What's your typing speed?
What's your typing speed?
only 70 wpm :(
Unless you're using tenfastfingers or typeracer your score doesn't count
basically the same
I don't know, why should I care?
>t. typelet
this is me on typeracer few days ago
get on my level filthy 90's (and post 90's) babies
what's average for normies?
115 WPM, way faster than I can think :P
>Tfw 101 WPM and 98% accuracy and still get no interview for data entry jobs
38 for non-touch typing
59 for touch typing
Any chance you are by ATL?
i'm actually proud of this
How do I improve this then? Just do typing for hours and hours?
WPMlets get the fuck off my board
I have typed with solely my index fingers my entire life. What type of speeds could I expect if I transitioned to home row? I don't want to do if if I'm only going to gain 10 or s
I don't want to do it if I'm only going to gain 5 or so WPM. My ultimate goal is to hit 130-140 but I am very doubtful that I could do that with index fingers.
My peak speeds for the first 5-10sec on typing tests that show you your speed as you type are typically around 125-130, but I'm doubtful I could maintain it.
130 wpm
Feels good not being a typelet. You can't seriously say you work with computers or are experienced with them if your typing speed is below 80.
Bretty gud
I refuse to believe that you have a typing speed of 114WPM with 99% accuracy if you type solely with index fingers. But since you asked, I learned touch typing in my own way and I didn't stick to any technique because I just went with what's most comfortable and as a result managed to avoid carpal tunnel due to forced and uncomfy positions. So it's better to just spend a lot of time typing and over time you'll learn to involve specific and individual fingers for other letters that would otherwise be inconvenient. For example, I use my pinky finger on the left hand for caps lock, pinky finger on the right for the enter and backspace keys, I use my left hand ring finger for A, S, D, Q, W, and Z. My left hand middle finger covers R, F, C, X, and T. Same mix-mashup for the other hand and I actually don't use my thumbs whatsoever, I just let them hang down since I use right index on my spacebar. Thumb's only used in gaymes when I need to do WASD controls and it's placed on the spacebar for jumping or Z/X for specialized keys. I think it's the most natural merging of man and machine when you adapt to the keyboard and other instruments by yourself instead of looking at "guides" or other instruction manuals. For reference, my speed's 123WPM and it's been climbing steadily, I'm
Just buy a thinkpad x230 from [email protected] for $50 shipped. He takes bitcoin. Everybody on Jow Forums knows about Larry. He has a sick YouTube channel about technology and computers...
literal, unironic shilling out of nowhere
You shilling kike, you literally samefagged and said you have 30 thinkpads and then provided ZERO timestamps, you refuse to accept PayPal because it has buyer protection and you only take shitcoin. Fuck off.
wait so your pinky is always covering tab/caps/shift? And ring is always covering A/Q/Z????
In this video I do a 1min test and get 116WPM with 99% accuracy. Sorry for the shit quality but I barely use webms.
That's encouraging to hear that you manage to get such a high WPM with a unique typing style like that. I think I'll try to do it my own way similarly to how you did, because I've had success so far with a "unique" style.
Yes, shift, tab, caps escape, win and ctrl are all covered by the pinky. I call it the utility finger kek.
Thanks user, I'm also very impressed, I don't think I've ever seen anyone type that fast with just index fingers.
Thanks user, I appreciate it. I remember that I used to type with this method all the way in elementary school typing classes, so I've had a lot of practice for what it's worth.
I just regret not starting with home row in the first place, honestly. I know it's not like I'm going to be typing 170wpm or something, but.. I'm definitely excited to see the kind of improvement I'll be able to get if I put the work into it.
Ah, that makes sense with the way they taught in school. Kek, did you lads also get to play typershark and other games like that?
I learned to type mostly on MMOs and other games where quick responses are necessary, so I just sight-typed and then over time remembered the positions of some of the most used words and it just escalated from that point on. I tell you what, home row is fucking terrible. It's a system that's designed to make you conform to your keyboard, not vice-versa. This is why so many office workers and professionals that were forced to use the homerow method get carpal tunnel. For example, I've got massive hands and to fit the tips of my fingers on the home row I have to crunch up my entire palm, which if I did for long enough would probably give me terrible pains.
I suppose the lesson to be learnt here is that you should always try and adapt your tech to your body instead of the other way around.
I played this game where you had to fill in a hole. The words were bricks. I was actually really bad at it, I'd love to try it again if I could ever remember the name of it.
I played MMOs, but they weren't really the raid type so I didn't need to type quickly. For me it was mostly that as an adolescent I was on my computer 10 or so hours per day, so I kind of had to learn eventually.
I didn't know that about home row. I've read similar stuff about two-finger typing, that it can cause carpal tunnel, so that's definitely another reason for me to switch to another method.
I know that shortish-term damage is pretty easy to find out, but how do you tell that your method isn't causing long-term damage like home row, though? I definitely want to remain healthy in that regard.
