I wanna make the next habbo

I wanna make the next habbo

Like a hacker's hangout

Open source, cyber cute pixel arts

Where do i begin

Attached: 1517180096624.gif (960x540, 824K)

your first step will be to stop posting on Jow Forums

i can help woth pixel art
start programming it and buying servers to host it

Begin to fucking work on it. Have you ever written a line of code?


im thinking of using HTML5 and JS for front end

Should i use an egine or make my own

Im a backend programmer so i have knowledge with programming, never tried game dev

pls stop with the reddit spacing is just so bad
make your own engine, it can slow down the process at first but then it makes every thing easier

ok cool
i suppose front end goes first. the backend is simple enough to architecture

i love cute pixel arts
here some things i did (i do pixel art when im bored, i actually did a lot more but this is a collage i have laying around)

Attached: assss.png (650x650, 209K)

the logo

call it Habonimous and host it in a libreboot thinkpad connected to public wifi for the full experience

Make them like Yume Nikki's.

Attached: 367bc6dbb47491f7940df5f34b0bba29e27a4f01254449d7679479b4a61d13d4.gif (150x150, 7K)


habbo has so much good pixel art

Attached: $.png (122x207, 11K)

You won’t do shit, add it to your failures list and kill yourself already

i hate yume nikki fuck off with that gay shit

eh, why

Attached: 6a0d314610c9329eafcab6e9d9d4ba46a652b35bd109f744bfde0b9b47c7cb32.jpg (1200x675, 136K)

ii like the art style but i like the isometric style like habbo

i tried isometric pixel art but i failed so bad i died

Attached: Rom.png (355x260, 12K)

seems like u gave up with that monitor on the far right and that chair wtf

Read Loomis

whats that

/ic/'s equivalent of >install gentoo

>Where do i begin
A suggestion from /cyb/ some months ago:
- base it on Unreal Engine
- implement a TRON like world
- add games, conversations, postings and building
- enjoy.

Oh nice

it wouldnt be web based... aw

Please com on over to /cyb/, it is comfy over there.

Web is overhyped, this needs more bandwidth for a start.

I can make the logo

Unreal 4 is free init


Begin with the logo