Police just seized my desktop

>police just seized my desktop

Attached: 1pw9ta.jpg (250x236, 7K)

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How many did you kill?

Enjoy the 70 years of butt rape. I hope you're unironically gay.


I am

so you mean you like cheese pizza?

Attached: 1484772960447s.jpg (246x232, 4K)

Get fucked, in your next life seek help to your mental illness

Attached: 1522262630083.png (398x309, 122K)

>help to your mental illness

Attached: br.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

It's not a mental illness it's a privlege

Hope you enjoy your rectal examination for microsd cards.

>letting police in without s firefight
Useless retard

I don't know what to tell you OP, maybe stop looking at kids naked you fucking retard

and so the first thing you do is go on Jow Forums

Did you at least encrypt your shit user? I doubt it. You going to get what you deserve regardless. Think about that when your taking that juicy black cock and getting AIDS. Remember that resisting will only make you a prime target.

>Not using deniable encryption

>having a desktop
Only 2 people still use desktops and thats degenerate gaymers or CAD drafters.

>not having your hard drives booby trapped and encrypted
you deserve it op

>only 2 people still use desktop
yeah your mother and her boyfriend


Do you really need to ask?
2 cases:
- OP is a Russian spy and was found out
- OP likes CP
Guess which one is more likely

Are you a webdev by any chance you degenerate?

They're coming to take my phone now... goodbye lads it was fun

Microwave it for 5 minutes

>goodbye lads
Consider reading a book on grammar while in prison.
Correct: Goodbye, lads.

Wait... are you the infamous hacker 'Jow Forums'?

why does Jow Forums fall for this

Attached: d5c.jpg (625x626, 76K)

You need a desktop to run the webdev bloat.

Now they're taking my dog.

next they are going to take your dick

Nah just his anus

OP is an illegal botnet admin

>Walk the dinosaur

I wouldn't know since im not a webdev, but i assumed he was one since he was trashtalking like a little child.

10/10 thread op