Please come back.....
Please come back
Other urls found in this thread:
the harder we hold on, the more it's going to hurt, user
I miss his antics already
Please tell he's alive
with God
working on Heaven's subsystems
Is he actually dead then?
the day jobs died, the plebs though that technology advancements would seize
the day gates dies, the pajeets will flood the streets with a mix of tears and shit
the day davis died nobody gave a shit
i care though
are you not entertained ?
He was schizophrenic, he needed help, you all kept fucking with him endorsing his bad behavior. He would've been a great person if it weren't for you, but now he's dead and all his potential went to waste.
Nothing more to see here, no wonder no one knows him or talks about him. Now hopefully you'll also stop talking about him once and for all.
He's had a shit relationship with his parents for much longer he's been online. But you're right. Things escalated when some chan bought him a drum set and started impersonating Diana. Thats when his fate got sealed.
Blame discord niggers
Terry threads were friendly and supportive, it's the söyböys who couldn't stand to see a Terry thread in the catalog who started to stir shit and mess with him.
How he died anyway?
Glowing cia niggers
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
now this is some epic history rewriting
You're not the boss of me now
Glow in the dark CIA niggers finally got to him.
He was a KGB/GRU operative since the 1980s.
No one actually knows
You gave us all you had Terry, thank you for that. We will never forget you ;----;
WTF Jow Forums? You told me he was based.
Only on weekends