How do I install discord
How do I install discord
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What the fuck is this? Is this an actual flavor of manjaro?
And if your question was serious, just install it with yay. I assume you already have it
"yay -S discord"
warning: cannot resolve "libc++", a dependency of "discord"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] y
looking for conflicting packages...
there is nothing to do
What do I do now?
Install Windows
You have to be 18 years or older to post on this website.
You are on an arch based distro, right?
yay -S discord works fine for me.
It should prompt you with two versions of libc++ to install from aur, choose the first one.
Try to pacman -Syu just in case there is something that got messed up by accident.
Like mirrors not up to date and such.
I don't wanna be hostile or arrogant but, since you seem a bit unexperienced in Linux, why don't you use Ubuntu o Mint, since Ubuntu is the distro that is supported for your gaming needs? I understand you wanting to use an Arch-based system but you should tinker with it in a vm while you use ootb stuff imo
If I had a dollar for every time someone complained about libc++ and discord on Arch based distros, I'd buy a gun and kill myself.
Add Manjaro strit. Problem solved.
I second that.
But you guys told me manjaro is the gaming linux
install libc++?
whoever told you that, surely was messing with you
Congrats ur in dependency he'll. Make sure you install libc++ and add appropriate symlinks
Download the fucking tar.gz
You may want to try which distro suits you, I guess you could have a good experience with *buntu + ppa for nvidia propietary drivers or upgrade the kernel if you are sporting an AMD gpu
This guy doesnt even know how into dependency management, do you think he is going to know how to work with a tarball?
The sad thing is the only right answer to this guys question is install mint
Extract it and execute it.
So hard.
I've done the same, but then I've got a blankscreen
Just install the dependencies you're missing.
if he gets it to work he'll probably come back here asking how to fix the emoji fonts
(install noto-fonts-emoji to get emojis to work)
sudo apt install *libc++*
Generally, that's what I always do, the asterix means "anything" in regular expressions. Yeah, I end up with 20GB of dependencies but it's worth it.
>How do I install discord?
>Has Memejaro installed
I can already see tomorrow's thread headline:
"OMG! Linux is so fucking shit! Couldn't even install discord!!!"
Really, OP? Should've gone with a *buntu flavor, instead you decided to fall for a distro not aimed at newbs, heck I'd even recommend Linux Mint, but no you HAD to listen to the autist on here, shame on you.
>he fell for the meme
Just install plain vanilla Ubuntu LTS if you want to use Linux
Anything else is for memelords
>OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
>Packages: 990 (pacman)
>not aimed at newbs
enjoy the botnet
these AUR helpers are garbage, install things manually:
git clone
cd libc++
makepkg -si --skippgpcheck
git clone
cd discord
makepkg -si