15+ years since commercial debut in dumbphones

>15+ years since commercial debut in dumbphones
>11 years since Sony XEL-1 was released
>8 years since Galaxy S
>still not ready for consumer use
>all products with OLED screens belong to the premium lineups

Is this the most shitty and overrated modern technology?

Attached: DEAE3278-3CC3-45C6-826A-AC1CA197D703.jpg (1200x1200, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>OLED PC displays, laptop screens, cheap TVs are just around the corner, we p-promise


Literally no advantage over a quality IPS panel.

>most shitty and overrated modern technology
No it's fantastic, we just need it everywhere

you might want to compare an ips and oled panel in a dark room and think about that again


Attached: ESP8266OLED.jpg (1000x1000, 153K)

because you sit in a dark room the whole time huh

Not really. It belongs in the trash bin now that regular LEDs can be printed on 5nm fabs. MicroLED is the true savior from the L*D light leaking menace

Attached: 1529794391378.webm (480x540, 2.17M)

I also like to watch movies while sunbathing

OLED was LED's answer to plasma's color range without the disco inferno heat dissipation. Manufacturers never figured out how to make it cheap enough. Looks great in the launch PSVita as maligned as it was.

Attached: 1418001883434.jpg (604x397, 36K)

Don't forget burn-in. Any information on the development stage of microLED?

IPS is hot trash. There's a reason why it's only used in bargain bin entry level TVs. VA is an incredibly superior technology but the only problem is panel makers don't give a shit about PC monitors so smaller VA panels found in PC monitors hasn't evolved since 2012. TVs using VA panels have 6x the static contrast and routinely feature FALD even on mid-range TVs that start below $1000 and many are native 120hz, though don't have the controller for 4k 120hz because hell HDMI can't even do it anyway. Next year or in 2020 I'm sure we'll start seeing 4k 120hz, especially from OLED

>>still not ready for consumer use
>>all products with OLED screens belong to the premium lineups
>LG's TVs have hit sub-$2000

No, it's on the upper end of mid-range. High end is where you start to get into $3000 TVs.

>I also like to watch movies while sunbathing
Hopefully you're not referring to your smartphone.

CrApple will probably cuck everyone out of making them cheap with their patents.

FALD is a meme, otherwise I agree. There's no point even using full range on an IPS display as the blacks and whites are completely indistinguishable at 1000:1 contrast rates.

How to spot an uneducated opinion: praises IPS

Enjoy your TN trash, manchild

the VA boomer is here

>VA is better than IPS

Attached: JPEG image.jpg (625x625, 34K)

Worse blacks and ips glow makes me wish for a tn panel sometimes

t. LG shill

FALD isn't a meme for two reasons, though one basically has nothing to do with FALD and how FALD forces manufacturers to implement backlighting.

One is that it forces manufacturers to use proper backlighting, actually lit from the back and not edgelit. I think that speaks for itself, not to say edgelit is always awful but it's more likely to be terrible.

And on high-end TVs the meme actually does work somehow. The Q8F and Z9D see like a 1.5 to 2x improvement in the static contrast ratio checkerboard test. From 5000:1 and 4000:1 respectively to 8000:1 for both TVs. It's pretty good. And then there are the Q9F and Vizio P quantum, which hit over 15000:1 with FALD. This is from RTing's testing but you can walk into any store and see the difference. It's not quite the jump to OLED but you can usually tell the higher end TVs have better contrast than their midrange counterparts, which are already pretty good, even with the bright fluorescent retail store lights.

t. LG shills

OLED is just like Plasma, objectively better picture quality than LED but it's held back by price and burn in so it will never be able to match LED in sales because price is the number one thing consumers look at and burn in scares more people awhile.

t. AUO shill

Attached: 03124AFC-E3B8-43B2-A259-2DF434B20E82.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>implying it's a bad thing

There is one. One color out of millions possible looks better.


