But how do we get more women interested in technology?

But how do we get more women interested in technology?

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Make Chad interested in technology and the women will follow.

Registrer camwhoring as a techjob

we have too much male fatties why do you need more?

women should procreate and raise their offspring.

t. shitlord

Ban criticism and discussion in PR reviews, only allow positive emojis. This will prevent women from losing their confidence.

> Make Chad interested in technology.

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Stop making this thread. No one with a brain gives a shit about women in tech because most women don't give a shit about tech. Stop trying to push more overly-emotional mother fuckers into a field they aren't the least bit interested in, just so you can jack off to all the diversity and progress. And please consider suicide.

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Unironically this.

don't cut yourself on all that edge m8



this and teach it in university


but why? fucking marxist faggot

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Dont like a bunch of women end up webcamming to pay for uni?

>Chad rejected my pull request

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make everything emoji and like a tamagotchi

>my feet hurt
>I already fucked the pretty ones
>I wish I was a home eating KFC and playing Kerbal Space Program

Literally caused by Reagan and Bush-era conservatives killing our manned space programs in pursuit of "smaller government".

Now we pay Russia to give us rides to the ISS.

found the 30yo boomer

your point being?

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Is there a minimum number of these threads per month that should be met?
At least this one starts with an ass as opposed to those shitty infographics and that white calling herself 'an engineer's.


>But how do we get more women interested in technology?
Make better women. If we just raised girls like we do boys, we wouldn't have dumb thots and SJWs (ie: ex-thots that got burned by the thot life).

It's almost like rearing them to be sidepieces for men has made them all stupid and/or bitter for some reason. Maybe if they were allowed to be their own people and excel, they'd want to build cool shit and go to the moon too.

/threat. Would maybe only change progress to "progress", so it is:

Stop making this thread. No one with a brain gives a shit about women in tech because most women don't give a shit about tech. Stop trying to push more overly-emotional mother fuckers into a field they aren't the least bit interested in, just so you can jack off to all the diversity and "progress". And please consider suicide.


If women want to be fucking nerd virgins too, then so be it.

What I'm more annoyed about is that the tech community, especially at universities is full of nerd virgins that don't shower or brush their teeth.

Jesus christ these people smell putrid

They're too busy living in the future to care about the people around them now.

I sound like I'm being hyperbolic, but I came to that realization about myself recently when reflecting on all the transhumanist bullshit I wrap myself up in. Not about my smell (I always smell great), but that I was too fixated on separating the brain from the body to realize the brain is a body part too, and they both play off each other. Nerds like those have a similar issue. They live in cyberspace and believe their real bodies are just shells for their brains. Who cares about a "puppet", their true self is all inside.

>t. SJW
We've had feminism for decades now. Most girls now are raised to be career women and reject stereotypes.

do you think Chad would ever write proper and lengthy documentation or write none at all.

This guy is a lib in disguise.

>proudly bipolar
this legitimately rustled my jimmies

same way you get men interested in gynecology.
show em lots o purrrty pictures.

But many men are gynaecologists.

Careful, edge like this won't count for your good boy point tendies.

You got any pics of her with her feet showing? Would like to see them toes.

If you want more women in STEM we should reduce the welfare state and limit women's opportunities to have personal & financial independence in other fields. Maybe convert to Islam too. Note that the y-axis is a gender equality score.

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You have it bass-ackwards; if you want more women in STEM you need to treat them poorly, and have getting a STEM degree be women's only means of getting any respect & financial independence. That is why Turkey & Algeria have nearly as many women going into STEM fields as men, while countries that are nice to women, like Norway, have a much smaller proportion doing STEM.


Take Game of Thrones for example. They made chads/normies like what used to be nerd shit.

Imagine if they had a normie tv show that popularized technology
>inb4 silicon valley
Popularized tech tv show without nerds as main characters. I know it sounds weird but it might just work.

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