Is Mr. Robot okay?

I was thinking about giving it a watch but I am super anal about science and tech stuff in series and movies.

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Season 1 is okay, 2 & 3 are boring

Me agree

Thanks senpai

Thanks senpai

from afar it seems like a cringy "hackerman" show like the "i'm going to design a gui in visual basic to track the criminal down" style

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I did not realise that 4ch now autocorrects f a m to senpai

You will slit your wrists at the KDE scene. I know I jumped out of bed and literally hid in the closet for 30 seconds.

If you like Fight Club, you will love it. It's fairly realistic, but later on it gets a bit much. Rami is an excellent actor. Just don't give it too much thought, everything that happens is technically possible, but that doesn't mean it's not fucking ridiculous at times.

>Rami is an excellent actor
Dude just plays himself desu

Does it really senpai?

it's not like that, they put in more effort than that for the hacking stuff, he uses kali, so even though it's still dumb in a way they at least tried more than that visual basic shit

>expected the show to be about a vigilante hacker who in every episode or two tackles a crime/corruption ring using hacking and shit (coffee shop and black guy tor market scenes was so fucking cash man)

>nooooo it's fight club but with chinese terrorists

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>KDE scene

I see you're running GNOME

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I just recently saw a clip of some guy asking Mr. Robot "Are you a One or a Zero?"

That convinced me that Mr. Robot is made for normies who want to feel like computer nerds even though they actually aren't.

And that is bad how?

cringy, but not slit-my-wrists level

It's not amazing and reads like a melodramatic story of an angsty teen who hates the world as opposed to the tech-focused show that I was hoping for going into it. That being said, for the parts that involve tech, it is largely very accurate. Also, I'm always a bit miffed when people shit on it considering there is literally nothing even close to it in terms of a tech tv series.

Who the hell talks like this.

lol why tf are you lot watching this shit

First episode is amazing. Writing devolves into lazy basic bitch tv show afterwards. Turned it off on episode 3 when the bad guy began paying to beat up a homeless person.

How in the fuck is 3 boring?

normies who know how to send email watch it; then think because they've seen an IP that it's "good"

The tech bits are alright, but way too short. The story is a fucking mess tho.

>"omg so geeky" "loner" guy does drugs and has casual sex
>fugg deh establashmend
>like three episodes in you're assaulted with a full frontal gay sex scene

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pretty new senpai

wanna see something magical user add an s after m

It's shit. Like every other """show""" out there. Now stop shilling this piece of shit every few days you underage faggot.

I guess some people have to stay with GoT.

fry the souls of the non-beleivers

>mr reddit

If you are anal about tech I recommend watching girls on Chaturbate who use anal vibrators that you can turn on by donations

ms :^)

1 is good, 2 can be a bit boring, its a much of a slow burn, but the character development is essential for Season 3, which is explosive as fuck.

Keep in mind that this show is a drama; however, almost every hack shown is accurate and possible, except the Bluetooth hack.

You need watch the show for the context. The main character is portrayed as an autist, so you should have no problems relating to him.

>Season 3, which is explosive as fuck

>"i'm going to design a gui in visual basic"
That sentence actually makes sense though

You can actually see legitimate code in the show, albeit with errors that trigger me. In one shot, you can see C header file for AA trees.

>some guy
>asking mr robot
>That convinced me
stop grasping at straws m8

idk that one episode in season 3 where he's infiltrating the Ecorp building is pretty fuckin good

Some scenes are ok, but many things are so cringy, I can not watch it anymore.

It’s basically fight club the show

If you have any intellect you’d realise that crashing current society and starting fron the ashes is a terrible, terrible way of doing things

Like WW2 terrible

>he's infiltrating the Ecorp building
You mean running around, avoiding security. I like the scene where Elliot has his back completely turned to Samar, and Samar continues talking as if Elliot is still paying attention.

I watched a few episodes and had to stop.
It's so transparent about it's pandering you can almost see the producers sitting at a conference table trying to figure out their demographic before even writing the story.
Hackers 1995 is unironically a better representation of computer culture.

>Infiltration: to enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret.

yeah I like all the subtle things that you don't realize until you find out the "twist"

>Hackers 1995 is unironically a better
Can't tell if troll. It gets better, just watch till the end of the season.

WW2 resulted in a rapid development of technology thanks to which we're all better off as a result.

I pirated the first season and got a warning email from my isp

omg that's disgusting. What episode?
What's the timestamp on the scene, I can't believe they'd do something like that.

WW2 resulted in a rapid development of other technology than the technology that would have existed otherwise. Progress will always happen, it is inevitable. Don't become bitter.

