Physical money

You don't actually still use physical money as your main form of payment like a luddite, right?
This is a technology board, after all?

Attached: Cash.png (585x390, 646K)

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Cash is technology.

I can drench my bills in cum before handing them over to qt cashiers. Can't do that with virtual money.

Haven't used cash as main form of payment since 6-7 years back. Most places dont want to take cash and ALOT of them doesn't even take cash at all
Couldn't it be that these people who are exposing themselves to beyond 1984. levels of data mining are luddites, could it?

Of course I do. Everything else is botnet - easily tracked, ends up in databases at your bank, merchant, etc.

You DO know this, don't you OP?

Attached: 1517683243970.jpg (600x604, 52K)

sounds about right

*technology randomly fucks up for no reason*
*is carried to jail because he can't pay for his shit*
*cashbro carries on as normal*

Sure, I also share on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter every transaction I make, they give me good boy points.

>he participates in the botnet

I only pay using cash or bitcoin

What places don't take cash? You're full of shit.


I do actually. I'm so autistic that my hobby is buying up old shredded money and reassembling them again. It pleases my autism in pattern recognition and puzzle solving while making me feel giddy holding thousands of dollars.

Attached: 1.jpg (1824x2528, 920K)

> solar flare hits
> hungry
> walk to mcdonald's
> sorry, we can't take credit cards

Attached: 1535264308476.jpg (900x789, 235K)

Based and redpilled.

>going to McDonald's for hunger
>going to McDonald's

Attached: 1465287007349.jpg (500x500, 212K)

>using Jewish invention
I trade products and services for services.

How much of a profit are you making?

Stores, cafés, very few banks handle cash plus miscellaneous stuff. Even Street performers offer digital donation sometimes

pretty sure shredded up money is not legal tender

Well over here in Germany you can bring damaged money - as long as you have over 50% of it on you - to any bank and they'll exchange it for you.

I don't see why a shredded banknote would have less value than a intact one, still fiat money is.

Yeah I don't think any bank will accept it. It's a pain in the ass reassembling those tinier shreds anyway, it took me a week just to put together those two $100 bills. I like reassembling the bigger shredded sheets more, it takes longer but I end up with 8 bills on a single sheet.

Attached: image.jpg (1824x4283, 643K)

Nice 20€, also why people shreds money?

Whoa... this is truly advanced autism

>This is a technology board, after all?
Yes. That's why we understand the evils of technology.
Always pay cash whenever possible.

>You don't actually still use physical money as your main form of payment like a luddite, right?
I do when I pay for prostitutes or cocaine.

How does it feel contributing to the enslavement of humanity, user?

Attached: 1534811655375.png (1500x1500, 134K)

>le what if everything stops working meme

I remember my mom telling me this 2p years ago. Luckily I ignored her advice and got a CS degree.

It's harder to budget without physical cash.

Every person needs to have at least $1k cash on them stored in a safe or whatever; probably more actually depending on their area or if they have dependents.
A large earthquake/Hurricane/something weird hits you're gonna need that cash for the scalper prices.
Hurricane Katrina was an eye opener for me to just how ineffective governments are in trying times and it's damn foolish to rely on them. Also banks can have bank holidays and fuck people over from withdrawing.

> Automatically alerting the NSA to all of your purchases.
> Durrr, at least I'm not a luddite.

I've thought about doing that but then I'd be compelled to wash my hands every time I handle my money (which I already do.)

How does Jow Forums get rid of their coins? I dump mine into the self checkout machines at Walmart.

What does the digital Jew have to hide?

Sadly he's not. Despite the old wives tale about businesses being required to accept any from of national legal tender, businesses in the united states are not legally required to take physical cash. Is the same thing as back when some businesses stopped accepting some or all change, they are allowed to choose their convenience over the customer's.

For businesses its great, because they don't have to trust new employees not to rob them, or actual armed thieves robbing them (of money, at least), don't have to physically take cash down to a bank to deposit and exchange, don't have to worry about having enough ones and coins to make change for the day's transactions, etc. Plus they get a verifiable record of the transactions, and inherently collect more info about the customers.

I went to a McDonalds for the first time in a decade last week to get a drink for a coworker, used my card (which didn't work in their stupid kiosk, so I had to pay cash anyway), and then two days later I get an ad from McDonalds. Ain't technology grand.

I take it to my bank every two years or so, dump it into their machine, and it gets deposited into my account. They're stingy about a lot of things, but that's one thing they don't charge their account holders for.

>walk into Taco Bell with a roll of quarters
>throw a few coins on the counter and order half the menu

>walk into Taco Bell with Bitcoins

its an easy choice to make, one that the whole planet observes

only homosexuals use electric money

Was correcting a dumb autocorrect (sony instead of don't, wtf), but ended up misquoting in the process. Meant to quote

Ten bucks buys half the taco bell menu? Sure thing grandpa.

yeah a lot of businesses around me are moving away from accepting credit cards and going cash only, no fees is a plus