700/1200 pages in. 500 more to go

700/1200 pages in. 500 more to go.
Barely reached Monad.

Fuck me.

Attached: book_cover-v4.png (1005x1301, 201K)

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>he fell for the haskellbook meme

Now you have to finish it no matter what anyone tells you.

programming books usually have hundreds of pages that are just standard library documentation

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the academic work of Alonzo Church and Haskell Curry not to anyone interested in learning how to program in Haskell. For that “Learn You A Haskell” helped me more.

LYAH doesn't teach you beyond monads. What about Monad Transformers? What about project management? None of those and much more is present.

Why learn haskell when javascript is also functional and has more practical uses

>trying to learn clojure

Attached: 388076603579695115.png (120x128, 12K)

>fuck me
Are you a guy or a lady?


what's the best book for someone who doesn't really know any language other than matlab?

OP's image is very good, albeit very long. There's also this book that's been getting good reviews. Avoid Learn you a Haskell, it's incomplete. It doesn't get to the really advanced Haskell stuff, but it's good if you want to get a quick taste of the language. It won't tell you anything about how to apply this stuff to real problems.
Then, after all that, you can get into category theory.
Category Theory for Programmers by Milewski is very good(also Haskell oriented), and he also has video lectures.
Get started, the language and community are awesome.

forgot link: manning.com/books/get-programming-with-haskell

if you want to learn, stop reading and start programming

Is Hutton any good? (2nd ed.)

Yes Hutton isn't the easiest but it's very clear and does the best treatment of the language to actually let you do the advanced stuff people meme about but that the other books don't show you. The chapter on calculating compilers is amazing

thanks man, much appreciated

There is a course on edX (from TUDelft) about Haskell. I can't really comment on how good it is overall as I haven't finished, but I'm enjoying it so far, if someone is looking for a fairly casual introduction to the language.

Haskell is a useless language in the real world.

The entire Facebook spam system disagrees. Let's say you want to write some concurrent code. In any other language, you would have to explicitly state that you want this portion and this portion to be concurrent, and it would maybe work. In Haskell, you can have implicit concurrent and parallel code. You don't have to even think about it, it just works. Get fucked.

i am 60 pages in and WHERE THERE WILL BE ANY CODE? I could read Build Your Own Lisp in this time and already have good chunk of working interpreter. Are there some interesting projects further into Haskell the Book? Some web server stuff at the end right?

Yeah, only the last 20 pages. The rest is just exercises to strengthen your understanding(I recommend you go through them - you may THINK you know everything right up until you start doing). I guess hutton's book is a quicker read if you want to get into some concrete code.

There's also this stanford course by the writer of Real World Haskell(he now works at Facebook):

After all that, read Parallel and Concurrent Haskell by Simon Marlow(now at Facebook). Very insightful.

edx is always a waste of time.

Hey did you make a thread a while earlier about this book too?
If so congrats man

Page progress in textbooks itself is worthless.

What's your method of retention?

>only two pages about lambda calculus.
>I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the academic work of Alonzo Church.

I like Haskell but I hate the Haskell scene.
>The textbooks are all extremely verbose watered down theory and allegories about monads.
>Whenever there is an actually sophisticated concept it's never described in category theory or with proper mathematical definitions. Instead you get some Haskell code, vague analogies, and a guide on "how to use it". Even basic concepts like comonadic trees have this problem.
>There is no package manager. Cabal is insane and sandboxes are barely starting to catch on. The obviously superior solution is to just use Nix environments and avoid all of that retarded Haskeller shit.
I get the impression that only a small percentage of the Haskell community actually studied math/comp sci and the rest just have some programming experience and are struggling to learn by example.

I have a background in category theory and I've done some basic Haskell (mostly uni projects, also implemented some lexers/parsers/compilers using strongly non-circular attribute systems) but I would like to learn more advanced Haskell stuff. I just wish there were a category theory based textbook out there.

This is what you want:
and pdf version:

Thanks for the suggestion. This doesn't look like a bad book but it kind of looks like I covered about the first 450ish pages of content in my intro category theory course.
Do you know if this covers:
>Monad Transformers?
>Higher order folds?
>Parallel and asynchronous programming in Haskell?
>Distributive law with respect to monads?
>Ultrafilter and topology stuff?
>Other stuff that I don't know but I should know?

I hope you're not actually planning on programming in that for a living.