No it's not a troll.
Hackers is fun. Most of the characters fuck with the system for a good laugh. It represents the experimental "doing it just for the sake of it" type of hacking like phreaking. The "hackers" in Hackers are just curious bored kids not angsty political faggots. The villain gets around on a skateboard. The soundtrack is near perfect. The sets and props and costumes in almost every scene are interesting.
If you're thinking about watching Mr. Robot go rewatch hackers instead.

Although, technically true, he only infiltrates E-Corp after they clear the building. Also, I have a bad feeling that we're going to get a Lost like ending at the end of the last season; in which, Elliot was making everything up in his head or somehow the events of the show never happened. There's a few times where Elliot has had knowledge of things that he shouldn't have. This could just be oversights, due editing or some other mistake; but I dismiss it either, because we know that Elliot is a unreliable narrator.

>gonna fap real quick to mr robot
It's in the third episode of the first season, 33 minutes in.

Just suspend your disbelief and watch the rest of the season.

>but I dismiss it either
can't dismiss it.

Season 1: 7/10
Season 2: 5/10
Season 3: 9/10

Actually - Season 2: 5/9


Can I skip season 2? I watch S1 and thought it was fine, but got worse near the end. I really didn't care for what was supposed to be resolved, so I stopped watching.

Well Season 2 is essential for the plot and character development in 3

It's not completely retarded, it's actually alright. Season 1 was great, season 2 was super boring and season 3 was okay. It's less about hacking and more about Elliot.

I actually really liked season three. I felt like it had the most style.

>I know I jumped out of bed and literally hid in the closet for 30 seconds.
Then you stayed there literally shaking?

user, weren't you always in the closet?

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This, it was the second episode if I remember well, that was the point where I cringed that I dropped the show.

They need to tone down with the whole "hurrr im crazy" shit

If you're an average American retard, it's boring.

thats because he was talking to himself, of course he is going to make autistic analogies

People who do shit like this are crazy.

Like it makes any difference.

>anal vibrators

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I didn't like it
to put it like this, it's like black panther for blacks: the focus group that production is directed to is so transparent it hurts
my autism forbade me from watching a show where some dude is portrayed as a socially incompetent loser just because he's slightly awkward and sometimes cries a little bit yet has a stable career, his own apartment and fucks on the regular

You watched 30 minutes of the first episode. kys for portraying yourself as a pseudo-intellectual.

exactly. I just couldn't stand it, there's no need to get defensive about it
I don't really see where did you got the idea of me portraying myself as a pseudo-intellectual

this ain't it senpai

He's socially incompetent because he has a dissociative disorder and schizophrenia rolled into one.

>I don't really see where did you got the idea of me portraying myself as a pseudo-intellectual
I relate to Elliot, because of the hormonal imbalance due to my drinking. You think that because this drama somewhat relates to you, you feel like it needs to accurate. Yet, I feel like you really enjoyed Jurassic park, and tron. You're able to suspend your disbelief when topics out of your grasp is presented. However, when topics that you can relate to are presented, you feel a need for the material to conform to your retarded point of view. When it doesn't, you feel stupid, as a human, you get upset. It's a drama, enjoy or don't. Don't compare yourself to it.

That drivel is worse desu

Omho, as an oldfag, I give it an 8/10. It's very similar to fight club in style, but has been very modernized. There's enough information for an autistic to enjoy it and it's explained simple enough for a normie to understand, which is understandable since it's for television and they need to cater to a mass audience just like any other television show.

The plot is consistently moving and even though there are some slow points, it allows for character development. We can be fast-paced at times, and slower at others in order to expand emotionally on the audience. It'll make you empathize with all of the characters, and it's some points will make you question your own morality.

Ibn4 gay

It's much worse than you're imagining.

what the hell? those are a whole lot of incorrect asumptions. how were you able to post such a garbage reply so nonchalantly? why do you speak as if you were my shrink or intimate friend when you know nothing about me?
I just find it cringy, that's it. I saw a little bit of the first episode and it came to me as a show that tries to appeal to "lol xd depressed want2die" teens, and that's one of the reasons I disliked it. simple as that.

>I am super anal
No, you shouldn't watch a SHOW and then come back here with more threads about this complaining how unrealistic a SHOW is.
Now fuck off to , faggot

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Agreed except for S2, I give it a 6.5.

>season 1
semi-realistic depiction of schizo hackerman taking out the world banking system
>season 2
schizo man has lots of hallucinations and chinese hackers shoot some people
>season 3
gay swede chops wood without a shirt and then blows up some building

All three seasons are alright, but I still feel cheated that after the first season they really just ignored all the tech stuff.

because there is no other alternative than to watch these (((shows)))

Can't believe nobody spoiled this yet, but Mr Robot is literally Elliot's college programming teacher. Elliot doesn't recognise him due to early onset dementia. They played the BB card well on this one.

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that is not a local address.
That's loopback.