Be 20

>be 20
>start learning programming and write few GUI apps and do few websites, get more and more into it
>decide to stop working and go to comp sci college, since I went straight to work after high school
>gather material even before college, open PFD with Programming I and its 250 problems
>''write a program that calculates first 20 numbers in Fibonnaci sequence'', ''write a program that figures out if input number is prime number'', ''write a program that finds through Euclidian algorithm a common diviser of two number''.

Okay now I have a question, it's not that I'm bad at math, but it's my first time dealing with such exercises in programming sense and not only mathematics and I'm feeling like a brainlet. If I can't figure it out I check solutions and learn quickly and figure it out, but the main question I have is: WHERE THE FUCK WILL I NEED THIS? Seriously, is this just set out to test your mental gymnastics and filter you out? I'm learning and doing fine, but most of these problems seem nothing to do with being actually able to produce an app with GUI and functionality, it's just pure fuckery for what again?

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>it's not that I'm bad at math
yes, it is.

>write a program that calculates first 20 numbers in Fibonnaci sequence

do you know about recursivity?

>it's not that I'm bad at math
it's worse, you're bad at logic.

You won't need it. But it will teach you to think in a way that lets you solve other, more complex problems.

I can do these things in my head or with help on paper, but in terms of programming it's different. I'm not sure, if I should make sure to be a complete math god or just do hundreds of these problems and learn what I already didn't. However, the question still remains about any of these things being important in writting apps.

>Seriously, is this just set out to test your mental gymnastics and filter you out?
pretty much

it's an intro course to help even the poorest street shitter out there. they're just logic/math problems to say "yeah they're good at programming nothing important." more advanced stuff will come later on in your curriculum once all the retarded poojeets and niggers are filtered out.

Algorithms, data structures and math separate the code monkey from the programmer.
Similar difference for all the design, management, estimation and planning stuff, code monkey vs software engineer

So, how do I train logic for this type of things, other than solve hundreds of examples?

I see.

>fibonacci by recursivity when a closed form exists
Stop filling our children's heads with your lies!

okay you two Jow Forumsentlemens gave me a lot of motivation. All I did right now was just create objects, classes, plotted things on canvas, gave them functionality, etc.. connect with API and extracted info, bla bla bla.. but never solved math problems by programming.

yes but recursivity is the alpha way to do it

OP here, pretty sure this is short enough in Python.

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>I can do these things in my head or with help on paper
>in terms of programming it's different
no, it's not.
you just translate the algorithms into the programming language

>recursion problem
>modulo problem
>control flow problem
there you go, retard.

okay so what do you advise me to do, become really really good with math and solve hundred of problems?

>once all the retarded poojeets and niggers are filtered out
So, OP?

maybe, I don't know, all I know is I'm gonna prepare and give it my best.

Those are the types of concepts they want you to learn so you can solve the problems you dumb frogposter.

you need to use recursion for fibonacci, the second one teaches you to use the modolus, and the third one is an if/elif/else problem.

fucking webdev cancer.

it's okay OP
nowadays you can just import libraries and copypaste from SO
you'll just end up being part of the 90%

I unironically hate web dev and strive to not go into this direction, therefore asking on this mongolian basket site and going to college and actually learn to become something more than dumb frogposter

ty anyway, just want to make sure I know what I'm going into, before it's too late

on a piece of white paper and with a pencil in my hand, the only library I will have is that in my dumb frogposting brains

Will a brute force approach pass?

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What are your goals?

for interviews do what are the skinny jeans fags are doing
memorize the solution of common interview problems

Not sure yet, I currently got internship under a mentor for PLC programming at the job I was working, since I thought I might as well learn how to program thee things, if I'm going to college. Long story short, I'm gonna first learn PLC, then probably go into software dev, but as hobby currently doing a GUI app for trading (connect with API, get data, write custom indicators with certain paramaters, do data analysis on given strategy for win rate probability and make it look pretty with graphs plotted on website and app).

It's teaching you to break down a problem in its core parts, create an algorithm to solve it and turn your algorithm in a working solution.

This skill is invaluable and what separates programmers from code monkeys. If you are actually interested in learning rather than making ez cash, on your next problem just keep trying stuff until you at least reach a closer understanding of the problem before looking up the answer

Honestly, if you can't solve those problems without requiring help then you ARE bad at math. The problems act more like a check of your knowledge + problem solving skill rather than possible application scenarios.

You're still an infant developer who barely knows how to crawl without falling over. The exercises you're talking about are extremely basic, you will need to solve far more difficult problems if you step outside of just stringing things together with library calls. Then there's learning how to automatically produce a good architecture, which can only be learned through shitloads of practice building large things. Do your exercises. Listen in class. Read your books. Practice. Do things you don't think you can do. Fail. Succeed. Repeat.
Getting gud takes a lot of effort over a long time.

