Just happened to me. Do you guys fap to this?

Just happened to me. Do you guys fap to this?

Attached: IMG_20180829_170718~2.jpg (2937x2162, 550K)

Just think about what you just did. Was there any reason to make this thread? There's nothing special about that image. What do you think would happen if every wintard made a thread every time their spyware crashed?

The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Lol, a windows PC doesn't just crash. It's probably a hardware issue or as the picture already implies a driver issue. The guy just needs to use whocrashed it and find out what driver to update. Most of the times you see a bsod, it's because a retard installs drivers that came with a cd on modern systems, instead of checking online for newer drivers that support the running os.


this. and it is bluetooth driver.

Attached: ttf87a.jpg (410x424, 52K)

Work on my machine™


They're just collecting some error info.

Attached: 1511725133061.gif (300x168, 74K)