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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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Why do people say the HD600 has a narrow soundstage? What exactly does that mean?
Because everything sounds closer to your head than on some other headphones, and than there are some headphones that have huge soundstage to the point some people think it sounds unnatural like the K702.
In terms of sensation of soundstage size i'd say it goes:
HD600 < DT880 < AD900 < K702
That's only my impression from experience though so take it with a grain of salt. Also, soundstage size doesn't necesserilly imply good or bad, it's pretty subjetive and hardly affects the general experience.
Gotcha. It never bothered me, is just an abstract term.
Source + Headphone advice.
I'm planning on ditching my smartphone but would like to start to use some gear outside out of the house, currently thinking about buying the DT770 pros. At home I use the HD650 or HD598 with my Objective Stack.
Should I maybe keep my smartphone as the digital source and get a separate battery-powered DAC/AMP or go with a DAP?
Are the DT770 pros a good choice to use outside/commuting environment?
Budget is flexible but thinking around the $500 range.
What is "bass slam"?
What affects bass slam
And why do people often say that dynamics have more slam than planars?
Slam is the tactile sensation that bass provides. Dynamics drive more air, physically, so they have more "slam" than other driver types. Some also consider it to be part of the timbre.
How is it?
I'd also add sufficient speed to the definition of good bass slam. With drivers that have too slow bass response, punchy bass hits will be reduced to embarrassing melanin-enriched BRRRT BRRRT fart cannoning.
Idol trash here
What's your setup like
I'm not a guy that browses Jow Forums much besides browser debates but I've bought my first pair of "real" headphones (DT770) and I love them for their closed sound and bass. But loudness is kinda lacking, so based off of what amazon suggested, is the FiiO A3 Portable Headphone Amplifier good enough for me? I don't want a DAC because I would probably use my headphones on my phone and if not that I use them on my laptop and that's it. If this shit is dumb for me to ask I apologize, I just want something to make my sound a lot louder than what I have on headphones alone with that same great sound
That's caused by a upper bass emphasis, it's frequency response not driver speed.
schiit fulla 2. you'll thank me later
Yeah, it's pretty obscure, we need some actual researchs on the topic.
what listen to you on your foneheads, anonalonadingdong
I don't think you really care
That's not true, user.
Good night.
>Dynamics drive more air, physically, so they have more "slam" than other driver types
NO. learn the most basic physics of audio first before you open your mouth spreading disinfo.
>In acoustics, loudness is the subjective perception of sound pressure.
more air = higher sound pressure. loudness is slam. two headphones with different drivers and flat FR will have the same amount of slam
see above. look up how sound waves work and sound perception. bass slam is just loud bass.
It's also difficult to measure, which is why you see shit reviewers like Zeos going on about it constantly.
>I'd also add sufficient speed to the definition of good bass slam
speed is loudness. when a driver moves faster it creates a greater sound pressure wave.
>With drivers that have too slow bass response
if a driver is too slow it will be quieter. most headphones with high distortion in the bass region roll off quickly. there is nothing special about the driver, it's due to a lack of seal. a tight seal will have flat bass. it's how both electrostats and planars get flat bass.
>two headphones with different drivers and flat FR will have the same amount of slam
Sure, sounds good on paper. Now go find me a pair of estats, a pair with single BAs and a pair of dynamics and we'll see how that works out. Oh wait, you couldn't get them all to a perfectly flat EQ? Shame. Suck my dynamic dick.
speed is a meme
what happened with the kannon?, they used to be shilled here all the time
>Sure, sounds good on paper.
that's literally how it works you dumb fuck. more drivers or louder drivers = more air pushed = louder.
If slam is relative to loudness (or, as you say, sound pressure waves), why is it when I crank up an all-BA earphone to near-deafening levels, I don't experience the same slam as I do from a good pair of dynamics at reasonable volume? If the loudness is greater, and it produces more volume, where did my slam go?
>But you didn't EQ them to a flat response!
So did NO ONE EVER. I understand that what you're getting at is factual in an academic sense, but no one is ever going to do that in practical application. Also, if there were no different properties to different driver types (assuming that everyone listened to a flatly EQ'd set, which no one does), why would any company ever use anything but the most economical type? And just jam more in and tune them as necessary for desired effect?
I don't know how you fail to understand this basic concept. Bass slam is the sensation of air hitting you. Loudness is the measure of the strength of a sound pressure wave. Bass slam is loudness.
>why is it when I crank up an all-BA earphone to near-deafening levels
excursion problems. BAs are known to tone out at high volume levels in the bass. the driver is too small for the amount of air you are requiring it to push so it starts to distort.
Find a way to prove that 'slam' exists separate from frequency response. "I heard it" is not an argument, anyone can say that regarding cables, magic rocks, whatever nonsense you can think of. First prove it exists, then we can worry about audibility and causation.
not a part of this but please stop calling sound pressure "air"
So, what I said in is technically correct, because as you said, slam is the sensation of air hitting you. I defined it poorly, but still.