Well, to answer the long term damage question, I've been typing for almost 16 years now, 14 of those using my method. Carpal tunnel usually shows itself after 4 or 5 years of regular typing. So I think mine at the very least is at least 3 times better ergonomically for me than the one they forced everybody to learn.
Also, on a side note I was always terrible at the typing game so actually I'd pause the entire game, find the words on the display, put my fingers on the proper keys and then unpause so I could actually type them. I was absolutely terrible at typing for the first while.
cursed webm
That's good to hear. I'll sometimes have wrist pain, but only after doing stuff that's actually hard on my wrists like planche pushups. I've recently started flexibility stuff for them too, so hopefully that helps with any future issues I'll be racing.
I'm glad that I can relate to someone else there. I think that typing is 90% practice in terms of speed, so it's not surprising that we weren't good at them at first.
>try out typeracer
>it thinks I'm cheating
116 WPM isn't that big of a deal, is it?
Most of the people I go against on that can type a whole 40wpm, so..
130. Why is Jow Forumss average so low?
>tfw high WPM
>it's not really that useful since aside from shit like dispatch jobs or heavy data entry jobs, neither of which pay that well
at least I can say I have something that I'm better than 97% of the people in my country at
Peak speed is 154WPM, average (on speed tests) like 145
Nah, they just do that because they want you to get an account.
There's really no practical benefit to it apart from being able to Google and shitpost really quickly. Anything else like typing essays and stuff, you'll be gated way more by your thinking than by your typing speed. And I'm saying this as someone who, like half of Jow Forums, is top 1% speed.
Do you have any advice on making your average more like your peak? My peak is 130 but I fall to 110-115 by the end.
Nah I don't really have any advice. My stamina is terrible.
I only type with two fingers, it's fast enough so I can do my work but my accuracy needs work, I could probably type a lot faster I had a better bigger keyboard and I utilized fingers other than my two index fingers. I've just learned how to type this way as a stupid child and I can't break out of it. I have severe carpal tunnel because I slide my hands around my keyboard and twist my wrists and shit. I've posted videos of me typing with just one finger at like 60 wpm.
Fellow two-finger typist here . I think something is wrong if you're getting carpal tunnel. I could just be lucky, but 15 years of using computers in earnest and I'm fine.
I would try raising your hands more instead of sliding and twisting your wrist; if you see what I'm doing in the video, I keep my hands in the same orientation and push down with my fingers.
I think you'd be able to change your style but it'd just be work. At least you've memorised the keyboard layout, I'd hope so typing triple digits at least.
How do I stop typing letters in the wrong order? Also, how do I stop my spaces from "desyncing" (look ssomethin glik ethis)
Took it again and got this
>80 for the awkward looking four finger shuffle with regular peeking
>24 for touch typing
I've been at it for five days and need to practice more.
friendly reminder that women only consider >120 wpm to be "average typing speed"
71 with full accuracy on the Oz one as an indexfag and 66 with two mistakes on the default one
bad day :(
Would either get 100 or down to 80 with 98% accuracy. What really fucks me when is when I miss type something or it's some random word or name that I've never spelled out before which really makes me stall. I remember having a failing grade in my typing class in middle school because I was too lazy to actually learn. Spent a lot of mornings catching up on assignments and learned the basics getting my grade up to a B I think. Playing Runescape took care of the rest. Can now type without ever looking at the keyboard and can even tell if I miss typed something without looking at the words. Meanwhile everyone around me types a word, looks down at the keyboard, types a word, looks down at the keyboard, and so on. I even see them do weird shit like keeping their hands off the keyboard so they can see the letters.
women don't care about your petty games
women look for a mate who'll pass on good genetics. They look at muscles, height, bone structure and intelligence (both social and IQ). The easiest way to trick this mechanism if you have none of these is to hit the gym and get Jow Forums. It's not all doom and gloom, lads. It just takes a little effort.
or you can just hope to get lucky.
I have great social skills, a 5/10 face, and I'm putting all of my energy into becoming a lead engineer. I don't need to work out if I can break into the 200k salary range. My Ferrari will do the talking.
shut the fuck up incel
nice r*ddit word, faggot. I ain't even a virgin.
being able to type extremely fast just becomes redundant over time, its good for copying a document or typing what you know, you're limited by how fast you can make words
indeed women come out the pussy with a common evaluation framework for evolutionary fitness yes mhm
This. I was expecting a little more from this board.
t. 122
Who cares? I spend more time thinking about what I'm about to write anyways
If I'm copying text that I have read over, around 110wpm.
If I'm typing my thoughts or copying word by word, around 60wpm.
I have bad form and can't really use the z row that well so my fingers lock up sometimes.
>posting anime pics
lying is a sin user
Is that why black men impregnate white women so easily?
Just get fucked by men lol
Later virgins
nope. x species tends to prefer x species rather than y or z. Outliers, however, seem to be more vocal
cry some moar, loser.
Good enough that I'm not ashamed of it. Although if anyone is watching me code my accuracy becomes about 80%.