Hey Jow Forums what is your favorite single board computer
for me its a tie between the Raspberry Pi and Pine64
Hey Jow Forums what is your favorite single board computer
for me its a tie between the Raspberry Pi and Pine64
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Udoo bolt V8
Never had one, but I wish to try the LibreTea computer card.
I'm blind, where is the RAM on this thing?
t. never even seen a Pi before
I have an Orange Pi One and I love it. One day I'll buy a ton of these and set up a render farm.
I have an odroid xu4 and I use it as retro gaming console and media player for music and movies.
Odroid C2
It doesn't come with ram you have to download it when you install your os.
It's soldered onto the reverse of the board afaik
Raspberry Pi 3B with DietPi instead of Raspian.
Noticed they released the B+ recently with some better specs and PoE, which is pretty cool.
Odroid XU4. I like it being appreciably faster, having twice the ram, and dedicated gigabit networking.
I have an ODROID HC1, as all I really wanted was a storage device to plug to my router. I was going to get an HC2, but it had to be shipped from abroad during the time I was in the US. The HC1 is sporting a 4 TB drive, and I have plans to either get another HC1 with a bigger drive later on, or an XU4 I can plug to the TV in my room. Right now I have 3 old laptops working as home servers, 2 of which double as HTPCs: one in my room and one in the living room. Both running Kodi.
Globalscale espressobin is the only sbc that matters.
I've been using a Rock64 which is just a slimmer Pine64, it's pretty good, so much better than a shitberry pi
Nvidia Jetson TX1
because my social security checks paid for it.
would you recommend an ODROID? what OS do you have on it?
ARM based processors have that shit built in ya dunce.
Odroid XU4 works well with ubuntu mate or OGST.
I have mine sharing a USB 3.0 hard drive and running Pi-hole.
Not really single boards but i fucking love NUCS, they get better and better each gen.
God tier for little servers, linux boxes, home theatre setups, arcade emulator brains, digital signage, low power rigs, pcs on a boat/cabin/camper van.
What advantages does DietPI offer compared to starting w/ the Raspian Debian Stretch Lite?
1 gig on the Pi 3
What would these be used for?
None. It's an uberniche OS that has nothing familiar about it if you've used BSD or GNU distros. It is the edgelord's OS of choice because it has the least functionality with its crappy package system and short list of available software.
Orange pi is easily the worst of all of them. Their software support is fucking trash. Most hardware doesn't work.
i live in a van and i just want NUCs to get more energy efficient so i can get one
stm32f0discovery because fuck all that bloat
Im sure some of the lower tier chipsets use an average power drain of about 5-7watts. (ie Pentium Silver J5005)
Might work pretty well as a 24/7 low power solution running from solar/battery inverter in a van/boat/cabin etc
Nvidia Jetson Xavier Dev Kit
because shitposting requires a lot of resources
8-core ARMv8.2 CPU with 12MB cache
512-core Volta GPU
x8 PCIe Gen4
2x USB 3.1
2x 4K60 with 12-bit HDR
and the fukn VLIW vision processor
They are full regular PCs, anything you would use a regular PC for.
The Creator Ci40
>all that IO
>dual-core MIPS CPU with SMT (albeit slow at 550MHz)
>ac Wi-Fi, 6LoWPAN, Bluetooth
>4Gb onboard flash
>7 GPIO controllable LEDs because why not (come to think of it they're all in a line, I should set them up to work like KITT)
>microUSB port connected to an onboard serial adapter for when you can't get in over the network or if you want to configure the firmware
>can run off of 5V or 9V power
>God tier for linux boxes
Haha no, I bought a 6CAYH and it took jewtel almost a year to fix HDMI audio not working in Linux.
I'm sure the question was in relation to the posted picture of 8 NUCs in a possible Beowulf cluster
I'd only recommend them if you're also installing an emmc module. Running everything from an SD card is terrible.
>all that IO
>not even a pcie port
Get yourself a rockpro64
Rock64. A lot more powerful than soγberry for the same price while still having pretty good software support, not had any problems so far.
Gonna try installing Alpine on it soon and see how that goes.
Are you using a case? If so, which one? The acrylic one from Pine is kind of dogshit.
Udoo support is trash
Eh I don't really need PCIe on an SBC
my coworker was talking about these gimmie a suggested device for an arcade machine.
but armbian just werks
Orange Pi Zero
I just need to fuck around with buildroot to make anything happen before I know if it's ACTUALLY good lol
If over heating and half the hardware not working is just works, sure. I'm sure you don't use most of the stuff it has though
Just bought a pi 3b+.
After doing a bit of OC work, I think it's a serviceable experience. I mostly bought it because I was paranoid about the longevity and support of other boards, not sure how real of a concern that is, but I didn't want to find out.
I'm pretty happy with it.
Just build a real fucking computer for fucks sake.
Define real computer.
How do you even use PCIe hardware on an ARM-based board?
Patrician. How do you like it?
