Why is Jow Forums so low IQ?
Why is Jow Forums so low IQ?
And did you measure the IQ of everyone who is on this site?
Being dragged down by the gamers.
these are the same thing
tfw the summerfags graduate and stay on Jow Forums after while being loser gaymers
>increased pollution
Found the libtard
/v/ and smartphones
Not enough Indians and Chineses on here
You tell me.
Jow Forums is based confirmed
Do you want an actual answer? It's because this board isn't properly named. Very few people actually care about technology here. It's all about a big circlejerk between a few operating systems, a few CPU/GPU companies, with a bit of programming and ricing here and there.
So naturally when you have a place where this is all that people care about, you get a low quality overall population.
Why won't chinese moot bring /prog/ back?
because of code monkeys
normies it's always the normies
Jow Forums was better when it was loli dumps and nigger jokes with constant macfag spam.
pls don't bulli apu posters
Found the poor shitskin.
this, from my estimations this board's IQ is about 75 with Jow Forums's IQ being 73
As a part time Jow Forumstard I can confirm.
trolled epic style xD
Brainlet here, have no idea surrounding maths, want to get into programming. What do? Should I just study maths and see what comes out of it so I can understand programming concepts better? I'm looking into C and Python, and I don't know which one to choose.
Because Jow Forums is on that low carb.
Go vegan and carb the fuck up motherfuckers
Learn math and programming in parallel, the effects are synergistic.
Seems legit. Will try and post results. Thx, user.
Overspill from /v/ is an issue, but not the major problem.
Nope again.
One of the bigger problem listed. Clicking next-next-finish and typing apt-get a few times does not make you smart or l33t. Constant screaming abstractly about "freedumb" and calling everything "botnet" just convinces people that you're a tin-foil loon who should be ignored at all times.
Muh nigger - I personally think the shilling threads are what truly makes Jow Forums the irredeemable shithole that it is. If you killed the fags who really think shouting "intlel", "amdrone", "itoddler", etc. are converting anybody, this place would improve out of sight.
Just look at desktop threads and you'll see
The spill from /v/ lies not in the games, but in the console wars between AMD/Intel/NVIDIA
>talking about low IQ
The irony.
>he can't measure the IQ of people telepathically
37*, typo
Jow Forums is a tech consumerism board. Most people in here probably can't even write Fizzbuzz. I also guess that many people who are here are also on /v/. It's a meme board. 50% here is amd vs intel/nvidia and the rest is android vs iOS. Fuck this shit.