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What are you reading, Jow Forums?
Adrian Baker
Other urls found in this thread:
Austin Thomas
gimme the rundown on that book
Jason Green
brainlets BTFO
Mason Perry
Gavin Rogers
First of all - tripfag.
Second, the book is awesome. Makes you really think about the software world and your own thinking. Highly recommended.
John Reed
Great book, I'd recommend it to anyone.
Currently just going through 70/80s tech scene shit; Where Wizards Stay Up Late, Masters of Doom, Hackers, The Innovators
Aaron Green
>can read C, C++, C#, Assembly, Java, Rust, Cobol, Erland, Fortran, Lisp, Lua, MATLAB, Haskell, Objective C, Perl, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, SQL and Bash
>can't read English
John Baker
Isaiah Harris
Practical Electronics for Inventors
Digital Systems: principles and applications
Precision Machining Technology
Outlaw(Rebel Stars)
Anthony Russell
Ryan Hughes
I am reading this thread.
Justin Morris
How to do logistic regression and random forest.
Tyler Price
Blake Harris
Ayden Sullivan
This shit terrifies me more than anything else in the world
Justin Gonzalez
I'm reading this chinese food menu. Don't know what to order.
Ryan Diaz
>Jow Forums - literature
Angel King
Programming elixir and practical vim
I'm also resding some fiction (the witcher) but u gyes you're not interested in that.
Oliver Cox
An enjoyable anvil of a book.
>still can't read J/APL
How's the translation?
Dylan Foster
Fuck me. Reading this now too. Almost finished. Yep, how your life can go down the shitter in an instant is what terrifies me too. I'd prefer death to this
David Reed
I don't know if I'll ever actually understand this book
Joshua Jackson
Most everything in the first 5 chapters I already know but I've gotten some good tips from it so far. Ready to get to the later chapters.
Jack Miller
Robert Butler
Reading books without pictures is lame.
Adam Ortiz
fuck you. I was talking about Jow Forums related books.
Brayden Martin
Imagine being this low in life. Sucks to be you
Christian Lee
Imagine caring what some dipshit author thinks about anything. Sure I've read some man pages and textbooks before but I'm not going to pretend I enjoyed it. Useful but not enjoyable. Forget about the "classics", philosophy, etc. Why even bother reading anything so boring if it isn't even useful?
Brody Walker
Go back to your shithole, no leftist politics allowed here.
Adam Ramirez
This, and nowadays you can't even discuss what you read with anyone outside of an image board because normies are retarded mouthbreathers or will assume you're some kind of turbo autist. Fuck it I want my instant gratification.
Asher Myers
Oliver Brown
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages by Robert Harper
Brody Hernandez
>tfw too much of a mathlet to read this book.
I should have paid more attention in school.
Asher Evans
Is CV a meme?
Grayson Rivera
Isaac Mitchell
Isaac Jackson
i tried reading this but it's too pretentious in the foreward/into thing to continue reading
Jordan Morris
Everything is a meme in the long run, read what you like
Hunter Richardson
I am growing stronger....
Nathaniel Green
Just downloaded it. Look pretty solid.
Asher Jones
>that cover is real
Parker Wright
Luis Long
Wait up, Jaron, is that you?
Nathaniel Martin
Xavier Gutierrez
Atlas Shrugged
Parker Cooper
Josiah Walker
This thread
Ayden Roberts
it means you're a faggot for using a tripcode
Bentley Cook
Jonathan Jones
"That's bullshit but I'll write it down anyway" - Herodotus
Brandon Hall
Lincoln Richardson
It is in fact, real.
Levi Fisher
It's not very Jow Forums related, but Pomodoro technique illustrated. Not what I'd call an interesting book, but the technique works for me (surprisingly staying focused on fixing the code for 25 minutes instead of yelling at it and browsing Jow Forums for the same amount of time does result in better programs) and I'm learning a couple useful things from the book.
My nigga.
Christian Jackson
Literally why do you need to read an entire book for the pomodoro technique?
Logan Mitchell
hi Matthew from Portland
Ayden Gomez
> Mutt proud he can't read his constitution.
Nathaniel White
Kampfkraft really good analysis of the differences of the US military and the Wehrmacht.
English version:
Fighting Power: German and U.S. Army Performance, 1939-1945 (Contributions in Military Studies, Band 32)
Brody Ward
Currently reading
Semantics Engineering with PLT Redex
Compiling With Continuations
History of Gilds and Trade-Unions
No matter how much I read my list keeps getting longer.
Gabriel Peterson
How do you guys read those textbooks? Presumably you aren't super intelligent and can't retain all those books perfectly like the average Jow Forums memer.
Zachary Moore
By not spending all of my time on Jow Forums.
Robert Sanchez
I meant to ask how you go trough those books to maximize retention and not how you find the time to read them. Whenever this question comes up there are always the memelords that can retain the entire book simply by reading them casually.
I want to see some honest answers for once.
Juan Sanders
It depends on the book, but usually I just take notes. I read Peak recently and took pretty comprehensive notes, but with SICP I just marked interesting sections. It really depends on how dense the book is.
Some books I read but I only care about a part of it. For example, Semantics Engineering had chapters on Lambda Calculus and ISWIM which are interesting, but I didn't care about them enough to take notes.
I usually dictate my notes with a voice recorder and transcribe them when I'm done. I've tried recording them with a computer, but it's too distracting.
Other things you just learn with practice. I never took notes on Calculus, but I've done enough problems to remember it.
Really a lot of it is about discipline. It's easy to skip over problems or say that you'll remember that bit, but long term the extra effort is what seperates pseuds from competent people. Of course, I'm just a pseud so take this with a grain of salt.
Kevin Martin
Oh, misread your first post, I tend to write notes and construct mock exam questions based around each chapter I read and then use them when I've reached the end of a major section, end of the book and then once again some point during the next book.
Works well enough
Jason Fisher
It's good
Jack Williams
This guy isn't human. Nobody's got wit like that.
Nathan Baker
Mason Jenkins
Zachary Sanchez
and the book?
Ian Peterson
Need to get my shit together and learn these fucking algorithms before software interviews.
It's really frustrating because I've definitely learned about heaps and graphs, but not at the level these interview questions expect... Ah well. I'm enjoying it so far.
Leo Rivera
Ready Player One, Snuff, HHGttG for the 80th time, Gauntlgrym, The Final Dossier.
Aiden Murphy
Kinda going over my head, are there any recommended math books to get a bit of a better background for this?
Ian Powell
Don't even bother with the book. It focuses on the L/R model of the human brain, which is already outdated.
Jeremiah Phillips
Good thing I skipped it
Nolan Baker
trying to get into this as well, it's pretty cool
Joshua Howard
- Software Foundations Volume 1: Logical Foundations - Benjamin C. Pierce, et al.
- Introduction to Metamathematics - Stephen C. Kleene
- Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories - F. William Lawvere and Stephen H. Schaunel
- Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein
Grayson Jenkins
xD youve been dox'd fag :3