What Ruined The Internet?

Obviously, accessibility, but let’s dive further.

Also when do you think the golden age of the Internet was?

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Other urls found in this thread:


6000-8000 BC

>What Ruined The Internet?


or that's when it started to suck really bad

>What Ruined The Internet?
high speed connection

Message boards that required registration destroyed anonymity though

>when do you think the golden age of the Internet was?

It's been weird watching the internet grow. I remember when I was 14 and the internet was more geared to enterprise and hobbyists. Memes were a new thing and only known about in a few places. Now it's a fucking shitshow.

inherently insecure medium. IPv6 may help a tiny bit. putting banking and connecting critical infrastructure to it was one of the laziest and dumbest things ever done. russia and china will prove me right someday.

trolls and spammers. zero accountability and nearly untraceable. they make the signal to noise ratio negligible. if not for spam filters no one would be able to use e-mail anymore.

facebook, twitter and smartphones really lowered the bar in terms of intellect required

golden age probably around 1998-2003
before myspace. if we could have made it faster then, but not as dumb and simple as now.

Went to shit when ~10 sites started dominating all the internet traffic desu. Remember the concept of "browsing the web"? Well all normalfaggots do is visit the same few sites over and over again like Facebook, Google, Reddit, Tumblr, etc.

>What Ruined The Internet?
Social Media. Any other answer is wrong.

Mostly this, but as far as the "golden age" goes I'd say the 90's.

rapidshare and megaupload being brought down was the end of the internet golden age

>I remember when I was 14 and the internet was more geared to enterprise and hobbyists. Memes
No you don't, the internet interjected these memories into your brain.

Agreed. Social media made all the normies come in and it went to shit

yet 'nother larp thread

seething virgin

Not really a far dive but the accessibility of social media. It becoming popular enough to terminize was a problem.

Golden age for me was Napster and Yahoo chat era.

Was Usenet really as great as those 50 year old network admins claim it was?

Here's a very relevant article

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>mentions macromedia
Holy fuck... I’m old.

Found the article linked on RMS's website, as his explanation about why his site's layout is just done with basic HTML.

2012-2013 onwards

Whats so bad about banking and infra being on the internet? Or do you mean IPv5

I'm really glad that neocities has created a bit of a resurgence among amateurs making homepages for themselves, the idea of everyone opening a browser straight to google in depressing.

What ruined the internet?
>Smart Phones
>High-speed internet

I cringe hard whenever I see a woman's tinder profile mention that she likes "memes". For so many reasons, but primarily that you know that the "memes" they enjoy are complete shit.

This. Used to be 1337, now even poor people have it!

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I don't think that ruined it. The new society with social media ruined it. But for me, it's ok that everyone have access to the internet and computer in general

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Social media. It’s now become a public health problem. Social media has centralized the web and been the ruin of many independent sites, as well as promoting a toxic online culture.
Golden age was definitely ‘90s-mid 2000s


Proprietary software ruined the internet.

>Also when do you think the golden age of the Internet was?

best times of my life

Absolutely this. I rememeber dialing into my mates PC to play Quake and Duke 3D. We take in turns every night and play until one of our connections drop out. Best times I've ever had. On school holidays we had weekend long LANs and didnt sleep and played bucket load of C&C Generals.

Summerfags. I remember back when they didn't come here. That was just after the war... I still hear the screams.

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Smartphones desu

It hurts desu

This. The 2009-2011 facebook year was okay, but the year after that is noticeably gone shitter.

I think around the time facebook started getting popular internet forums started dying. Then around 2011 the corporations were starting to gain control over the internet. All the great music blogs where I discovered new music were taken down, my favorite porn site Motherless removed a lot of good content to cater to normies and then it got worse as the years went by.

The great cycle of normalfaggotry happened.
>thing is made out of passion by dedicated people
>corporate thinks, how can we profit the most from this?
>appeal to as many normalfaggots as possible
>normalfaggots end up financing monsters which then secure their almost monopoly stranghold on thing

1994-2000 were kino as fuck. broadband led to utility internet and suddenly everyones mom was all LOL OMFGWTFBBQ

this maked me think.. what if new internet? only pc can connecting

there's been several attempts at an internet v2 but none are limited to pcs

amazing that no one has mentioned the real reason yet
>this much denial

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The web was going to shit even before smartphones reached critical mass.


