Is he gonna make it or what?
Is he gonna make it or what?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I-I-I created and ran a drug-selling empire because I was passionate about free markets and privacy
top kek
For that matter, when is Hans Reiser going to be released?
>The website Silk Road was an e-commerce platform similar to eBay, where individual users chose what to list for sale. Both legal and illegal items were sold, most commonly small amounts of cannabis.
how about this guy?
The story of TrueCrypt and Paul Le Roux is one of the, if not the, most fascinating stories in technology there has ever been.
Paul Le Roux (born December 24, 1972 in Bulawayo, Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe) is a former programmer, former criminal cartel boss and informant to the DEA.
He created E4M, an open-source free Windows disk encryption software program, in 1999, and is a suspected creator of the open-source TrueCrypt, which is based on E4M's code. Le Roux is currently in US custody for ordering the assassinations of six people.
Another interesting character: Roger Thomas Clark aka Variety Jones aka Cimmon aka VJ aka Plural of Mongoose
Blockbuster material:
Silk Road Tales and Archives -
Fucking interesting read. Read it.
Except for the hitmen he contracted.
>double life plus 40 years for a non-violent offense
I hate America. The sentencing doesn't even make sense, why go more than a life sentence, and why even give a life sentence? I'm a firm believer that mass incarceration needs to end and we can achieve that by scaling back how long sentences are so no one spends more than 5 years in prison. There are ways to help offenders and we should focus on that instead of punishing them.
He was making millions at the misery of tens of thousands if not millions of others. He's no different to a drug lord who may not personally source and supply drugs but provides a platform for others to do so.
It's insane. The guy who created Silk Road 2 served 0 days in prison.
Those charges were fabricated by the government and dropped soon after the media publicized them. Of course the media neglected to report those charges being dropped with the same zeal with which they reported on them being brought.
I want Hollywood to create movies about these people (like they did with Edward Snowden) but noooooooo instead Hollywood does shit like superhero basedboy movies instead and blow 200 million USD for outsources shitty CGI
why can't they spend 10 million budget on making more real movies about interesting people? there's no need for quarter of a billion usd worth of CGI for those kinds of movies
J.J Abrams, if you are reading this; kill yourslef
He deserves jail but not 2 lifetimes of it.
Not even killers get such punishment. This is ridiculous.
maybe it will happen
Sorry sweety, but you're wrong. All "hitman" related charges were dropped. Ross Ulbricht was convicted only of non-violent crimes.
Could be interesting following a drug creator
/distributor creating a website on the dark web selling drugs, poison, burglary tools and software for criminals out of the goodness of his heart and a lot of cash.
It would be best to end the movie when he get caught in a public library with just some text describing his current living arrangements.
Look it up yourself retard.
>he didn't break any REAL laws guise let's be fair
Is there anyone on the left that uses laws to protect citizens from crime or is it just used to bully political opponents?
CNN is PROVEN to be fake news owned by Crooked Hillary. Ross Ulbricht is a convicted murderer and deserves the death sentence.
It's called making an example of someone.
Tell me more
first of all, there are probably many details that we aren't aware of. i'm sure for him to get such a harsh punishment he must've angered them to an extent not possible by creating a simple website.
you have to imagine the extent of fucked the people in charge would be if his website would've become mainstream and used by everyone. imagine amazon scale, but completely anonymous and unregulated. would literally change the world as we know it. no wonder they hit him as hard as they did. it's a message for al: be a good citizen and don't try anything funny
Didnt some FBI agents get prison time over this case because they ended up stealing money? The whole thing seemed like a clusterfuck of shadiness.
>rape someone
sentence is less than Ulbricht's
>Murder someone
sentence is less than Ulbricht's
>Be a child molester
sentence is less than Ulbricht's
wew lad. the absolute state
Our whole prison system is complete fucked to shit. There's saying here in the U.S where it says prison are like schools for criminals, they are made worse inside because they either have to survive by doing illegal shit or get fucked at the hands of the inmates. There was a whole movie about a Wall street trader or something committing fraud and got a 4 year sentence and at the end turn into a life sentence because he had to do shit for a gang he joined in order to survive in prison.
Whole reason why our prison system is so shit its because two main reasons, niggers and greed. One reasons is the blacks because due to poor living conditions and below average IQ due to their genetics causes a mixture of absolute fucking cancer for everyone. They make up alot of the inmates here because they just keep niging up everything. Second reason is because there are private prisons that cut corners on their prisons in order to save money. Meaning less employees, training them less, lack of medical staff and so much other shit that I can't list because that's how much more it is
That's why our prison system is god awful that it makes 3rd world shithole's prison look better in comparison
great story user.
10/10 will read it all
Have change petitions literally ever accomplished anything?
i can see private prisons actually benefitting all people if done properly. the owner would benefit from a healthy and adjusted population because they would do better work for him, and in turns the inmates would gain work experience, some dignity, and good conditons.
