Tech purchases

Post your recent tech purchases.

Just picked up an 8TB HD and a all in one laser printer for cheap.

Attached: 2018-08-30_20-59-33.jpg (2768x1765, 579K)

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I guess it's cheap if you only need it for a couple years.

>Not researching actual failure rates over a large quantity of drives and instead believing memes you see posted on Jow Forums

Oh I have. Also

>buying slow as shit SMR drives

Recently bought a Dell G7 with an 8th gen i7 and a 1060 for around $1100, was around the same price as if I wanted to upgrade my desktop and get a new monitor so I said fuck it and went for the laptop.

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Okay then, what would you have bought for $89.99 instead?

You could have bought a WD easystore for less.

I'm low on groceries so probably that

It's just gonna be used to stash porn and animu.
No need to have high rpm archive drive.

Please link to one that cost below $100.

Even for dead storage SMR writes are cancer

>Oh I have
Sure, kiddo. That meme you checked lists only a couple of drives, of which only one is particularly bad.
>Buying proprietary garbage
Yeah, that's so much better.

>easystores are proprietary
>he doesn't know about shucking

Wow, yeah I can tell you really did your research. The irony.

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2tb hdd for 60€
a 32" 1440p monitor for around 200€
and thinking of buying a x470 and r5 2600 what do you think, wait for zen 2 or go with zen+(my desktop is still using an i5 750(at 4.2ghz and memory at 1586mhz idk how it has lasted 5 years with this overclock working an average of 5/6 days per week))

>it's another OP tries desperately to defend his purchases thread

My bad I didn't see the coupons. You do you.

>>Buying proprietary garbage
What the fuck are you talking about?

>Not knowing the manufacturers of these devices toss their bargain bin drives in and you get what the fuck ever trash they happen to grab.

I doubt you have 8TB of shit and even if you did why would you trust a single drive with all of that?

Jow Forums - Consumerism General

It'll be used for backup, as I like to horde the porno and the chinese cartoons.

I have often wondered why people download porn. Where are you fapping that you do not have internet?

Wow, what a faggot you are. Sorry if this particular one doesn't have a drive with proprietary connectors, but I don't support manufacturers who fuck over their customers like that.
Proprietary garbage. Look it up.

tempted by the 8300h variant, sadly it's only available with 4gb*2 of ram in my country

Bought a seagate barracuda 1TB for 45 burgers for my laptop 5 days ago

no regrets

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4TB Easystore for $70

Last drive was a 2TB from close to a decade ago, it kind of hurts to watch multiple terabytes copy onto it so fucking quickly.

"it" being this new drive.

>literally a thread where you can boast about your consumerism
>feeling pride over buying something other people made
>being so pathetic that you have to share your "joy" with random people on the internet and talk about your consumerism

yeah. we should just sit in our basement to train our social outcast skills deeper.

Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical for 5 pounds, best mouse you can get for that price, even works for FPS gayms.

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>I don't support manufacturers who fuck over their customers like that.

You just buy a shitty inferior product from a company that sells slow SMR drives without labeling them as such. Which in fact is the real fuck over instead of some edge case where people want to shuck 2.5" drives. The only ones WD has "proprietary" connections which are just hard wired USB.

Yeah, kill yourself fucktard.

A Macintosh LC. Snagged it for €25 (plus another €10 for a PDS FPU card) because the PSU was dead and it didn't give any signs of life. Replaced the capacitors and that's clearly not the case anymore.

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No, he's right. The only purpose this thread serves is to try and instigate further consumerism in others. This frankly has fuck all to do with the board.

Literally fuck off with your shitty advertising thread.

contrary to cpu/gpu threads i don't see any shilling.

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WD makes smr drives too, dumb shucktard/wd-shill. Who gives a fuck about external drives anyway. No one uses them for anything serious.

They make one drive that's like 14 TB. They don't sell cheap SMR garbage to consumers without telling them.

>Who gives a fuck about external drives anyway.

That's what shucking is you dumbass. Easystores have the same WD Reds that cost 2x the price. God you're dumb as shit.

>They don't sell cheap SMR garbage to consumers without telling them.
They do though, dumb wd-shill. 2,5" drives.
>Easystores have the same WD Reds that cost 2x the price.
They're only 30% more expensive here. Sorry your third world poorfag ass is getting raped so hard. And easystores don't come with a 5 year warranty. And you have to to reassemble it for warranty claims. Poorfag shucktard wd-shills really should do the world a favor and cease breathing.

I'm talking about 3.5" like OP. There's no reason to shuck 2.5" drives. You buy them for portability and all laptops nowadays are SSD.

And I live in the US, ya know where easystores are sold? Smart one.

Half the price

Also WD Reds don't come with 5 year you dumb shit.

I ordered a Corsair h80i meme-cooler because I realized that the Ryzen sleeper build I'm putting to my 15 year old case needs more cooling power but there's no room for big air coolers. Also now the PSU won't suck hot air from the cpu-cooler.

Shut up Pajeet and make me a free fart app.

>shucktard is too poor to buy pro drives
Sorry friend, I assumed that was what everyone bought. In the future I will try to be more mindful of amerilards in the lowest income bracket.

>literally celebrating degenerate consumerism

I have Pro drives but I also have easystores since I can get 100+TB of storage on the cheap. You do have 100+TB right?

Attached: easystore_orderlist.png (1038x4473, 223K)

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15" MBP with 32GB RAM

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