So why do you pirate windows, my fellow nerds?
So why do you pirate windows, my fellow nerds?
Why does the lark sing?
>my fellow nerds
Hi Pajeet. Say hello to your mother for me. Her bobs and vagene were like a bowl of hot curry
I don't. I can afford it.
I don't really pirate software anymore. Last time I used a software crack I got serious malware.
FFS, who in his sane mind pirates today. Especially Widnows .Get into insider program, set it to slow you can't afford a licence and GTFO.
Because it's not worth paying for. At least that's why in the past. Now that I can play my childrens' gaymes on Linux, I've made the switch away entirely. Fuck Microsoft, fuck Windows and fuck white people.
because fuck paying for a license when they're already making money off my data
why do you run a red light? because you can.
I've been pirating since 2000 and it's insanely easy to get a clean .iso then activate it. There's no reason to pay for software unless you are subject to audits or need soft that genuinely requires a dongle to work.
I prefer Linux and use it as my main host OSs but some soft needs Windows (AutoCAD etc) so those installs live in virtual machines.
Don't, cause Linux is free
Install gentoo
BASED and redpilled
Isn't win10 free as free beer? There is some text on the bottom right, but it still wörks.
i hope windows makes 11 impossible to pirate
it will really clean up the internet and keep third worlds off
I hope they do too so more people are inclined to use Linux
They'll make it easy to crack though, they dont give a shit about people pirating their software
They make money off the personal information they harvest from me. Why should we pay for Windows on top of that?
There won't be a Windows 11. Windows is a service now.
will they ever learn?
>"if you don't pay for it, YOU are the product"
>pay for it
>you're still a product
the absolute state of proprietaryfags
>go on kijiji/cl/ebay or whatever
>buy shitty PC with win7/8/8.1 key
>download win10 from MS website
>activate with win7/8/8.1 key
>sell trash PC or keep
>easy activated and legal win10
It's not fucking difficult, only retards pirate proprietary, paid malware. If you want free and simple then get linux ffs
The sites I used to use all got shut down. I used to go on this subreddit that posted links to mega shares and you'd find all sorts of cool stuff. It was like a treasure hunt, usually found some books i was interested in or audiobooks / video e-learning shit / etc
I don't really buy or pirate any mainstream things anymore.
>have a few games that I buy through steam
>twitch and youtube for videos and music
>all other software I use tends to be oss since i do linux dev
it's not worth stealing
I don't.
But its so easy
because i can
lel i just realized i berated a retarded ms employee while using a grey market key
dont care though, i do it for free, fuck ms
Not worth pirating windows. I just pay for a key when I build a new pc every 5 years. In australia it's $100 for a legit copy. Not worth the constant issues you get with pirated shit
Yes and buy a key off ebay for like 4 dollars.
I crack legit copies of Windows. Only a dingus would use pre-cracked ISO's from torrent sites.
you don't get a pirated iso
you get a clean iso, then use kms programs
fuck MS, they already make money off you, why let them double dip?
I can afford it, but choose not to pay for broken software that thrashes all but the most powerful systems.
I pay for it because I'm not a low class stealin nigger and I have a job
>pirating windows
>when you can use the 7/8 -> 10 upgrade method to get a legitimate license directly from MS
>white people
nigger detected
>you get a clean iso
MS doesn't supply clean Win10 ISOs anymore.
And in any case, you're right, they are collecting my data as it is and fuck paying 100 dollars for a key.
Except they do. It even makes the USB installer for you on the spot.
I snagged a Installer key and it allows Home and Pro, just use kms and you're gokden Pony Boy
trust, as soon as you upgrade your motherboard and/or CPU, they yank it
they did it to me when i upgraded to Ryzen from my old Devil's Canyon setup
You can download Win10 iso's directly from Microsoft you fucking retard.
I made a mistake, I apologize, no need for name calling.
I don't pirate it, I use Debian
I watched that entire Linus video. I am pretty sure there is a business subscription model that would fit his needs. I don't think he is meant to buying individual keys like the way he does currently.
Cos I'm cheap, and know a guy with MVS access.
This. It works like an OEM licence, and you're fucked for transferring it. Nothing stops you doing it again though, I suppose.
you'll trip Defender, but all you have to do is allow it
> fuck white people
Nothing up to this retards' post was about anything connected to politics. But this CIA NIGGER had to fuck ship up.
>falling for such simple bait
c'mon dude
>you have to be black to hate white people
Kinda defeating the purpose of spending anything up to 2 hours installing Windows 7/8.1 (because you need drivers for it the whole procedure to work properly), and upgrading it to 10, don't you think?
I was referring to if you went through that process, like I did, and then upgrade major components like the MB and/or CPU, and they yank your license like they did to me
you can still just do a 'legit' upgrade from daz'd 7 to 10 pro last time I tried, officially the free license is gone but it still works if you have the link to the upgrade exe which is on MS servers but not linked to and no, i'm not going to spoonfeed you the link if you're so fucking new you don't know what MDL is
>when the hiding cop flashes his siren but just waves you through because you're both white
Buy a MAK license on eBay for $5.
