Im tired of not being a billionaire

Im tired of not being a billionaire.

How do I create the next Minecraft?

Attached: ppalts.png (436x425, 84K)

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With JAVA.

install gentto

Notch was not even trying to make a hit. He was just making games as a hobby and posting them to various game development forums for free. Nowadays, you can still do that but you'd probably get more attention if you got a youtuber to play the game.

try being a fat swedish guy

Powder game but in 3D

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 20K)

i have spent so many hours exploding shit in that game, i would love 3d version with ultra graphics or some sht for the lols

Create a pseudo gambling simulator in the app store. These unironically MOG profits of any pc game ever made. There are people who spend hundreds of thousabfs of dollars on these clash of clans knock offs.

Best part:the take zero effort to make. Just pump out as much of this shit as you can and by chance one of your games will make thousands a day.

stop being a millennial piece of shit and then you can easily make money

enjoy your student loan debt you faggot OP

If you ever hit a homerun and get a good ranked game on appstore can you make ad revenue forever?

Kind of like viral youtube videos get passive views forever therefore neet money.

I already make more than you while being a neet, must suck being a waggie.

Attached: 11k adsense.png (1052x446, 31K)

also eurofag so 0 debt kek

This. Run this thread every week.

this came as so surprise to me.
>be me found out Noch is now billionaire
>He is the guy who created minecraft
>Wow must be awesome
>find out he mostly took design from Infiniteminer
>A fucking open source game
>Well ok people can re-innovate
>Look for what language he made minecraft on

fuck this

Delete this right now. I'm already working on it.

> gentto
You are enforcing a meme you obviously dont follow

I already made. Releasing now.

Facade with a more liberal AI


Those are Pajeet tier buzzwords.

Damn, Notch totally ripped off of Infiniteminer. All this time, I thought he created the game from scratch

Good artists copy; great artists steal
–Pablo Picasso

Just have fun

Minecraft but you mine bitcoins.

>make a clone
>add a unique meme (like a dragon dildo boss)
>put all gimped nvidia apis (hair, tesselation, goytraicing, etc)
>pay every single faggot on jewtube/twich that you can for advertising

Attached: muhgames.jpg (536x582, 124K)

I should steal something too.

already released. Buying mansion now

just buy the powerball

Attached: java_is_anal.jpg (488x461, 44K)