Oh look, slam is a thing! Who knew? Fuck off.
don't be autistic and nitpicky, air is the medium. speakers and microphones are meant to record sound through air and produce sound in air. we aren't talking about hydrophones
>I defined it poorly, but still
you said that dynamics have more slam which is false. slam is not related or caused by the drivers it is related to frequency response.
Apparently these are supposed to sound shit on my low end gear. Probably the best experience I've had from a headphone. I'm waiting for my l700s to arrive in order to compare them side by side and post impressions
Alright, you said that BAs couldn't achieve the same level of loudness because of excursion. Does that mean that if a BA were made in a larger form-factor, or purposefully designed, it could overcome that shortcoming and achieve the same level of loudness, and thus, slam? What about planars and estats? They usually have larger drivers relative to dynamics, right? Why do they not seem to hit those same levels? Is it just a matter of engineering? And if ALL of that is the case, then if only dynamics can achieve the necessary levels of loudness from a given source, then they STILL PRODUCE MORE SLAM even if it's a function of loudness.
Checkmate, atheists.
>Alright, you said that BAs couldn't achieve the same level of loudness because of excursion.
that is due to size not the driver mechanism, just as the piezoelectric driver on your motherboard can't do bass due to its small size a tiny dynamic can't either
>Does that mean that if a BA were made in a larger form-factor, or purposefully designed, it could overcome that shortcoming and achieve the same level of loudness, and thus, slam?
>What about planars and estats?
>Why do they not seem to hit those same levels?
they can. stax are rated for 110-125dB of subbass. planars can slam too
they need larger drivers because they have lower excursion limits
>slam is a thing
"I heard it" is not an argument, anyone can say that regarding cables, magic rocks, whatever nonsense you can think of. First prove it exists, then we can worry about audibility and causation
What the fuck are you arguing about? We have clearly defined it as a function of loudness, repeatedly, in this thread. Someone even directly pointed it out to you.
okay so it's a function of FR and therefore correctable by EQ
...within the limits of hardware and design, yes. You aren't gonna get good slam out of a pair of ER4SR or the like.
Hey, can you remind me again how I EQ my soundstage wider? I forgot...
Oh it's easy, have you tried the LIGMA Pro Tools EQ?
Oh you.
A great way to go! Does the Rockboxed Jam access more than 2000 songs at a time? That's why I've stuck w/the Clip+ till now.
This curve is awful. Expensive chink IEMs btfo.
It doesn't look that bad. Pretty smooth, wide Q deviations. It would be pretty easy to EQ, I think. The distortion measurements would say more.
What low end gear?
I've been told my dac and srm323 is not good enough for the sr009 by multiple snobs at headfi i need a blue hawaii or kgss minimum and a yggdrasil
Those retards are backwards. Your DAC is 100% as good as anything else out there. I can't say for the Amp though, I don't know about STAX amps.
Why is it that no one ever suggests K612 for open-backs under 200$?
We used to, back before the HD600>all era. Pretty sure it used to be on one of the infographics, too.
Less than 100$.
PC and occasionally smartphone.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Best possible for the price.
Why do I keep using these so much? Oh yea, because comfort > all.
Looking to buy a pair of IEMs for under $200 for mobile listening.
I prefer more balanced or neutral pairs, any recommendations?
For the cost, they're hard to beat, but I can't wear them more than an hour without my ears getting sore.
Really? I don't use the foam, maybe that makes a difference. I can wear them for hours. I just hang them in my ear canals.
Well, that sucks. I wonder what else out there is good and no one talks about it in here.
On the cheaper end, Soundmagic e80 or the Tin Meme. On the upper end, as much Ety as your money can buy.
All kinds of shit. You basically come off sounding like a shill if you discuss anything that's not FOTM or a handful of "best thing for the price" options, because you have to parrot yourself to be heard. If you're lucky, someone will take your advice and end up happy. The audio/speaker general is just as bad, too. This is honestly one of the worst places for discussion, although it's great for someone just starting out. If you want actual discussion, go to >>>Reddit or another forum.
More mid- and upper treble, dipped upper midrange
I'm trying a BHSE very soon with my 007. I'll let you know how it goes. Been listening to it without EQ for a while to get used to the vanilla sound.
I had a pair of b&o h3 earbuds that a cat chewed through. If I solder the wires together again and cover the joint with heat shrink tubing will the joint cause a lot of noise or other interference problems?
How about some actual frequency ranges, what are the HARD NUMBERS that I tweak in which ratios to go HIDAMARI WIDE?
But what happened? Did everyone who actually knew and liked more headphones left?
Maybe a new infograph would help?
But yeah, you are probably right, i've being having the impression that after some point you might as well go look elsewhere for interesting conversations on the subject.