X86 boards are expensive and a waste of power for many purposes
>using anything but PPC or SPARC
brainlet intelfag
something that isn't literally just a shittier unupgradable version of your PC with worse hardware/developer support
>suggesting either of those for a "real" computer post-Y2K
brainlet hipster
>implying anyone who genuinely gives a shit about power consumption in an SBC would buy that miniature oven
That is for faggots. I can't believe you would buy overpriced innards of laptop that you need to add ram, storage, monitor, keyboard, and mouse to, for more money in the first place. NUCs are like the Mac minis of PCs, except they can't natively run OSX.
Which RAM do you reccomend? dosent have to be linux based, I dont mind paying.
It's the only SBC I ever had, so I'm not sure if I could compare it to the few Pi's I tried. Works fine for me, I'm using Arch Linux ARM.
Still too expensive for many purposes
Hate to be that guy but there are specific nuc builds for hackintosh setups as the hardware is the same as some macbook pros etc.
I'm guessing if you want to run old arcade shit, the lower tier gen 7 and gen 8 nucs would be fine.
Not sure if you would want to go celeron/pentium silver/gold or i3 though, i'd guess if you were just emulating side scrollers and stuff the celeron would be fine with 4-8gb ram.
They do a few intel/radeon 540 graphics versions now intel i3 quad i think, i dont think they do dual cores anymore since gen 7.
Yeah they are not cheap for what they are, thats for sure.
But they are tiny as fuck for a full pc and run pretty much everything apart from the latest games or video editing, and the lower tier power drain ones can be put in silent aftermarket cases, water resistant cases etc and powered 24/7 by a 20-30watt solar panel/battery.
People seem to love em as little fileservers, media servers, web servers, arcade machines and shit you can just throw on a vesa plate behind the tv in the garage/workshop/kitchen/kids bedroom and so on
I was under the impression lots of people on Jow Forums have spare shit like memory and hard drives lying around, so a 200-300 dollar nuc if you already have the parts spare from other laptops and pcs is not a big deal.
I'm aware of the gen 5 and gen 6 linux woes
2/3 gens past that now bud, pretty sure the linux issues are as sorted as they are on other hardware.
I've never had linux work out of the box 100% on any of my computer hardware ever, except an old netbook.
I'd like to see nano-itx take off again
Armbian has sane clock speeds and voltage.
It doesn't overheat. Also, depending which model you get you have most to all features working now.
speaking of form factors that should be more common
I hope Rpi4 will be 12nm chip and high clock
The orange pi zero idling at 60-80C is normal and hasn't had a good fix for years.
Are there any being manufactured still? What about Pico-ITX? Or are those reserved for shitty ARM
Mini-STX is where it's at.
muh games
muh photoshop
This thing was pretty fucking awesome until the company shut down and took all the flash ROMs with it.
Do you mean
-replaceable processor, vga, ram, fucking everything
-desktop computer form factor
-hundred watts of power available, not a 5V child toy
-various ports, not just 2x USB2, 1 UART for debugging, 1 HDMI and one sata if your are lucky
-certain models can worth with 100% free software.
fucking tech illiterate retard
>compares Watt to Volt
>certain models can worth with 100% free software.
Yeah, 8 year old ThinkPads and two ancient Opteron boards.
x86 is not the answer for freedom.
Hey, so I was playing some retro games on My Pi 3 B+ and me and a friend were playing metal slug and that game started to CHUG when there were come than a couple enemies on the screen or both of us were firing our guns at the same time. I was using lr-final-burn-alpha to run it, is the B+ just not powerful enough to run it or was I using a shitty emulator?
Pine for one has several boards rated as "LTS" meaning they're claiming they'll support it for a minimum of five years (so for instance the rock64 was released in 2017 so it's guaranteed to be supported until at least 2022).
Dunno how much you want to trust a chink company, but as far as chinks go they seem pretty trustworthy in my experience.
considered a raspberry pi alternative
no way i move off the core infastructure
the pi 3+ is very fast
and everyythig works with it
there can be a zillion reasons your game starts to 'chug' .. desu first off I would consider increasing the swap size .. if you are running a large app, say a browser (they will run video within chrome) .. you must increase the swap size .. as they only have 1gb of ram. There are instructions on how to do it online. its very possibly beginning to stall because it is looking for more ram, trying to get said space through swap, and the swap size isn't big enough (can be increased, as I said) .. .. tuning.
Any cheap chink windows board like orange pi?
RISC-V will save us all
My Pi PCs idle at less than 30C.
The H2 can't be that much worse than the H3.
No heatsink or anything.
So what is the problem?
40C is literally nothing. Barely warmer than you are.
Simply not true.
Mine runs cool and is very stable.
In most of those links the problem is not using Armbian.
The official builds overclock and overvolt the processor to get higher performance, which is why they run hot.
Armbian runs the processor at true stock speeds.
Wrong. Armbian was the one with the issue for years
>RISC-V will save us all
It can't arrive soon enough
Have you overclocked at all? Consider that
Well that made me sad
why aren't there any pricedrop for raspberry pi 3?