions.

>You think it's hard to program a chess game?
That's not what I'm getting at. Grandmaster played online chess, which is a videogame. Period.
I don't see that shit in ublock or umatrix. Everyone memes about pig quick proxy al lthe time. Do they sneak past my shit?
>never played at any level
I've had my fair share of chess. It's much too simplistic and hard to be original at. Boring and unintuitive.
Stop moving the goalposts.

We confirm.

>get called out for dishonesty
>stay willfully ignorant
>continue to hold on to dishonest reductionist argument of "just pressing buttons

good, now take a look at what runs on your computer every now and then. i can guarantee you you'll see this eventually.

Attached: 39255344-ec63413e-4871-11e8-9ab5-a748b96151c7.png (700x755, 57K)

Speak for yourself and your terminal-based distro.

Okay, I just turned off my blockers to let all the crap float in and now it appears.
Thanks user, based.

I never said chess was a game of physical skill, are you fucking retarded? No wonder you get BTFO so easily, you can't even read. Lay off the video toys and you might learn a thing or two.
>intentionally ignore real life meetups with fellow competitors
What, where they go to shoot each other? I wonder what influenced him to do that. Hmm.
>The fighting game scene makes a mockery of your poorly-informed opinions.
Seems like it's just a pack of apes tapping buttons like drones.
>That's not what I'm getting at. Grandmaster played online chess, which is a videogame. Period.
It's a virtualisation of a sport, not a toy like your Gears of Duty or whatever.
>Boring and unintuitive.
lmao, your brain really is rotted from all those years playing with toys.
Fuck off, /v/.

Okay 1v1 me you senile retard

Is Gentoo Linux faster than Windows in gaming performance?

if fat jesus said 9000 games are ready to play

THEY THEY ARE FUCKING READY TO PLAY dont you ever dare to question the words of him

No, since you need to compile everything realtime.

>Games require intelligence
They require a modicum of it, but games are just games for a reason.

After you hit a threshold of difficulty games really stop being games and they become something else. Mathematics itself is a lot like a traditional game in some ways yet it isn't considered one. And physical activities just become sports after that threshold.

Sure you can game professionally but compared to other pursuits the professional chess player or Starcraft player will never be as intelligent as a mathematician and will never be as physically fit as an athlete.
Chess itself may be a more intellectual game than many but at the end of the day it is merely a game, a mild form of play at best.
Perhaps you should pursue something a bit more creative than chess like mathematics, art, an instrument. Hobbies like this transcend games yet they share a lot in common with it.

Don't try to rationalize your hobbies with retardedness or by cramming them into boxes they don't belong too,video games aren't art either(yet that is, the medium is still finding its footing and so far its merely emulating other artforms, its merely amusement for now, I predict in the future games will be unlike anything we have now and they will truly inspire someone to create and learn, truly life changing experiences that would be carefully analyzed for years to come, that hasn't happened yet, but there are glimmers here and there.).

I say all this as a man who loves games.

>pack of apes tapping buttons
>pack of apes moving pieces of wood around
I can turn around your own opinions against you. So, he finds chess boring and unintuitive so he's a brainlet what does that say about you when you're literally admitting that you don't understand video games so you come here and start chimping like a nigger becuse you don't underatand them?
>still clinging onto dishonest reductionist argument

>the wife
get out, your kind is not welcome here.

>Sure you can game professionally but compared to other pursuits the professional chess player or Starcraft player will never be as intelligent as a mathematician and will never be as physically fit as an athlete.
What fucking good will being an ""intelligent"" mathematician do me? I already have a job. What about being physically fit as an athlete - I don't want to waste my bone marrow and body with doping.

No, chess is a sport.
>video games aren't art either
I don't think anyone would call a toy art, either. That's stupid.
>I say all this as a boy who loves games.

>bringing up the recent shooting
>ignoring the fact that it's madden, a fucking normie football game that brodudes playbwhen they're not watching sports
Grasping at straws at this point

I don't use my Linux for games. The segregation helps keep me productive.

Chess is nothing like playing a little beat em up game. Have you seen the people who play them? All morons.

Hey, kid. It might shock you to hear, but all video toys are for normalfags.

>still holding on to dishonest reductionist argument
I like how you're ignoring strategy games here. I guess it doesn't fit your argument.

>All morons.
Okay, say it out loud sometime.

>claim that video games influence shootings
>game involved was madden, a video game about football
>claim that football promotes shootings
How dishonest can you be?

>chess is a sport
To turn your own retarded logic on you, chess isn't a sport. It's just a couple of fags moving pieces around a board and they just react depending on how the other fags move their pieces of wood around.

Strategy games aren't difficult, you just have to read about them first. That's a sign of them being poorly made. The retarded programmers, who were so shit they had to write toys, don't realise that the challenge should be between people, not between the man and machine. There's a reason chess has been played for thousands of years.

I've been dual-booting for years, and probably going to keep doing it, since 3 out of 3 games I tried had issues making them unplayable. I know it's still a beta, but it looks like it's really far from running most Windows games.

Wow, at last I see the error of my ways. Fighting game players are actually the most intelligent beings on earth! The games are so esoteric that only the most intelligent Africans can master it!