Is Terry Davis alive or dead
You need to be straight with me Jow Forums
Is Terry Davis alive or dead
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Dead, fuck off
We don't know. Just a few facebag screenshots for evidence.
alive, dont believe their lies
Alive, fuck off
You glowing cia nigger faggots
He's in jail
(((they))) are covering him up
Alive. Mods should ban the fucks spreading this fud.
>page not found
gonna have to do better than that glowie
korean mcdonald's commercials are weird.
S-Sergeys wife
Money belly has it going on
Needs more big macs
>he probably just clicked the link
>Page not found
Fucking CIA Nigger
CIA nigger says what?
You can just look up her name on Facebook and see it immediately.
If only it were that easy. I already tried that.
What are the chances that Terry heard his mother died and jumped in front of a train?
>tfw terry will never come back
Rip he was one of a kind
her son is not dead this is fake and gay
holy fuck that video
There's still no decent confirmation so just assume that he's alive for now.
Menstruation is gross.
No it's a troll Nobody can stop the glorious rise to power of fuhrer Davis not even glow in the dark LARPers with fake faceberg accts
this is what happens to kpop idols when they are no longer able to make money on the stage
Dead but schizophrenics will try and tell you otherwise.
Not really.
Literally makes the house smell like rotten eggs.
the fuck is wrong with your woman?
Same thing that's wrong with all women.
mine doesn't make the house smell like rotten eggs when she's on her period, there's something wrong with YOUR woman
You're probably just used to it.
no, I'm definitely not used to it, it sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt you have any woman in your life outside of your mother who's farts are disgusting
>asking Jow Forums to be straight
>he doesn't know
lmao werks for me
Because you're a glowie with a faceberg account. GTFO.
>You must log in first
How about no.