I always just bought a windows 10 enterprise key on ebay for around 10$, you can get pro key for like 6$ there is really no need to pirate it unless you are piss poor.
White people made linux you dumb nigger.
>using chink licenses
>CIA niggers are black
Fuck off racist
those licenses you can activate but you aren't following the license terms. you are just paying to pirate lol.
Whoops, just saw "nigger" and quoted you
Fresh install of 8.1 takes 15 minutes on an SSD, download and upgrade to 10 takes 30 mins.
Fuck the license terms it works for me and I don't need to weird shit to windows.
it's true but there are certain ramifications for word choice in the legal sphere which is why lawyers for companies are so intent as calling it theft. as it grants them the most legal leverage when going to court.
ok but it makes no sense for a business to do that. might as well go big or go home.
Yeah but you don't get CYKAbot.
you dont get bots using KMS either
kek, niggers and liberals are too dumb to use Linux
>Pirate Windows
Silly user, don't you know computers come with it?
Ugh, I need to update that again. The main has added 7TB (and I should probably upgrade it to 24GB RAM considering I have two 8GB sticks in a drawer) and the 4440 has gotten a GTX 970.
Because I can.
There we go.
The RAM upgrade didn't go so well.
>Have mismatched 4x4GB CAS 11 DDR3-1600 that will do 2133 CAS 11 without a problem
>Swap out two sticks for Ripjaws X F3-12800CL10D-16GBXL
>shows up in CPU-Z as only PC3-10600
>crashes at 1866 CAS 11.
So pretty sure these are falsely advertised as DDR3-1600. They just have an XMP profile for it.
god dammit are the mods getting paid for this?
EVERY DAY there is a thumbnail with this stupid annoying face on Jow Forums EVERY FREAKING DAY
and they are NEVER deleted after report
>on an SSD
Obviously, you missed the "up to" part. Though why you'd download when you have a crisp, verified MVS ISO floating around is a bit beyond me.
Buying Windows is like paying for WinRAR
Because I had a legit copy that deactivated when I changed some hardware.
>paying for software
Sounds like a terrible idea.
>pirating trash
There is but it's quite expensive.
Obviously not as expensive as paying for a new license each time you wanna test though.
I can actually somewhat understand Linus reasoning in the video but the way he said it, he seemed really whiny that they don't get free keys from MS.
I still have access to my University MSDNAA site, so I can get free Pro or Education keys.
why pay when you can phone activate anything including office
anime is so dumb
>there's people who enjoy this
>I'm not going to spoonfeed you
>proceed to spoonfeed
What did he mean by this?
did you just assume anons gender?
Yeah i just did, and in fact I don't care if he takes dicks in his ass or suck cocks for a living while dressing like a little girl, he is still a he, and a faget.
Can you easily use a Win 8.1 key to activate a Win 10 installation? I still have some from my university days, are they still useful for anything?
I own valid win 10 for free. I don't know how can i got it, i literally just upgrade from cracked win 8.1.
>Get into insider program, set it to slow you can't afford
Not gonna pay $200+ for a license
u bloody bastard bitch
Didn't really get the impression he was whiny because he didn't get free keys, he was mostly upset by the genuine - specially for him - problem that you can't just use the OS on a bunch of random machines / configurations without it getting de-activated. If my motherboard dies or PSU dies or whatever and you want to use another box temporarily then I can simply move the OS SSD and Linux will boot fine and work fine and once I get the spare part for the original box I can move it back. With Windows you get your OS deactivated and then you have to spend time getting it activated.
Linus swaps things around all the time so I fully understand that why he doesn't' consider all the hassle worth it. It's not like some text saying it's not activated matters when you're just going to boot the thing and run some benchmarks and swap parts and run more benchmarks.
Ebay sells them for $5.
WU : Windows Universe
>I don't really pirate software anymore. Last time I used a software crack I got serious malware.
Serves you right for being incompetent.
>it's true but there are certain ramifications for word choice in the legal sphere which is why lawyers for companies are so intent as calling it theft. as it grants them the most legal leverage when going to court.
Under the US legal system, copyright infringement is not theft. Laws about theft are not applicable to copyright infringement. The supporters of repressive copyright are making an appeal to authority—and misrepresenting what authority says.
What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, unauthorized copying, or as I've recently taken to calling it, unauthorized sharing. Piracy is not the act of obtaining an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted work, but rather robbery or criminal violence at sea.
Many computer users make unauthorized copies every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called piracy, and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically copying, and not stealing.
There really is a piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only function at sea. Piracy is normally not used in combination with unauthorized copying: the two acts are basically separate. All the so-called piracy is really unauthorized copying.