Pretty much what you described, those with differing opinions who weren't some form of Trip/Name/Avatarfag took their ball and left when it was obvious that they were no longer welcome. No one wanted to update the infographics, and it was decided that cheaper stuff was best covered by /csg/ infographs and a handful of suggestions. Those of us who remain just can't bring ourselves to leave. Like all generals on Jow Forums, a cult of personality takes over and everything else is lost in the static.
That's just depressing.
Anyway, thanks for the answer, user. Hang in there, this place would benefit from having more people like you.
Will DT 880s have too little bass without an amp?
I chiefly use bright headphones with plenty of energy from 6-10 kHz, so I mainly just adjust the >12 kHz and 2-3 kHz regions.
Even cheap chi-fi like the ZS6 can achieve a respectably wide soundstage.
The hard part is making it sound natural and realistic without ear-rape treble, within the limitations of the headphones' or IEMs' form factors, and accounting for acoustic interactions with the outer ear. The trick the Andromeda uses is including a custom acoustic chamber to add a resonant peak to its FR centered at ~15 kHz, for instance.
>handful of "best thing for the price" options
I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. If there's a relatively agreed best value within a certain price range, it makes it easier to recommend something that most people will be happy with, especially if they aren't willing to try a bunch of different headphones.
Need help on this. I don't know of any good sub-100$ headphones other than the SHP9500, and they don't sell that anymore.
Deleted my posts to consolidate my thoughts in one place. I may or may not get an amp, leaning towards no. Knowing this, 770s (80) or 880s (250)?
While I hear open backs are better, I'm not sure it's worth buying a 250ohm model without an amp for
Where are these places to have more nuanced discussions that people have gone to?
Reddit usually seems more basic than here, SBAF and HeadFi is full of audiphoolery.
At least in /hpg/ I know when I'm being memed by someone and when there is some sort of consensus that gear is good.
If you don't want an amp I'd go with the 770 80 ohm.
Then later if you decide to venture into open you can get an HD600 or something and have a more neutral headphone.
Tried HD600s before, returned them mostly due to comfort although I had a couple other minor issues. I am kind of interested in the whole "soundstage" thing with open headphones and haven't completely decided no, but realistically if I were to buy an amp how much would a not-trash one run me up?
>if I were to buy an amp how much would a not-trash one run me up?
Plus whatever else I'd need to make it function
The objectivist boardroom on headfi is decent. Reddit is okay but a lot of times they're retarded. Tons of audiophools too, even more than our resident few here. ASR is pretty good but it's full of boomerposting. Like you said, SBAF and the rest of head fi are full of audiopbools. Discord is Jow ForumsHeadphones but without the social stigma of le downboats so everyone there is fucking obnoxious and dumb. DIYAH and the bottlehead forums are good for their specific topics.
Something portable? I've been digging the Fiio Q1. I am able to get my HD600s to a respectable level.
AD700 + Bass Boost on this thing is pretty amazing gaming headphones. The bass on the AD700 is very tight and accurate but weak. The fiio's bass boost is just right, imo.
It's really good on the warm side but not very warmy as you expect while treble and mids are really great. And thanks for the ATH-ES11W earbuds they are pretty much flat and the comfort is off the hook also mids boost a lot in my opinion
HD579 is just over $100.
ATH-AD700X/500X is around $100 if you're into that sound signature.
PortaPros are always a solid choice, but not really comfy enough for a daily driver to me.
The 668b aren't bad with a pad change and some EQ to lower the highs. SR850 has better pads but no detachable cable.
The Takstar 2050 or whatever wasn't bad, not sure if you can still find clones for em anymore.
Really is a shame they don't sell the SHP anymore, that and the CAL! got me into the audio hobby.
Doesn't really need to be portable, I just use earphones when not home
3dpdpd gtfo
Thanks. Was thinking about the 700X/500X, but wondering if there were better choices.
Calm down, user.
Why did you replied to me? i thought someone actually answered me on something else but it was just you
Fuck off
Gf is thinking of buying apple airpods.
Name a better wireless alternative. Can be over-ear or in-ear, but must feel light and good for glasses wearers.
Koss Portapro wireless would be good but there's a wire dangling between the elements.
SBAF is not audiophoolery
sbaf is an audio cult
100-200 flexible
PC mostly, phone
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Doesn't matter
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Sony MDR-V6
Also, I would prefer something with a detachable cable. Pls respond
kill yourself
fuck off frogshit
>mom do i fit into le epic Jow Forums now XDDD
Not even him but take this shit somewhere else
No need to get so ass-blasted you faggots.
Grado SR125e
I'm not the one throwing a tardrage fueled tantrum over a meme (and not even the right one)
Can anyone recommend a cheap, decent pair of wireless headphones that don't make me look like a retard in public?
just get IEMs