
>go to Jow Forums
>ddg thread
>reply says to support
>look it up
>it's a decentralized search engine
why Jow Forums didn't tell me about this?

Attached: 13-11-50-241_2018.png (1366x768, 3.01M)

>go to Jow Forums
good, stay there

>Join, Beta
well at least they know who they are dealing with

I don't see any comma there.

>>go to Jow Forums
Because no one likes you

cuz searx and it's mirrors do the job fine

>Ethereum ERC20 token
that's why plus YaCy already exists

Enjoy viruses

>go to Jow Forums
stay there, cancer

Nice projection

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Learn English.

>having to worry about viruses

such is the power of wincucks

>decentralised search engine

Oh my, that is one terrible idea.

>go to site
>no search bar
How do I use it to actually search things?

What you do is you get exit-scammed just like every other pajeet erc-20 token.

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Get out commie

Attached: 1535002725271.jpg (750x612, 65K)

>mention Jow Forums in thread
>instantly derailed and shitted on
this board is truly autistic

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