>install ubuntu
>sound doesn't work
>install mint
>sound doesn't work
>install opensuse
>sound doesn't work
>install manjaro
>sound doesn't work
>install fedora
>sound doesn't work
>install windows
>sound works
Lincucks will defend this
Install ubuntu
Other urls found in this thread:
There's nothing better for working then pure silence.
What sort of obscure hardware are you using? I've ran Linux on like 10 different machines and this has never happened.
>Install something
>Instead of actually troubleshooting it and probably finding a fix in under half an hour, install 5 different distros
>Back to WangBlows, maybe i'll enjoy 100% disk usage this time :^(
i can't believe these people breathe and post opinions on Jow Forums
Onboard audio on an asrock board
And I've also tried a xonar dg
Neither work
IDK how the hell linux users claim "better driver support than windows" when more shit doesn't work in linux than in windows
Wew lad. Just buy a fucking dongle and get out of my face.
Fuck off retard, I still have to do the oldschool "plug in USB externals and driver hunt" to get my fucking built in touchpad and keyboard working on my win10 laptop whereas they work OOTB on linux
>be lazy fuck that can't google a 2 min solution
>repeat 10 times
>blame everything but self
Ask me how i know about your 50 stars flag.
>install 5 distros before troubleshooting
Cant tell if trolling or retarded
nigger i said i tried my xonar dg as well
wait, isn't this a scene from king of the hill?
works for me
Listen assmunch, you write like a fag and your shits all retarded. If you want to run Linux without issues then try using something other than chinkshit. You know what you do before you buy? Google "does X run Linux?" and find out.
>Jow Forums claims linux is superior
>drivers are better on linux
>doesn't have basic functionality out of the box
>tells op to troubleshoot basic functionality
>op is currently jamming out to sound on windows with no troubleshooting
you're right op
lincucks will defend this
Your the straight fucking retard that doesn't know how to go to there laptop's OEM website and get drivers from there
There is no such thing as a driver "hunt" You find what hardware you have, you go get the drivers,
Then most steam games will be playable. There is no reason to use Windows anymore.
Not every laptop that runs Windows 10 has an OEM website, moreover one that has updated drivers that actually work with newer updates. Retard.
I'm pretty sure debian works ootb on the iMac G3
at least it used to
>Not every laptop that runs Windows 10 has an OEM website
Unless its some bullshit no-name laptop there is usually always a place.
>moreover one that has updated drivers that actually work with newer updates
If a driver worked with Windows 10 once you don't need necessarily need a new version just to work with newer windows 10 versions, Hell even drivers dating back to vista can work with windows 10
>Install Ubuntu
>Gravity doesn't work
How do people put up with this?
>install something
>it doens't work
>make no attempt to find out why
>immediately tries to install it again on another distro
>it still doens't work
>cries on Jow Forums
Jow Forums is not your tech support.
>Jow Forums is not your tech support
Jow Forums is not your tech support.
>Jow Forums is not your tech support
Jow Forums is not your tech support.
>Jow Forums is not your tech support
pulseaudio does not like you
Yeah I think its when hank becomes addicted to an mmo
That's what the driver hunt is, you fucking turd
finding the support page, finding the driver download page for your model, finding the ones for your hardware because they'll usually have drivers for multiple different hardware configurations they sell of your laptop, as well as outdated drivers for some unknown reason
waiting for the multiple 200mb zips to download and unzip, install as many as you can before rebooting, and then windows update probably fucking breaks it all anyways next fall/spring update
Works on my machine
Whenever someone discusses hunting down drivers, its usually clueless idiots that have no idea what they have and trial and error there way, only to get fucked when they download some bullshit driver finder software.
To me going to a support page isn't really a hunt its just what your suppose to do when Windows Update on win10 somehow doesn't have drivers already and I know its anecdotal but personally I've never had anything break relating the big fall/spring Windows updates
Microsoft Windows 10 doesn't have this problem.
wow nailed it OP
yea linux has audio drivers, but not for high end audio. so your RME interfaces have to suck it if you want to use linux. (but since no one in here wants actual high end audio and not some "high end gamer battle station audio" card who cares)
>no sound
the absolute state of loonix users
PulseAudio hates humanity.
post monitor
i tried all of those as well, ironically the one who went really smooth was backtrack
quite quietly
Killing Me Softly
How is it current year and audio still sucks on linux
Why is pulse audio such a piece of shit still
I had to install new drivers to get my speakers working on Windows but not on Linux. Checkmate atheists
Here's the external monitor.
> tumblr
> Copy command in ubuntu
Are you retarded?
