is this faggot dead or no
Is this faggot dead or no
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Yep. He died on august 11 just hours after he uploaded his "rise to throne" video.
>rise to throne
Was he being ironic? I don't believe he would kill himself. He's a god loving man.
People meme about muh jawline, but this is a perfect example of how a wide jaw can still look awful.
how he died?
It wasn’t always like that. It’s a side effect of anti schizophrenia medication regimes. It’s awful.
that's fucked up
>look(ed) awful
fuck ooooff
Something to do with a coke bottle
If hes dead there will be a movie made about his last years.
Shits wacky and well documented
>I don't believe he would kill himself.
Same here, he seemed pious and suicide is a very big sin.
tell me guys what happened, I just came back from visiting my relatives in rural siberia. I need an update log on who this fag is and what he has done
No confirmation that this man was Terry. Stop spreading disinformation. We don't know his status.
im gonna be honest, i have no idea what thats supposed to mean.
Some larping faggot "TheTemple" pretended to be Terry and convinced Terry's family he was Terry on facebook.
Terry may or may not have died. Everything said has been debunked not to be true except for the train.
But the train could be anybody, theres more men aged 40 around where Terry was.
the facebook account - not the real Terry, also partly photoshopped.
the arrested Terry (no A) Davis - same name, but black skin, not Terry.
Terry is probably fine, just having some mental issues. And has been compromised, don't donate there until we know for sure it goes to Terry again.
I wish one day he would just release the video saying some nigger lied about his death.
>murder is a sin
>he claims he has murdered and will murder again
Can an american call the cops at least so they investigate? What if TheTemple indirectly caused his death with his larping?
>impersonator tells family everything is ok so they don't worry
>meanwhile Terry is isolated
>has no news from his family for months
>ends up taking his life
If on top of this he is/was taken advantage of and scammed of his donations, this shit is serious.
His sister (iirc) sent him "I love you" on the impersonator's facebook in DM and that TheTemple faggot bragged about it. Sometimes it's these little things that can make a difference.
If this is true then
>Billy died
>Stephen Hawking died
>Stefán Karl Stefánsson died
>Terry died
L-Lads... every single person that was popular on Jow Forums has died this year.Does this mean that Stallman is next?
this is not reddit
TheYenple deserves a daily dose of prison nigger dicks up his asshole if that’s true
Putting CIAniggers down is not, was not, and shall not be any form of murder
I'm pretty sure /sci/ was fond of Hawking...? Could be wroung, though.
>god says to kill CIA niggers
>killing CIA niggers is a sin
retarded MIT nigger
Don't listen to that nigger, pop sci has always been liked in Jow Forums, we had a lot of Sagan threads back in that day.
Did he really sucked cocks to truck drivers ?
Johnny depp should,play him
i heard it was his mom, his sister who send that. i have my doubts about ANYTHING TheTemple said, Especially in that discord call. (the unblurred footage is online too, mega link on (eight)chan), also think twice about sending cops to Terry.
It is, except for the suicide. That is unconfirmed. He or someone also played with the templeos iso, use the web archive to get it.
this is not reddit
Don't cut yourself on that edge
You sound like a bitch
O hi dad!
You sound like a retard
stop fighting in a Terry thread.
please, do it for Terry.
>Johnny depp
He shut down the website because too much traffic will run down his bandwidth. He faked his own death, to get publicity for Labor day weekend. It's all a PR stunt.
At least I hope so.
Quads are giving me hope he’s alive
Did the glow in the dark CIA Niggers finally catch up with him???
Maybe the CIA niggers killed him
It is a sign!
We can still hope he is just taking a "mandatory vacation" by The Man. Terry was starting to make waves among the locals just before his most recent disappearance. He was thrown out of the convenience store over an issue with his soda, then he had some issue with a regular citizen telling him something he didn't like, then he had a cop have some interaction with him, and he was diving into people's trash cans and bins. In a smaller town like The Dalles, that's going to get you noticed sooner or later, and you're going to be given a time out.
So we should wait at least 30 days to see if Terry comes back out of jail/psych ward, and then a couple of more for him to get his bearings, his camera, some funds and then a place to upload a video. If he's not back by September 30th, then he was probably eaten by a bear while sleeping in a field just outside The Dalles like he said he was doing.
His status is deceased user.
He'll live forever in our hearts
the king will kill whoever the fuck he wants
including himself
If he's dead i can say with certainty that he died a free man.