>Algorithms, data structures
>guy cant even find 20th fib number
lol. Unironnically read SICP user

Idk, it's not like I'm struggling when I see solution, it's more that I'm facing this type of stuff for the first time in programming.

or projecteuler, leetcode, freecodecamp. There are lots of excercises like that in web. Pirate modern compiler intemplementation in C and write fuckin binary tree in first chapter etc

Not OP but I'm completely new to this. Just started going through Calc 1 and stuff like that. Is this a good introductory book? That's what it is, right?

It's useless pseudo programming garbage

>It's useless pseudo programming garbage
What do you even mean by this? Can you expand, please? It has great reviews and apparently MIT uses it. Would you recommend just jumping into a book that teaches a language instead? Theory isn't something I want to shrug off.

>write a program that figures out if input number is prime number
is x evenly divisible by any number below half of x, ez. modulo

here's a trivial-er challenge:
write a a function that, given a sequence of numbers and an arbitrary value, returns the nearest sequence element to that value.

>it's not that I'm bad at math
If you think that's hard then you are definitely a brainlet


Solve thousands of examples.

>Seriously, is this just set out to test your mental gymnastics and filter you out?
Yes, most of programming is not math related and you're just organizing data.

I'd say your understanding of language is more important than math. Not just programming languages, but language in a broad sense and what it means to store and transfer information. You're going to need to understanding many different functions and how to use them. Knowing how to use the standard library effectively of your language will open up lots of opportunities of you, and it only comes with practice.

Don't get me wrong, math is important but only if you are doing math-related problems. Most problems involve math, but not at a significantly higher level than Algebra. Anything more than that and you will

>Not sure yet,
absolute state of unifags.

repetition is the only way, pull yourself up by your bootstraps kid, you're in for a long ride if you're already struggling.

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what resources did you use
i would like to get into it but it seems like everything requires an expensive book that is not readily available or simply too vague to really gain any understanding of it
does anyone recommend any tutorials or resources to help me get a jump start on it?

How'd I do, will I make it?

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Right now, to do the problem, lmao

It only needs to be divisible by the floor of the square root of the number.

I have optimized your algorithm. Your algorithm has been optimized.

We'll call you.

|| use or nikka

you don't need books, those are just people trying to make a profit on dummies like you. Be smart and learn through Common Sense 2018, googling, and find pdfs on if you really want a book experience.

>modulo for primality
>calling anyone else a retard
Miller-Rabin is the de facto primality test.

but where can i start, ive tried python before but it just seems menial and relatively useless, what are some basic programs i would need in order to write the code itself, where can i find the docs and the sort, i want to do C# and C++ but i just have no idea where to start

you can really tell someone is a zoomer programmer when they "want to start" but have zero idea of what they want to make or learn.
programming is about problem solving, you find a problem that needs solving and you fix it. that's it.
search github to get ideas, or think about what things you want to do but can't find software for. then learn the language you need to write it in.

it is so you can write efficient code later on

Start by getting some quality programming socks

alright so i have to start with a problem and then create a program to solve said problem.
how can i find the software for it, like how do i figure out which would be best for making said problem solving program?
what kind? full length? thigh high? ankle high? what about color? pink. blue green, striped? how can i know which would be the most comfy?

>ld be best for making said problem solving program?
c++ or c#? Use visual studio.

Fixed it.

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Pushing update now.
Thank you for your contribution to my open source project.

link the pdf bb

It's in my native language, so it won't help anyone.

So you already know what your future employment will require? That's great, user! Make sure your CV outlines your limits an preferences - soup kitchen food isn't that bad...

You tried to look smart but it just made you look dumber

Maybe we all speak your native language

B-but it werks

The brain is a muscle. Exercise it to make it bigger

>Seriously, is this just set out to test your mental gymnastics and filter you out?
Yes, mostly. The worst part is you won't know what you actually need until later. But since you've seen it once, you can learn it again.

That makes no sense to me. Care to explain?

That’s because its shit code

It's the difference between being a shitty pajeet code monkey and a proper developer. Algorithms are the driving force behind computation, learning how to write them (and do it well) is key if you ever want to be any good.

OP here, I've learned I will have to learn math a lot better and work on writting and underatanding algorithms/data structures, since I din't want to be pajeet web dev code monkey. Mods can close this thread.

Why the fuck does everyone insist on recursion for Fibonacci? Iteration is more efficient. Unless the problem specifically asks for recursion it's just showing off.

stop overthinking everything and just do the excercises you lazy mong
wether they will help you become a good programmer or not is inconsequential, you've got to do them for college so you do them. you're questioning your professors when you don't know literally anything about programming and haven't even begun college or worked in the industry. with that attitude you aren't gonna get past your first semester

Because most of Jow Forums is made from autistic basedboys that take every opportunity to show off their 'superiority' and feel worthy anything in their life, even if it comes in form of swinging their dick on weabo basket forum

I just asked for help, since I'm beginner with this kind of stuff, but it's nice to hear from everyone some criticism that you are a dumb brainlet frogposter for not knowing something from day 1.

At least it motivated me

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None of those things are actually important, it’s a way for people to be pretentious.
Do vector calculus stuff and you’ll actually learn something useful, it’s important for grahpics programming.

Use AKS primality test

i've been programming for 15 years and I don't even know what a prime number is