Because this guy was not your average drug dealer, faggot. This guy ran a global network of arms and drug traffickers baka
The prison system is a money machine. Private prisons make bank. And they want more inmates to get more funding. You see how this is a bad thing?
Kill/bomb every fed.
Already proven false. Feds have never upheld the law once since the agency's creation, it only exists to kill enemies of the state and does so through fabricated evidence and false charges. They don't suffer any consequences for it: they make up false charges, the media reports them, they drop the charges, media says nothing, and their mission is accomplished. They always kill someone's character and public image before they kill the person himself.
He may as well try to escape.
Selling drugs to lots of people (without the government's approval) makes you a worse person than somebody who rapes and murders a child?
I see where your priorities are...
Except anyone with a bit of historical knowledge and understanding of the inherent principles of capitalism can point out to you that this is fantasy. Slavery is never pleasant for the slaves.
if they get money from the govt for each prisoner it isn't really a private enterprise then is it?
imagine if the govt would give a prison an inmate, tell the prison "do whatever you want with him but take care of him for 20 years". the prison would not get any money but in turn would be able to use the labour of the prisoner.
you could take 100 inmates, give them a computer, teach them python and literally none loses
Yeah. Furthermore, American prisons are designed to be a punishment/deterrent system and not a place for rehabilitation.
It's obviously not work, and may actually be making matters worse, but whatever.
How many people do you think have died because of him if you combine the millions of illegal guns he sold AND the tons of drugs he sold? Neck yourself with an ANCAP flag.
it's already slavery just a very wasteful one objectively, with too much overheard and 0 production. the definition of slavery is that you own their labour - that you choose to do nothing with that labour doesn't matter
Child molesters often get less than cp possessors. The "justice system" is a joke.
Nigga please. Let's not forget Iran-Contra. DPR was just a competitor that the state wanted to get rid of.
i'd be surprised if he's really in jail
people like that you use for your own intelligence agencies.
>teach them python
fuck this is a good idea. create an army of code monkeys and get them to churn out a new app every week until you /makeit/.
>>How many people do you think have died because of him
If they weren't buying from him, they'd buy from somebody else. Any junky that OD'd wasn't long for this world whether or not the Silk Road existed.
And since the traditional drug black market involves much more peripheral violence than an online drug market, Ross Ulbricht doubtlessly saved many lives.
it's not a private enterprise then, it's just a government contractor. literally the same thing, except often more corrupt.
Wwtf are you talking about? It's still considered a privately owned prison.
you require them to work 8 hours a day and then they get the rest of the day off, just in prison. don't see any disadvantage with each inmate getting a computer and internet connection, other than too many niggers shitposting on Jow Forums
Idiot. Stop posting about subjects you know nothing about.
Stop fucking around, we all know that it's government owned, and if the government threatened to withhold stipend payments for any reason, the "private" prisons would do whatever their government owners say to do.
The time for hackers and other cyber criminals getting hired is pretty much over, at least in the US. I'm sure they do it still in russia.
do you understand the concept of a government contractor? they don't create a product, they don't accrue any revenue from outside the government. basically unlike a private company in any way
"Private prison" is a common termonolgy. The fucking article uses it and so do many others. You can stop fucking around or read up on it.
literally just google what i said and read a little instead of name calling
reminder that this guy got caught through old forum accounts.
He literally posted "Wow guys check out this new website Silk Road, I just found it" on his account well before the site got any traffic trying to start some viral.
The guy could have been using all kinds of security, obfuscation, fake accounts, etc for the years following that but because he was a fucking retard that tried to viral his illegal website with his personal forum account he's now serving life in prison.
cops can hit or miss, criminals can't miss once
he posted in a forum under an account name which he used in silkroad, and in that post he posted his email which had his realname in it. basically stonetear tier retardism
No, he posted code from the site on his personal stackexchange account and didn't even bother obfuscating it
Still retarded but less so
It works when your prisoners are white people. Ours are filled with spics and niggers who do not belong in this country.
Not even parole?
What the fuck.
Worse prison system than North Korea desu
Drugs shouldn't be illegal anyway so yeah I'd free him retrospectively.
he's not a hacker. he's just some smart dude.
Which is something a justice system is not supposed to do.
In a free society, prisons are part of larger insurance ventures. Since there are no federal laws in a free society, rules are signaled by insurance companies: there is no law against theft, but lots of people pay for theft insurance and the theft insurance companies have incentive to reduce theft. If a client has his house burglarized then the insurance company has an incentive to track down the thief because they have reciprocal agreements with real estate companies and banks and so on, so these private institutions which also wish to remove criminals from their customer base agree to forfeit some portion of the criminal's assets (savings, house, land etc.) to whatever company apprehends him. If the accusations are false, the original customer who claimed to have been robbed by this person pays the theft insurance company who pays a fee of inconvenience to the accused, but if the accusations are true, the insurance company pays a portion of the acquired assets back to the client who paid for theft insurance in the first place.
