What's the best UMPC to buy today considering its price and speed?

What's the best UMPC to buy today considering its price and speed?

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PC110 if you a thinkpad kind of guy and GPD pocket 2 if you are gay

the only acceptable answer

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or just make your own with a raspberry pi zero (the raspberry pi 3b plus is way better but consumes 2-3 times more battery and if yu want to keep it little and a nice battery life, the zero w is best choice)

did op just dead

>no 3.5mm jack

I'd really want a GPD pocket 2, but i'm pretty sure i'd never use it.

>he dosnt know theres hats for the rasp zero

>he does not know the raspberry pi zero has GPIO pins
extra sad

pic related, especially once they put out a new CPU board.

(potato for scale)

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I'm really excited for the Pyra, I just wish it had an Ethernet port for managing networks, would make it invaluable for IT work.

I like my Vita...

Just get a fucking phone you autists. UMPC's died out for a reason. Same as PDA's.

Wait, when did Vita get new motherboard?

Phone is not x86. Hackers use these UPMCs.

why not the GPD pocket? i mean is more powerful and better keyboard and screen also less thicc. it dosnt have ethernet ports but the Pyra dosnt have neither

I'm pissed it's taking so long to come out; I bought two iPhones since I heard of it a few years ago. Would much rather have given these guys my money.

>being this dumb dumb

"hackers" wouldn't be caught dead using this stupid shit. Stick out like a sore thumb. They'd be using a laptop. Be real here.
>I have no argument
OK autist.

I'm an open source nerd, the GPD is very closed source. Also repair-ability and customize-ability is important to me.
This. I don't preorder stuff because I'm not retarded, there are a lot of products (like the Librem 5 and the Pyra) that I would buy instantly if they were actually buyable right now. Development is so slow though.

x86 is awful. and even so, your phone can run DOSBox to emulate x86 and still be more powerful than these pieces of shit.

GPD Win 2 or Pocket 2. Anything else is just not up to the performance and hence not even their low price.

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>once they put out a new CPU board.
you really think they will make a x86 compatible CPU module for it? the performance when passively cooled will be worthless

and old UMPC

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>development is so slow
The Pyra would have been out at least 6 months ago if the Greek injection molding company wasn't so monumentally lazy and incompetent.

have you actually used any of those day-to-day? How is it? (assuming the pic is yours)

oh no no no noHAAAAAAAAA this has to be bait

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this cant be real

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>x86 shills on maximum damage control
wew, guess he touched a nerve there. RISC is the future, especially of anything small and powered by a battery.

gpd pocket/win is literally your only choice
nothing else exists on the market
theres the gemini pda but it's basically a shitty phone with a keyboard

>RISC is the future
>Year of the Linux desktop
>MS is dead
>maybe if we say it for the trillionth time it'll come true

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RISC is the present. There are a lot more phones than PCs.

anything less than a 15" monitor is useless...

fuck that shit bro, so cringy

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Where2cop keyboard

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