If you have an links to archived / lost Terry vids I'd greatly appreciate your help in getting them.
If you have an links to archived / lost Terry vids I'd greatly appreciate your help in getting them.
Other urls found in this thread:
heres all of it yo
Desu, I bet you have a massive dick
Based and redpilled
so is this faggot dead or what?
wget -A mp4,ogv,mkv -m -p -E -k -K -nph ttps://archive.org/details/TerryADavisTempleOSYouTubeChannelArchive
will this get everything?
>wget -A mp4,ogv,mkv -m -p -E -k -K -np archive.org
>will this get everything?
Edit: spellig mistake
You shouldn't need the -p option if you are limiting your mirroring to only mp4,ogv,mkv.
I tell my mom shes a cunt everyday
get the torrent if you can
and seed it
Oh, I see. I am a brainlet when it comes to archive.org. Didn't see there was a torrent file. Thanks!
here is the link from the irc. Not sure if it is the same collection:
Is there channel still up with his more recent videos he made while being homeless in portland and on trip around USA?
anyone have the big folder of his old pictures?
So where is the latest untampered TempleOS ISO?
>2.75gb for complete YouTube video collection
Why do I have a feeling this is BS? Anyway I'm seeding it.
>If you have an links to archived / lost Terry vids
Admit it. You're only looking for his masturbation videos, you sick fuck.
Is Terry even confirmed kill yet or is this still all based on that one post?
99% dead
99% alive
None of you faggots have hundreds of hours of footage of Terry in his van in the middle of a desert. There he masturbated on livestreams and begged Diana to find him.
It was so kino.
templeos.org has been thoroughly archived since 2013. You can get every incarnation of TOS from the archives.
nice dubs faggot
So is he dead or not
Still no clear proof on that, wait until Tuesday.
How did he die?
I still can't believe!
>There he masturbated on livestreams and begged Diana to find him.
nobody wants to see that, user
what happens on tuesday?
>How did he die?
Suicide by train. His body is probably literally in pieces now (if it isn't cremated yet)
>You can get every incarnation of TOS from the archives.
There were a lot of minor changes that weren't captured.
>lots of minor changes that weren't captured
>like that time Terry did fizzbuzz in assembly whilst taking a shit in his neighbors garden.
>boo hoo
you guys are pathetic
It's Labour Day, the police aren't taking calls today.
only problem is that it is currently down.
>wahhhh, I got called out on being wrong
There's even ones with a listed version number change that are missing from the archive.
where did it go wrong?
That's what happens to you when you write compilers with DJ Khaled.
Female carrot top, arab linus, and woz
Terry was around interesting friends.
Write your own dickhead.
>Female carrot top
That's clearly that Australian milf whose kid is into installing operating systems.
Write my own what? Jesus, use your brain for anything. It's not like Terry's gonna give us a log of all the changes.
>arab linus
Terry was right when he called Linus a nigger. Just look at that photo and see.
Was Terry a virgin?
Remember when he fucked a homeless woman in his van.
no I'm not a degenerate like you
I really hope cops investigate on "TheTemple" and his impersonation. It's possible because he was impersonated and his impersonator communicated with the familly that he grew isolated and decided to go on the train track. Family maybe thought they were communicating with the real terry while he didn't have any news of them.
I want to vomit at the thought of the cruelty of somebody doing this to a person in mental distress.
Shitty shoop man
>tfw I had archived every livestream but recently (within 2 weeks) deleted everything because I needed more hard drive space and just assumed some other Jow Forums autist had an archive
oh how wrong I was
sorry history for I have failed to archive
Margey was a beautiful goblina.
fucking kek
wtf Terry was a chad
I have a VPS with about 30GB of Terry vids (some duplicates). Will serve it all publicly once I have finished archiving what I can find.
If you upload them I can scan and remove the duplicates
That's assuming that they are identical files
The real question now is: who is the next Terry Davis???
why do the wrong ones die
So is he dead or not?
Go easy on it, it's just a weak VPS. If it can't handle the traffic I will have to shut off the webserver. Still in the process of copying.
also apologies for no TLS but I cant be fucked right now, the glow in the darks already achieved their mission anyway
some faggot is hogging the bandwidth
I was just about ready to download and process the videos
nah sorry it was me, I was applying a firewall. Try now. I dont know how long I will be able to keep it up, the DigitalCucks only give 1TB outbound transfer free so I might be charge a fuck tonne
your web server is piss im tryna mirror it to my 10gbps box
can you make a torrent?
I think that would be the best way to share the files so you don't have to worry about using up your 1TB transfer
any recommendations?
sorry but I've literally never made a torrent and I don't know how to
ez if you dont care about DO put a fake card on and let it happen
and 30GB isnt alot youll prolly be at 500GB by the end of the month
the server still doesn't work
Just get a torrent client(qBit, micro Torrent, anything) and there should be an option to create a torrent, pretty easy, just select files.
VC's templeos video mirror.
>no sticky
Fuck this garbage board
There was a ~30 second video where he tried filming some other homeless black lady who was fucking hysterical about something, as she walked away he says "and that's when I started using the nigger word" or something and it cuts out. Was on youtube, can't find it anywhere.
no sticky because nothing is confirmed. Remember that earlier this summer, Terry disappeared for 30 days after being picked up by the police. So, there's recent precedent for this quiet time. Be positive!
Yeah, he was in Portland at the time, and he was filming himself out in public as he always does, and he said it, and she got all loud and upset. And there was Terry, being totaly cool, smiling, just letting it ride until it was gone. Yeah, I remember that.
I remember a video he made before leaving Portland, when he was suddenly sour, calling Portland the "City of Thralls". I wonder what happened to make him leave. Portland seemed to be a good place for him. He had a shower available at that shelter and everything. Dang.
God bless user and honorary templar
that's the one i remember!
I'm guessing it's not all of them? Terry had lots of livestreams on his old YT channel dating back to like 2015 I think, there must have been hundreds of them. I doubt anyone bothered downloading many of them due to the length. I tried to get some myself but it was just too much of hassle.
Started in 2003.
My left nut and left earlobe if you post the video here.
He's still alive brainlet
Proof ?
Not him but there's absolutely no proof he's dead.
There is even less proof he's alive.
That's the dumbest thing I've read today.
Judging how his sister is posting on facebook, it looks like Terry is dead. We'll have to wait until Tuesday in order for the police to confirm that the victim was indeed him or that faggot larper somehow managed to make the family believe that it was him. The former seems to be more likely, sadly.
The victim was a nigger. I think that pretty effectively rules our Terry out ;)
nah they havent unlocked terry yet
Found it youtube.com
There's a Terry remix, just his ramblings set over a catchy repetitive beat
You are fantastic, user.
Great times.
It's always a bad idea to film crazy black women in public