>you can't own your software
>you can't own your own hardware
You laughed at him back then. How does it feel now?
>you can't own your own hardware
True though, look at MacShit, they don't allow you to do anything with the HW even if you own it. Also your Intel CPU obeys its manufacturer remotely even if you bought it. Etc. You own your HW in the sense it's placed at your home, but not beyond that.
>obeys its manufacturer remotely
Not a single time has my computer installed, removed, or altered its software remotely on its own. Intel ME is a meme.
Wait til we get to all kinds of implants and augmentations for humans that follow the same rules, spying on you and so on.
>It doesn't matter if the government installs a remote kill switch into my brain. They haven't used it yet, so I'll be perfectly fine :^)
Great argument.
The fact you didn't address what I said is an acknowledgement of forfeit. Have a nice day.
Replace 'your brain' with 'your computer', are americans really that bad with language?
Okay who was the last person to go to jail because of intel ME
Fuck you mean don't allow? I've modified my macs just fine.
we owned software in the 90s, he was just butthurt he couldn't read the source
Jesus you're stupid
If it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't or will never happen
The hypebole that guy used should be pretty obvious even for a 60 iq nigger like you
Would you be fine with living with a deathswitch inside you with the controler in the hands of your government?
You and I are much more likely to be randomly shot or beaten by a street cop than to get specifically targeted in some secret ploy, so no I do not give a shit what this spooky CPU can do on its own. Get real.
I agree but wouldn't the next year be 2038 ???
>you cant own anything (fullblown communism)
>you cant think freely
>we are given the sweet release of death by a neutral AI
Nothing is random
You don't randomly get shot by cops
Why leave yourself open, live is your ignorsnt bliss if it makes you happy
I'm happy when I feel in control of everything in my life, including my privacy
Yeah nah that's bullshit, you're living in la-la land. Dumb white boys like you get knockout-game'd out of nowhere.
>leave yourself open
Nobody ever has suffered any consequences from intel ME and amd PSP, so it's all a waste of time.
>control of everything
That why you buy overpriced hardware in this day and age? Retard.
Now I still laugh at him
>okay who was the last person to go to jail?
Alright so what you mean by that is that you value what the government thinks over your own personal freedom, Are you fucking kidding me?
What I mean is I've no reason to acknowledge the existence of intel ME as its presence and absence are indestinguishable.
W-we definetly not spying in you goy! I swear!
T.corporate shill
>Have a nice day.
You clearly aren't interested in discussing with him at all so why show such generousity in the first place?
It's a thing polite white people say instead of "eat a dic nig"
>Being so retarded that you don't know the difference between personal and private property
You burgers are pretty lost, aren't you?
Google's presence on the amount of information they take is "indistinguishable" to the normal user. Same with Facebook, twitter and Amazon? user, why aren't defending YOUR rights as a Human? its personal choice but replace "google" in the first sentence with "Intel" because of the amount of shit they can and will do with it.
this how trump got into power in the first place. amerilards are hilariously ignorant on anything to do with politics and now they're starting to pay for that ignorance.
Fantastic, can you show me some research on the subject where intel are caught red handed sending data over the web?
>"Caught red handed"
They don't need to be caught red handed, Intel ironically enough hasn't released much "Intel" on the management engine, plus since there is such a big backdoor because of Intel, it creates unnecessary information gathering. What are they doing with this information user? Can you provide me some research? "Why should I care if I close my eyes and be oblivious to it" is the logic at play here.
>What are they doing with this information user? Can you provide me some research?
Well I tried wireshark once, left it logging all day and it never accessed israel-bound connections, so I guess that's that.
No wait, I bet intel KNEW I was running wireshark, those devils.
Are you saying there is not respectable research and only your anecdotal experience that can well be a lie?
he was right, all this time he was fucking right......
North Korea has never used a nuke on anyone so why is it bad that they get one?
>he doesn't know about parallel construction
and how do you know that?
why are you still using intel/amd then?
there are other options
Rock64, quad core ARM A53 board 4GB RAM
-slowest option, no speculative execution
-immune to meltdown/spectre exploits
Samsung Chromebook Plus v1
-discontinued, but still available on swappa or new at higher pricing
-Like Rock64, but additional 2 A72 cores
-Extremely high quality/bright display
-taskset 0x0F web browser to turn off A72 cores to prevent meltdown/spectre exploits
Jetson Xavier
-fastest option, gen4 PCIe, 16GB RAM, 8 big cores
-open source nouveau GPU drivers
-vulnerable to meltdown/spectre attacks, disable javascript
All can be booted without binary blobs and run on all free software
Freedom can still be had, you just have to stop buying normie tier intel/amd shit
>what are soldered components
Are you retarded?
digital distribution and streaming also means you don't own anything in 95% of cases
you can't own your own body
what's the newest game you own that sits on your shelf?