Terry Davis psyop

Don't trust anything that's being posted on Jow Forums about Terry, it's an obvious shill/psyop campaign against him (or us).

We need to understand why

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Other urls found in this thread:

searchquarry.com/namesearch/full-search?fname=Terrence&lname=Davis&courthouse=Nevada District Court - Las Vegas&city=Las Vegas&state=NV&age=48&zip=&co=&trackstat=sqhmpag&aliasid=&recordtype=Death&type=&trid=&ntyp=
webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:C3AHzg1FppUJ:www.thedalleschronicle.com/news/2018/aug/13/train-death-reported-saturday/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1-ab

searchquarry.com/namesearch/full-search?fname=Terrence&lname=Davis&courthouse=Nevada District Court - Las Vegas&city=Las Vegas&state=NV&age=48&zip=&co=&trackstat=sqhmpag&aliasid=&recordtype=Death&type=&trid=&ntyp=

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:C3AHzg1FppUJ:www.thedalleschronicle.com/news/2018/aug/13/train-death-reported-saturday/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1-ab

These links aren't forged.

He died hours after uploading his last video by stepping in front of a train.

Fucking niggers.

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Attached: 45b597bfa7d7a94e590c64acb9e0f237.jpg (672x800, 64K)

>Dead in northern Oregon
>Reported dead in southern Nevada
Yeah no

His registered domicile you half wit.

where are the death records for the other 3 family members that died in the last month?

Fucking CIA nigger

>We need to understand why
or you can just wait a few days for a real confirmation or a debunk by terry himself
fucking zoomers can't wait a day or two

>he doesn't know the joy of internet hunting with other anons
lurk moar

if he's not dead then why I'm attending his funeral tomorrow?

The great questions of life.

>12 posts, 6 IP
Somebody is samefagging here, right CIA shill?

>he doesn't know the joy of a vagina

Check casket to confirm


the real question is, why can't you provide some solid proof if you're attending his funeral tomorrow ?

i know u're mums ass tho

nigger. why do you niggers worship vagene so much?

yeah because she defecates such pieces of shit like you

I actually made more posts today. And my IP is dynamic, because on cellular network.
Should I desecrate his funeral by taking photo with him in a casket?


Now's the time to not be herded like nigger cattle

>Should I desecrate his funeral by taking photo with him in a casket?
sure, but while you're at it, can you go get yourself a blue CIA jacket from ebay and attend his funeral wearing it?

that's just disrespectful.

Not against Jow Forums by itself
I think its because skyking failed to get off the ground as a social engineering attempt to get masses depressed and killing themselves

well considering lack of evidence it's only right to deny and look for truth, regardless of whether or not that truth aligns with what has already been stated

There are 10 threads at a time about this garbage. Why don't the mods ban more than one thread

why won't the mods ban the shitposters is the better question here

i began collecting the dailies that terry posted last summer. i have from 21 Jun 2017 to 5 Jul 2017 but am missing 24 Jun, 29 Jun, and 04 Jul. anyone have those dates

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Stop posting this shit in every Terry thread, shill! Or should I say TheTemple??

it's tSheiks

Any updates?

give me the whereabouts of that faggot who is constantly shilling Terry's death in order to cash in with the TempleOS "merchandise". I will take care of it.

Do you have "military defence industry brat"? I wanted to save that one

the folks on irc can help you out with that.

Tshieks is highly suspect also, the temple went dark

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I'm almost certain he walked out in front of that train in The Dalles.

So what, can nobody die in Dalles?
Also, this is most likely someone called TheTemple who apparently is larping hard as Terry and wants to sell merchandise. It was suggested on the other thread

and you believe this because?

Attached: terry_with_camera.jpg (600x900, 240K)