The thief doesn't have to go to prison, but considering the roads, airports, sources of water, food, etc. are all privately owned, it is likely that he won't survive long as a known criminal, to whom all these services can be denied. Alternatively, the insurance company operates a labor-prison that the thief can confine himself to voluntarily and in exchange, after a period of work/rehabilitation the theft insurance company agrees to not register him as a criminal, insuring his ability to participate in the free society again. The thief can leave any time he wants but he will be known to all as a criminal, and therefor has an incentive to attend the work/rehabilitation prison instead. Reducing the amount of criminal activity through rehabilitation means insurance companies have to pay less money out to their clients, therefor they have a strong incentive to effectively rehabilitate criminals rather than abusing and releasing them.
fuck chads
Potential presidents of the future:
>Biden (Likely)
>Kerry (Likely)
>Ryan (Likely)
>Hillary (Possible)
>Pelosi (Possible)
>Oprah (Unlikely)
>Mcafee (Highly Unlikely)
People who would pardon DPR:
>His Dad
>His Mom
>John McAfee
What was the worst thing sold on there?
Bootleg yeezys
CD-R copies of Lil B mixtapes
>Hillary (Possible)
>changing anything irl.
choose one.
>run a pseudo-hidden marketplace without any paperwork
>support the sale of illegal goods and services
>get v&
Nothing wrong here, let's move on.
isn't double life sentence bit too much, though? not like the guy sold those drugs himself.
Except for the safe guard clauses which protect website owners from the actions of their users
Shit that keeps this very website afloat
Falling for the bait this hard, come on man, he's obviously fucking with you.
only so many people care and are interested in this stuff. snowden is well know all over the world which is why they made a movie about him.
I read that "the mastermind" long form mutli part article when I came out
I thought the whole thing was pretty underwhelming, they tried really hard to weave a story based on questionable facts
There are definitely interesting parts but they ruined it with the whole pepe silvia "everything is connected" narrative.
So they'll hire someone that:
. can't hide his identity.
. leave traces every fucking where.
. do illegal things.
. can't program.
. doesn't understand computers or comp. security.
. can't understand simple things.
. let himself get caught with his pants down in a fucking public library.
He did the other thing too mate. As well as discussing how to implement the site, how he wanted to sell drugs, admitting he created it and ran it for a time etc.
A fucking failure that's in the right place.
>double life sentence + 40 years
Honestly at that point I'd just start killing people who come to arrest me. For fucks sake you get less time for straight up cold killing someone. At least when I have 5+ murders on my record avoiding the law, at least they have a reason to blow my brains out and/or put me on death row.
What about murder for hire? What about murder for hire even if innocent people get killed too?
He didnt get charged for any violent crimes
and he's being held in a high security facility, along with terrorists and most likely a majority of murderous niggers. him being a physicist. they went beyond what was needed to fuck his shit up
>How many people do you think have died because of US government if you combine the millions of legal guns the US sold
Those safeguards only exist when your site meets certain criteria.
Here is an excerpt from an artice on Medium (
"For example, if a marketplace has a function that allows users to post content, what level of involvement or interference or editorial control does the marketplace operator have in respect of the content? This may determine liability and is something the marketplace operator has to take into account when setting up the marketplace.”
So basically, if you don't even try to prevent illegal transactions being arranged through your website, you're getting v&.
>Killing is only okay if the government does it
>he was a good boy who didn't do nuffin. he was just interested in free markets and privacy.
he shouldn't have gotten a life sentence but come on, he still is essentially a drug trafficer
But they had to spice up the story because I don't thing there is much material available on La Roux out there. But it's a real horrorshow if you read between the lines.
But when sellers and buyer's are in different countries and the servers are as decentralized, then who is to judge the legality of my purchase
He got 2 life sentences plus 40 years and no chance at parole.
Even Manson had chance at parole.
he make it possible.
that's about it. he's NEVER going to be free again.
I mean the guy deserves to have some sort of slap on the wrist for his actions. The entire "not being responsible for his site's users" is nonsense. He knew without a shadow of a doubt what people were doing on his site. Not only that, but they have records of him paying bikers in crypto-currency/ bitcoins to "take care" of certain people who may have had information on him. 6 people were to be killed and were never hit.
But the hits never went through and 2 LIFE SENTENCES AND 40 YEARS? C'mon now. There are people in prison with records of killing an entire family with a claw hammer with lesser sentences than him.
>so these private institutions which also wish to remove criminals from their customer base agree to forfeit some portion of the criminal's assets (savings, house, land etc.) to whatever company apprehends him
So people don't own their own savings, land, or houses? That's retarded
Yes they should, drugs destroy people/families/communities. Nothing good ever comes from them.