Is the MX master just a meme
Is the MX master just a meme
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This is both correct and how it should be.
are u hav gay?>
You can be as bad as you want to be as long as you don't lose.
whats your opinion on FISA abuse
fash website
Master Race can't spell...
Epic post fellow redditor! You totally BTFOd him!
I am sure Reddit has more in common with Jow Forums than the rest of Jow Forums
This is the most boomer image on here that I've seen. Next you're going to tell us about how Nazi is short for National Socialist, which has the word socialist in it, which has ideas similar to communism so basically they are the same thing. Then you will tell us that since many democrats consider themselves democratic socialists, that they are the real racists or some shit like that.
they dont
how is it a boomer image? boomers hate nazis
But there are far more Marxist studies programs than Islamic studies. In fact, most of Islam's history is censored (for its own protection).
They do. Reddit has anime and videogames and conspiracies.
The biggest influx of redditors happened during the election and came from Jow ForumsThe_Donald. Why do Jow Forumstards blatantly lie, and are in denial that their board attracts redditors?
first two stats are way too small.
bottom probably is as well.
youre proving my point
what about the other boards?
The MX master is chinkshit and is comparable to any chinkshit mouse. Also hitler's choice of mouse.
>islam killed 270 million
citation needed
It's never been conclusively proved that the holocaust existed.
go back to your Jow Forums cuckshed, virgin couchenfuhrer
The fucking irony of Jow Forums calling Jow Forums garbage.
i hope you get sucide
C# is not taught at schools
ironically Trump is not fascist. Obama WAS fascist.
epic post
Kkk isn't racist, Martin Luther King was racist!
Islam is not terrorism stop fucking believing and supporting ISIS shitty perpetuations. They kill more Muslims than anyone. 1.6B people are just trying to live their lives. You'd be dead at any corner if Dr. Muhammed or Salim the hot dog guy or cab driver really wanted you dead.
Mehmet, my son
I'm not Muslim, fuck off.
now i'm convinced that Jow Forums is [s4s] with flags
>Islam is not terrorism
Nobody said that. But Islam is a historical turd.
>They kill more Muslims than anyone
And commies kill more commies than anyone else. Judge them based on their rotten fruits.
>You'd be dead at any corner if Dr. Muhammed or Salim the hot dog guy or cab driver really wanted you dead.
And you'd be dead at any corner if MAGA football coach or blue collar trash collector neonazi really wanted you dead.
you have to go back
Obama forced and manipulated the media using government's influence. That's pretty fascists, yo
reddit/pol is where all the 40 year old boomers came from
Like does literally anyone know what facism is?
Ok I had a hearty chuckle
>t. dirty commie
educate yourself, cuck
Islam is a religion Jow Forumstard. The other two are political ideologies. What are they're not Catholic or Jewish schools?
i have an mx master 2s and its alright, just not many applications support the horizontal scroll wheel
>Nazi is short for National Socialist
No it's short for New Age Zionist Involuntary-celebates
Islam is a global expansionist political system, read the Quran.
yes, because only a moron would buy a mouse with an internal battery and not AAs
Mohammed was a pedophile warlord who began his career as a caravan robber.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with pedophilia.
>Islam is not terrorism
It is to women, gays and non-believers.
You clearly haven't read the biography of Mohammad. His life consisted of raping and pillaging.
>They kill more Muslims than anyone.
Oh so that means Islam is peaceful. Lmao @ your logic. Of course they kill "other Muslims", since they view Shia Muslims are heretics and vice versa.
All religion is crap you don't really bother us with changing it
>hurr durr all religion is the same
Do you think people are stupid?
The difference between Islam and Christianity is like the difference between night and day. Go read a book for once in your life.
I don't hate Muslims, but I hate the ideology and religion of Islam. I know enough of the Qur'an and Ahadith (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, etc..) to know what I'm talking about, okay?
Don't you dare give me this "Islam is peaceful" crap, Mohammad himself would disagree with you and kick your ass.
>Also, I don't know everything but if you duckduckgo "Jow Forums tutorial"
fucking hell