Ok Jow Forums im from /fa/ and i need help

Ok Jow Forums im from /fa/ and i need help
I have a desktop pc with GTX 1050 2GB, i5 3470, 16GB DDR3, 500GB HDD with windows on it, 1TB HDD.

I use a 144hz and a logitech g502 (unrelated but if it helps)

My problem: my pc is freezing all the time, it may be hours after i start it, or seconds after i start it, it will just freeze and then shut off after a bit, it wont freeze and comeback, it will freeze and shutdown.
Some days i am constantly restarting it non stop since its always freezing and its almost impossible to even reach the login screen

I checked the temps and they are all fine, is this the 500GB HDD problem? Should i re install the windows on the 1TB HDD and throw away the 500GB one? What may be the problem? Sorry i suck at pc's

Attached: 21151389_1951207785092960_2418680798922637326_n.jpg (750x711, 79K)

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Jow Forums is not your personal assistant.

Anyway, what Windows did you use? And how fast your HDD is?

Install a proper OS. Windows is pajeet tier garbage and proprietary software is cancer.

windows 10, i changed to windows 7 but it kept freezing so i came back to 10 again
im not tech savy enough to use other systems

Had similar problem. Solved it by installing Gentoo.
It just works, no issue anymore.

>im not tech savy enough to use other systems
Yes you are. They are far safer, more intuitive, and more user friendly than wangblows.

I have no idea about the speed of the 500GB HDD, my 1TB HDD is actually a 2TB, my mistake, and its this one


Download crystaldiskinfo. That will show you the SMART status of your hard drives.

Consistent freezing is an odd problem. Most hardware issues would cause a BSOD at some point.
See what your event log says. "Event viewer"

I see. And did you turn on Windows updates?
Did you check that your hard drive is working properly? (Maybe your HDD is failing, try to check it first. I recommend crystaldiskinfo.)

And anyway, I think it's better to ask this on Reddit or any proper forum. Asking this on Jow Forums probably only get "install Gentoo" memes. (Not that it's bad tho, try it if you're tech savvy enough)

windows is updated

heres disk thing

Attached: ghfh.png (670x526, 60K)

So drive is fine. You don't even have that many hours on it.

First off, let's check your voltages. Install HWMonitor and post screenshot.

Then try a stress test. Prime95, and check temps while it's running with HWMonitor.

Then run Furmark. That one will monitor your GPU temps from the program.

Attached: Untitled.png (1002x883, 692K)

It's looking like a bad/weak/old power supply. How long you got this build?

Jow Forums is not your personal tech support, retard. Also you're such a poorfag you can't even afford having an SSD and a decent graphics card, yet you go and buy yourself a 144hz monitor.

like a year ago, it probably is that yes you're right

Because i was gifted the monitor as a collective birthday present since i only play cs go and this pc gives me good fps i just needed the monitor

Do you have any spare parts lying around?

hey it's Charlie!

No i don't, this is my first desktop

Sounds like it could be either PSU (as previous user mentioned) or an issue with your ram. How many sticks do you have?


Try removing each one and start the computer that way.

But how would i know if thats the cause since it can crash after like an hour sometimes or even days, some days it does constantly

thought this was a sammy/charlie thread

Attached: sip.png (920x920, 878K)

post a hwinfo screen, might be voltage or psu

install gentoo

Attached: ahah_YES.png (600x525, 94K)

This, might be that your PSU dying

Replace it. The whole thing. You already put so much time and effort into it, buying a replacement becomes more efficient.

so did i