winfags are beyond the point of salvation?
His os has ads built in
>not being a good goy
Weird, I'm not seeing ads.
What made me was downloading a file and searching for the file by name, windows didn't find the file but found some bullshit in the store to try to sell me.
yeah, the search feature on the start menu is completely useless. I'm about to switch over to Mac since it natively has the software I want and the OS isn't a tremendous mess. I'm willing to pay a premium to not use windows.
This, those are useful and harmless applications.
You lincucks are just jealous, at least w10 works.
werks on my machine
just make sure the directory you want to search is indexed and you've not fucked around with registry meme tweaks causing the whole thing to just stop working
Wincuck cope
>provide way of fixing problem
your way of fixing it is manually check that everything is indexed. L.M.A.O.
Ubuntu does similar Kikery, it's a real shame.
they're enabled by default. quit being a disingenuous pajeet.
I dont know man
I have never seen any ads, i'm using windows 10 ltsb since launch
No they are not if you use Windows 10 Enterprise or Education ;)
>quit being a disingenuous pajeet.
>OVERLOAD OF MEMES: qstalledmeme, w3chools for fuking php, reddit, sjwhub, visual studio installer
The absolute state of nu/g/
There is literally a program built in called indexing options and you just have to check the folder you want to be indexed you stupid retard.
>you just have to manually check the folder you want to be indexed
yeah, that's the problem.
>10 minutes to customize taskbar
windows 10 experience
>3 hours to get sound drivers working
linux experience
You don't do anything productive. I can tell because you're the sort of retard who has multiple IDEs installed.
>everything just works
mac experience
education has them, at least the candy crush minecraft ones are there
It indexes the user directory (|:\Users\whatever) and all your start menu programs by default.
Its only really an issue if you have files spread across multiple drives or you don't save them in the standard locations.
| was supposed to be C, but you still get the point.
>right click, unpin
>turn off suggestions in start
>he didn't uninstall tips
nice one retard
Holy shit. Where do I even start?
>>everything just works
Like thermal throttling
The fact that is it build in should be repulsive enough.
>his os comes with preinstalled malware
aaa hhhhh AAHAHAHAH
I don't disagree, but people completely exaggerate it. It takes one (1) minute tops to make it fuck off and never appear again, I've got an install from 2015 that I did it from and it never re-enabled itself or whatever.
Never happened to me. That does seem shitty though, but as I said, you're really exaggerating how much of a deal it is. Its one fucking toggle when you first install it.
>t. teen that doesn't know what malware is
This threads reeks of Yulia
Show yourself bitch
She(he) lives for shitposting about this shit OS
Doesn't this refer to ads for in uwp/microsoft store apps?
>the absolute state of windows gaming
How much is google paying you, prajeet?
This is fake, right?
Start menu, task bar, notification centre, lock screen, windows explorer, edge, etc..
>cartel nyaa
I took 10 minutes to turn off all that shit the 1st and only time I installed win10 on my computer and I've never once gotten a message like that.
It takes you faggots longer to get your sound or wifi working.
Install Windows10™ and find out
Literally never seen an ad on my device. win10 pro
Wow, the manipulative wording on these options is pretty damn sleazy desu.
Still using Win7 so I didn't know how bad it is. I'm surprised that any non-shills would actually defend this shit
Now turn off the spyware, oh wait, you can't.
I use Rider for studying and VS for bigger projects.Rider is less bloat than VS.
Also I use Visual Code for webdev stuff.
retarded weeb scum
> I can tell because you're the sort of retard who has multiple IDEs installed.
Projecting this much?
You keep posting things that literally don't happen after you take 30 seconds to configure your OS
Try being less of a newfag next time
Just going to say I bought a laptop with Win10 and have not seen any of that. I think its a problem for sure and very annoying when you have to deal with it but it takes like 20 seconds to turn off even if its enabled to begin with.
Not a big enough issue to warrant me switching to linux.
>socially engineered
HAHAHHAHAHAH wtf even means?
Jow Forums literally designed a nyaa clone and here you are defending the fags who slandered it.
I gave my old T420 to my dad when his Macbook broke.
I used to run Arch on it, but for him I did a factory reset on the Windows 10 install it came with thinking it would be alright.
But after a week he had some "upgrade to Chromium" popup which turned out to be a virus.
He had no idea how he got it, could it have been installed through those "tips"?
>wtf even means?
Fucking summer.
Google botnet.
Not them but pantsu is fucking dogshit in terms of selection compared to cartel.
please make stop :(
No they not.
When I installed a clean Win10 edu, my start was only filled with Skype, One Drive and Edge.
>doesn't know how to fix it so it doesn't
Turns out that you've wasted hours of your life posting pictures trying desperately to trigger people with things that are completely irrelevant to them. Literally no one on Jow Forums has experienced those things for more than a few minutes.
I am just waiting for DXVK to reach version 1.0 and proper userspace Freesync integration, I promise.
itt: win 10 shills who
> hur hur just disable da ads and its better
> meanwhile OS is literally botnet
kys faggots, go back to and circle jerk about your vidya
People here are tech illiterate.
omg :(
>suddenly openly discussing like a "retarded weeb scum"
You cartel shills are so transparent. The only thing Pantsu is bad for is weekly releases which you can get literally anywhere. Games, porn, music, all old-Nyaa content, completed season batches, literally everything else is fine. I haven't had to touch Cartel's cancer a single time since Nyaa died and anyone that knows anything about them finds that prospect thrilling.
please make stop :(
I'm not even sure what that is actually. I've never seen that before.
Feman is seriously a crazy bitch. This is its hobby.
windu has bugs :(
>tfw you will live to see the day that Jow Forums threads literally become paid shills arguing with other paid shills
10 Enterprise LTSB doesn't, you boot lipped pickaninny
Should I use the site that has the most content and is available 24/7 or the Jow Forums abortion with zero content and 20% uptime? Keep the fucking cartel circlejerk in your containment board. I don't care about shitty fansubbing drama or that someone posted mean comments under your torrent on
it's free though so who cares
>thank you master! keep abusing me and data mining me! I don't have anything to hide ;P
it is paid product :(
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations doesn't have this problem.
literally just make shortcut in
\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
no :(
Linux foundations cant afford paid shills
>but but you aren't indexing it correctly!