Install gentoo
imagine being this of a faggot
>install fedora
>sound just werkz
sounds like PEBKAC, buddy
ahhh... total commander
best software ever
they don't make them like they used to, do they?
meh not really... just do "alsa force-reload" and it should be fixed
>install update
>nvidia drivers stop working
>spend various days trying to fix it until i give up and rollback
Every. Single. Fucking. Update.
>he has to run terminal commands to make sound work
Works for me.
it clearly says "copy command in unix"
>>copy command in ubuntu
You do realize these are different things, yes?
>putting ```terminal commands''' on a pedestal
the average Jow Forums user, everyone
3554 × 5330
What soundcard do you have? I've worked on Alsa drivers before and may be able to help you, if you're actually interested in using Linux.
>t. genius who absolutely never forgets anything, ever, and has an absolutely perfect memory of everything he has ever seen including the womb he slid out of.
asus xonar dg
Hmm... Looking into it, I had always heard Asus cards work just fine on Linux. What is your issue? What output do you have plugged in?
Try going into alsamixer, selecting your card, and changing analog output. See if that makes any difference.
Lincucks did defend this.
You know what really sucks? The fact that people blame GNU/Linux instead of hardware manufacturers that cater to Windows.
Spif for speakers and analog out for headphones
I've gone into alsamixer
Spif just shows 00
I play with headphone volume and it does nothing
I go into sound settings, go through every audio profile including ones that are blatantly not it
And nothing
>install linux flavor
>too dumb to setup the system
>linux doesn't work
wincucks will defend this
That might be a joke pic, but I still use mc when moving stuff over ssh.
>Onboard audio on an asrock board
>Works on my machine
not for long, by the looks of it, that cat is about to start fucking your shit up.
fuck off with that botnet, you faggot
Could of saved yourself alot of time and money if you wern't such a retarded cunt.
>t.assblasted elitist, who spending all day to googling "why my routerOS fucked again"
Except the DG does work, but only with front panel audio because of poor driver support.
I'd say 99% of onboard audio works flawlessly. You are either:
1) lying
2) retarded
and/or 3) that 1%
You never told us which board too.
>having to troubleshoot for basic functionality that should work ootb
>install Ubuntu
>sound doesn't work
>Google "(hardware) no sound Ubuntu"
>first result is a walkthrough to fix the issue
But yeah if this is too hard for you you should just use Windows. There's nothing wrong with using Windows if you're incapable of basic troubleshooting.
Comprehension is not your strong point is it?
No wonder you cant get your sound card working.
Android x86?
>install windows
>mobo with realtek sound
>have to spend 30 min downloading their shit tier divers for sound to work
>blaming foss software for not supporting proprietary hardware
go fuck yourself
Just because you don't know how to click "next" doesn't mean the OS is to blame
>2010 ubuntu forum thread with no definite answer
>ask ubuntu with "hurr durr is the cable broken"
>how to fix audio in linux "Missing: asrock"
>random bug reports
>install literally anything
>it just works
idk, OP
Just go back to windows. We don't want you.
>Install Windows10
>Sound doesn't work
>Install drivers from OEM website
>Windows 10 automaically installes "updated" drivers and reboots
>sound doesn't work
winfags will defend this
I'm not even the OP, I just think you made a shitty point that can't be backed up.
going into the cringe compilation
Tried Debian Live last week, it played onboard sound, but extremely quiet. Just about audible with the speakers cranked to max.
Was able to get sound through Nvidia HD blabla, though - no idea how the reasoning here works, surely Realtek and Nvidia both count as closed source evilsoft and should not work with Debian before enabling and installing from extra repositories?
Ubuntu 18.04 picked up both without a hitch.
>basic functionality that should work ootb
before botnet, you were required to install all kinds of extra device drivers on windows too.
Quite often including drivers for network, so you were stuck without preparation or a second device with working connection for downloads.
>w-well it USED to not work ootb!
That might have been the case in the past, but not any more, so what's the point of using it as some argument?
Personally, I don't get sound on my Asus E200HA running Arch Linux nor Ubuntu.
But apparently the Linux kernel itself doesn't work well with Cherry Trail processors.
Your audio device is probably made by Intel or by realtek.
I want out of the box experience. If it breaks within the first 5 minutes, it'll probably break in the next, etc
not OP
>Install Windows10
here is (you) problem.
pebkac, it works for millions ootb, shill get ye gone
if your troubleshooting skills ends with reinstalling an OS you should not do computers period
>muh ootb
lol no, every zoomer thinks their pc should do what they envision in their little brain ootb
>he has to envision audio because his os is so shit
>install OS on unsupported hardware
>expect unsupported hardware to work
>blame the OS when it doesn't
Winfags will defend this
>admitting linux has shitty hardware support
I never said that. The problem is that OP's hardware has shit Linux support, NOT the other way around.
Not true at all