He was controlled by no drugs, and he died a king of a little white castle. He's now up there in his own little white castle.
Bless his heart.
He's passed on.
This Terry is no more.
He has ceased to be.
He's expired and gone to meet his maker.
Remember that time Terry bumped into an actual alien mutt monster?
>rich paina
Basically dont become famous on Jow Forums and work out a lot
You know, if i was surrounded by creaturas everyd day i'd probably start believing in CIA Niggers too
In our what?
Murder is a sin, but Christ also said to defend others. The Church Fathers and Christ himself both assert the death penalty. What are you talking about?
Anyone able to get a copy of the train's perspective of Terry smash?
Well, the CIAniggers are more or less founded on reality, also every single schizo in the 70s and 80s was actually just a victim of government testing but it's not convenient for people to realize this. That's not conspiracy theory by the way, it's declassified that the government did a shit ton of tests on brainwaves and possible psychic energy that left unsuspecting test subjects fucked up for the rest of their lives. And you're also a goddamn idiot if you don't believe the government still does that shit, as if they'd "reformed" or some stupid bullshit.
That's classified. I know you have little dignity but Terry's family doesn't. You'll never see that footage.
Surely someone in g works for train company, literally autist heaven
Go watch some gore or sth.
>that smile at the end
Was that happiness?
Just want to verify it's Terry
here you go user
them cia niggers glow in the dark
What was this comment in response to?
sure you do.
comfy train scenes are comfy
shut up bird
Terry has been in and out of mental hospitals/jail before. He might come back and post videos again in a few weeks, maybe months. There is a possibility that this is all a big hoax by that TheTemple cunt and maybe others to milk some money from Terry's fans. Stranger things have happened. Maybe I'm in denial, but I'm not gonna believe that Terry is dead until I see confirmation from the police, hospital, a funeral announcement, whatever. Just anything more weighty than a second-hand screenshot of a facebook post that's not even public.
That article in the dalles chronicle however.... that's not a coincidence. That was Terry.
[ citation needed ]
he's breaking my heart
el goblinos everywhere
damn what a sad video
guess sometimes life hits you like a train
his talk about purity and describing himself as impure
fuck man i don't know what to say
Has anyone subscribed to it? I'd like to read the full suicide article
I'll believe it when I see it. I'm inclined to believe in a conspiracy. This is Terry we are talking about after all.
>murder is a sin
have any of you read the bible?
He also mentions torture and snapping into some kind of state/mode "to deal with it". Also, he emphasizes how people are in shock as to being around such a person.
>A man in his late 40s was killed when he was struck by a train Saturday night just after 9 p.m. in the area of First and Terminal streets, according to The Dalles Police Department.
>It is the third such fatality since last December, and the fourth since 2014.
>The man’s name was not being released pending notification of next of kin, said The Dalles Police Capt. Jamie Carrico. It appears he is from out of town, he said.
>Also, he emphasizes how people are in shock as to being around such a person.
i can emphatize with that. i mean he's in a worse state of mind for sure, but i can relate to the feeling of being a stain on peoples presence. damn i hope he's alright but at the same time this might be for the best
TheTemple is going down
This is looking grimmer and grimmer... The way he talked in the last video too is a bad sign. I'm just hoping that it's pure coincidence... Fuck, man...
It could be anyone but the fact that this happened hours after he uploaded "rise to throne".... that's gotta be Terry.
He's had quiet introspective moments like this before, so keep your spirits up for now.
Good call. Thanks!
I don't know but it's practical use is limitless and it should ascend to meme heaven even if terry didn't
>Was he being ironic? I don't believe he would kill himself. He's a god loving man.
He is/was mentally ill.
They actually got him and nobody is taking it seriously
Welcome to the age of chaos.
None of this makes sense dude. Everything was so brief and the way Terry's sister said "misterious circumstances" raises a few question marks and I'm not the type of dude to wear tin foil hats.
If this is true then has anyone doxed thetemple? A new crusade is neigh
Well we need some kind of solid proof before we crusade against the CIA
progress being made on t.sheiks, that cunt wont be far behind
>being such a faggot that you larp as somebody who is mentally ill and has barely any interaction with his family
For fucks sake! What were the idiots thinking? Were they trying to scam his family or what?
exactly this. There's no rush. Wait until confirmation from a reliable source. Don't rush to judgement. That way lies destruction.
I don't know. Even 10 years ago /b/ wouldn't stoop that low.