Just make website that checks the useragent of the browser and refuses to connect to mobile ones. Anyone who tries to circumvent already has a braincell or two so they can be allowed in.

web 2.0

Easy, make it flash based.


surely we can't call them that in our internet 2.0, suggestions for new names lads?

The Wired.

We should just go back to gopher.

Knowing that the NSA is potentially recording every fucking thing you write.

Social media and smartphones, which was also the downfall of civilization. Before social media, I was considered the weird one for constantly sneaking off to the room downstairs and spending time on the Internet, and I had to be embarrassed or use excuses to defend my sick behavior because the Internet was the one place where I could flourish and grow but I was a wreck around others. After social media, my habits never changed but suddenly every time I reluctantly walked away from the computer for my enforced engagements with human society, everyone around me including all those who heavily criticized me for my problem were completely disengaged from reality and consumed with the wonders of the Internet where they contributed nothing of value and lost their humanity and suddenly I was the only one interested in human interaction. The Internet helped me learn so much and grow as a person but when I was ready to put what I'd learned out into the world, the world had already killed itself.

I don't know how kids today are expected to grow into even remotely decent human beings, at least I have the luxury of knowing all my youthful mistakes were part of an Internet that isn't preserved for all to see.


All of This. Also I am really glad I didn't grow up with 'social' streaming sites i.e. younow. So many kids today that exploit themselves on there. The biggest cringe I was able to produce back then was on a forum because some guy made fun of my project and pissed me off but today you could technically ruin your entire life being on a stream having an emotional outburst

muh hart, muh sole

Content Pages

>thread full of 13 year olds
Anyone over the age of 30 will know that the 90s were not madmax internet. AOL was a scourge and the ultimate walled garden. To most people back then AOL was the internet.
Facebook/twitter/reddit/whatever wishes they had that degree of control.
I've been on the internet 25 years and there have always been cool corners. If you can't find them that's by design, you would think they're gay and they would think you're gay.

It was - but you'd have to be more like 60 years old to truly grasp it. Until the WWW got big in the late 90s, Usenet was THE reason to be online. It makes today's Goo-book duopoly look half-hearted.

Summerfags aren't even a thing anymore, phones mean that people never have to stop posting


You stopped being an idiot and turned into an annoying faggot instead.

When some normie ask me about memes, I just assume they are talking about memetics and then start talking about how it is very interesting how we could transfer information between generations without written language. They ussually leave me alone after that.

>When some normie ask me about memes
It's interesting how memes is just what people call image macros now.
Doesn't matter if ten people see it, it's a meme.
Just fuck normies, fuck Twitter, and fuck Reddit.

The eternal summer. It sends shivers down my spine


>What Ruined The Internet?
Jews and women

golden age: 1998 - 2006
what ruined it: javascript


I see a nigger on the Internet. Maybe that is why.

I've been using the internet since 1999, it's never been good. Unless your one of the elite that got on the internet and early web before Mosaic/Netscape it became mainstream with the dotcom boom.

>my meme went viral!
Christ, normies are so fucking dumb.

the internet officially turned to shit in 2007. iphone + facebook blowing up + Jow Forums starting to get censored

easy, universal access ruined it. The golden age was 1998 - 2006

Bringing non-productive people into the internet.

Zoomers replacing traditional TV with youtube, effectively pushing niche stuff or old videos out of the platform. In fact, youtube is exactly the same as boomer's TV, but you get to have an impression of choice of what you watch.

Killing small websites. Big websites won't post information on stuff that requires college to understand because majority of people on this planet won't understand that. Thus titles that tell us >x is y, and that's good/bad, because they write to retards.

Facebook >do you seriously have nothing in your life so you need to watch what others do?

Jow Forums is also a part of problem. Ricing your linux or fighting about brands is NOT productive, you're not smarter for spending hours to configure your Linux, you just wasted time you should create something or at least work as a trench digger instead living in parents basement.

Centralization of the web around few websites.

Also trapping people in walled gardens and safe spaces. If google determines you're a vegan - good luck finding a steak house.

Much, much more.

The internet became a shopping mall for normies. A commercialized space to waste time and money while not being bothered by reality.

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Yup, I was actually thinking about this yesterday and came up with the same conclusion. 2005 give or take.

I would say 2003-2006 was the best time. Internet was just about gold around then.

It was a time when the only ones around were the cool folk. Nearly everything that wasn't spam had quality. There were no shitshows. It was glorious. There was no censorship, and no copyright issues for images, video, or audio. Google was tiny and it was when altavista and Yahoo and other search engines were around. Generally everything had diversity and competition, and there wasn't one monolithic monopoly of services like there is now (like google).

