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At this point there's no explanation other than that they're making fun of their customers.
Because Apple believes in sleek design over functionality, which is a very retarded approach in product design
There isn't a better design for a mouse let's just all agree apple is the best
If they put it in a reasonable position (where the cord on most mouses would be, for example) people would just leave it plugged in all the time and they don’t want that.
I’ve used that mouse before. Apple’s mice are pure dog shit. Half the time it doesn’t recognize when you want to access the context menu and it’s really fucking small. I just use a standard PC mouse
This is actually a really good idea because it reduces charge time as you cannot use the mouse while it's charging. OP you need to reconsider you computing practices and think the apple way.
my grandpa has this mouse and he wasn't able to use his computer for 2 weeks because it died and he didnt know how to charge it
The Apple way is the retarded way. Take the red pill and see the light of GNU/Linux
It's easy they want to force people to use the track pad.
When was the last time you used a GNU/Linux mouse user?
the applel way
Your grandpa is obviously retarded, and you are his offspring and probably inherited his low intelligence.
think different
>takes 5 fucking minutes to full charge
>charge lasts weeks
And before you say hurr why didnt they put it in the front or back, it's cause the charge port would get filled with your disgusting fucking finger grease
wow it was cool to be mad at this 3 years ago
Teaches kids about anal
You're not supposed to use the mouse while it is charging. This increases the life span of the battery. Ideally phones should do this too. The ONE time Apple design against planned obsolescence and you all go 'the applel way'.
You don't complain that smartwatches have the same 'design flaw'.
>draining from li-ion batteries and charging at the same time RUINS battery lifespan
>charging li-ion batteries/keeping them at 100% 100% of the time RUINS battery lifespan
>by having a wire coming from their mouse, it looks like a wired mouse to onlookers; apple does not want their computers attached to a device with their logo on it by wire. This is an ugly look; apple is enforcing what they want their image to be: wireless future. This is the same way that gnome forces their image onto ppl by breaking the theme api with every update
So by keeping the port on the bottom, Apple ensures maximum battery longevity and proper brand image.
This. Ive wanted a wireless mouse. They basically insisted on being unusable while plugged in. I think there is an article about this somewhere.
It's stupid design but the charge lasts about 3 weeks for me and charges in an hour or so.
They need to add wireless charging to it.
On the bottom getting tendie crumbs from my desk in there is much better
Logitech did the exact same thing three years before but noone ever points that out
I can't believe this. New agenda being pushed by (((liberal media))): non-binary "quantum" computers. Can you believe it? now it's non-binary computers. A bit can either be a 0 or a fucking 1, read a fucking computer science book for fuck sake. Why do SJWs have to ruin everything?
so the age old excuse for doing fuckall of
>I'm compiling
will turn into
>My mouse is charging
I have one of those, it's a pretty good mouse. The charging cable is angled so it can sit flat on a desk while charging instead of upside-down like the Apple mouse and you can still kinda use it.
also the battery life blows the crapple mouse out of the water
3 weeks lmao, try three months being on constantly oh and it still charges in about an hour. Once more Apple is behind the curve and touting trash to people too stupid to know any better.
Form over function has always been Apples way.
It's no different here.
404 and wtf is that site? Is it satire or serious?
Sydney Morning Herald's initials are censored on Jow Forums.
The url was filtered?
Yes. Type "s m h" without spaces and you will see
>shake my head
I like it.
>Buy Mac for $1000+
>Applel still dictates how I am too use that hardware.
Whew lad!
more like money amirite
looks better with no port in the front. its not really that bad since it takes like 5 minutes for a good charge and it allows for a shallower edge. they could have done better but ive is a dumbass in design so engineers had to work around it.
Why Apple will not bend the connector port like pic related.
Concept: charge the mouse when you aren't using it
Funny how the google shills here go after apple because it doesnt just WORK
Charging it for 14 seconds will give you 2 hours of battery life. Just plug it in overnight or when you take a shit. Seriously, such a non-issue.
Because the lightning cables aren't designed to take the strain of constant movement, so they made it so you couldn't use them like that. It takes hardly any time to charge and lasts for months so makes perfect sense. Quite a clever solution to stop consumers from breaking it.
because it's the future of computing
get on board grandpa