I'd say the internet started dying with the introduction of social media (myspace, facebook was when the plummeting went exponentially bad over time).

We need a new internet in which normies are kept out.

Eternal September was the first hole in the dyke

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Internet isn’t ruined, I use a fake Facebook account for easy login but I have complete privacy, no social media (except for Instagram marketing). Jow Forums is actually becoming less popular, not more popular. We’re not dying, we’re fading into obscurity. That’s not a bad thing either. Moot left because all the media attention this place was getting, and a comfy little dedicated community is what’re we are returning to. Just like how there’s the town to city ratio online. Once there stop many people it becomes a city, too much noise, don’t know anybody, very rude and such. This is like /b/ over run with porn, too fast to read, etc, a more glorious dawn is upon us my friends, Jow Forums is improving. Normies get to normie at increased rates due to social media, and the poor are lifted from their misery in less fortunate nations.

If anything, Jow Forums should grow up and stop the persona of being a epic hacker site and the news and just become a sort of banal form for nerds, more like 2ch.

It was that media attention that spiked our traffic with outsiders, which allowed for growth, but was indeed growing at a cancerous rate. Those people never belonged here, and are moving on. Do any of you really think m00t still doesn’t use Jow Forums? He’s used it anonymously on off for his whole life. Old habits die hard. He’s smart for not doing any interview or anything. It’s good. We’re on the right path, but another chanology or gamer gate could set us back years.

Where would moot post now? He doesn't watch anime or play vidya and he's outgrown the average userbase.

Urbit fag detected

Shut up moot

The internet has never been better. Not joking. Anyone who wants to go back in time is a dumb dumb.

On a serious note, you seem like a child your self, or a man child. There is a lot of adult media on this website, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums has the occasional good thread. I use the front page recently to find trending threads. It’s really awesome, it’s like reading a newspaper. Maybe he does that.

>Jow Forums front page
I haven't been there in years

document station

started to go to shit in 2007 when phones with internet were being popularized by apple. then an enormous ammount of people began swarming. the more accessible one place is, the shitier it gets. thats why goreposting and loliposting and loligoreposting should come back and be the norm on this website in every single board. people are starting browsing from apps like clover instead of using a pc. we need to bring elitism back to the internet.

It's funny how popular predictions are often the total opposite of what happens. The internet was supposed to raise human intelligence, connectivity and diversify power structures but has done the opposite of all three.
Instead of connecting people, people have segregated into isolated communities, through which all news and discussion is filtered. Think feminist, SJW, extremist, etc. websites. People in these bubbles are protected from what they don't want to hear and have their beliefs constantly validated and reinforced.
Instead of increasing intelligence people have to fight distraction and having their time wasted. The need for ad views means lowest common denominator clicks are prioritised above all else. News websites are filled with clickbait, 'aww' pet stories, and the like. Finding videos on youtube now is a slog through clickbait titles, top ten lists and raunchy thumbnails etc. The signal to noise ratio on major websites is falling and finding anything decent is a fight. You will NEVER be recommended a decent thing from a homepage, 'personalised' results, or, soon, explicit searches.
Instead of giving way to small, independent websites, the internet has largely aggregated into facebook, youtube, reddit etc. 90%+ of all internet traffic is going to these types of websites and smaller ones get to little traffic to survive without donations or owners funding out of passion. Being deplatformed will be death by obscurity soon, AJ lost a ton of his viewership during the ban.
Giving power to these few companies inevitably means their own narratives will be forced, see google/Facebook left-biasing political news results, political parties using intense data harvesting and customised ads based on psychological profiles.

Ayyyy lmao, we be fucked fam_xDDD

what the hell did you even try to say

capitalism, very much like everything it touches

When individual specific sites started being less popular than hub sites that are about everything like reddit Twitter and tumblr.

The size of the internet has ruined it. The fact that all of humanity is essentially 'all-in' on it at this point.
It used to be possible to succeed on a local stage. The internet is making the world into a global stage where there will be few winners and many losers.
All the abuses of total power and monopoly will be amplified and humanity will be led by these people into whatever future they choose.
The technological evolution of man has completely outpaced the social and intellectual evolution of the common man, to disastrous result.

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militant atheism, and other "activist" shit

This. I have never emphasized with something more

>i can't install gentoo the post

You... You've never used a BBS before, have you?

right around 2002-2005.

this and only this