>not shilling JDI

They did solve Plasma's burn-in to an extent, but with OLED it seems they don't give a fuck or it's truly impossible to solve (hence the microLED shilling)

>burn in scares more people awhile.
For good reasons, displays are bought to last at least 8 years while oled meme actively reduces expected life to barely 2 years. Who the fuck things that is a good idea?

OLED is dead once MicroLED screens become a thing.

>no advantage

Attached: Better tech.jpg (2016x1512, 401K)

With OLED it's harder to solve because the burn in happens as a result of each individual element/pixel losing brightness at a different rate, since they're all individual lit. MicroLED promises to have like 1000x the lifetime or something of OLED, and it's the only way to "solve" it, just have ridiculous long life for each element so it takes forever for the burn out to become noticeable.


For TV screens it absolutely is. There's a reason all high-end LCD TVs are using VA panels.

>in a dark room
NEET detected

>high end
>ass refresh rate
>garbage for input lag
>hot as fuck
>literally the same tier as Beats, Apple, condos
>really makes you thonk

>not watching movies with your gf in a dark room
t. virgin

>hot as fuck
What did he mean by this?

Maybe they can record/estimate how much burn-in each individual pixel has experienced over its lifetime, and then adjust each individual pixel according to that.

Also I don't think burn-in happens that locally unless you display the same computer menu all the time.
It's not like people still watch TV with their channel logo's.

How ugly is your gf that you need to turn off the light?

Doesn’t VA have bad response time compared to ips? Micro LED is our last hope...

Attached: 18AF6C6E-B359-4A1A-A0B7-221A1C9B99C1.gif (349x165, 1.94M)


>1000:1 contrast ratio, sometimes even lower
No thanks, I love my VA with 3600:1

>Doesn’t VA have bad response time compared to ips?
That was the old VAs, newer ones have similar(sometimes faster) response time as IPS.

>still not ready for consumer use and neither is any display technology as they are all hot garbage in their own unique way
Fixed it for you, OP. You can go back to sucking dicks now.

>Micro LED
Once again, it's up to Apple alone to propel humanity forward. Everyone else will just copy afterward, no innovation whatsoever.

>black smearing
It's called ghosting, retard
Yes, but not everyone is bothered by it. With LCD you can only pick two of the following:
>high contrast
>low response time
>great viewing angles

So does VA have really bad ghosting as everyone claims?
>inb4 idiots on this website can’t notice it or say 100hz and above is useless

Attached: 47EE9547-60FE-4BA2-BBCE-047A56A1E3BB.jpg (1242x266, 141K)

>It's called ghosting, retard
This does not exist on IPS, are you implying that IPS has no ghosting

Which faggot do I believe Jow Forums?

Attached: 155006FC-5C21-4F99-9CE5-7958F4ABE3DE.jpg (1080x1920, 738K)

The new Sony TV Master Series uses VAs panels with the same viewing angles as IPS, tho this TVs cost 6000US$+

>buy garbage device with garbage implementation of technology
>cry about it on the internet
Fucking pottery.

Samsung Note 8 doesn't have that problem.
And I use it with GearVR so any such issue would be extremely visible.

Also maybe that's really an issue with the camera rather than the screen?

>VAs panels with the same viewing angles as IPS
Literally impossible. Go be a dumb nigger somewhere else.

Most VAs with ghosting problems are 6bit panels with 8bit FRC.
If you want a VA with minimal ghosting make sure the panel is real 8bit( not 6+2bit FRC).

OLED TVs already have a repair function that does something similar. AH-IPS monitors and some IPS TVs also used to do it. It's not exactly what you're describing, it's dumber than that I think, so it just tries to level out the wear for any pixels.

If they could record/estimate the burn-in for each pixel that would effectively solve OLED's problems with burn-in but I doubt that'll happen any time soon. 4k is over 8 million pixels. It's a lot of stuff to record

It's barely visible on high brightness, try to lower it, background has to be #ff000000, colors that work best to make this effect appearant are gray and white

It's possible with a super expensive polarizer.

How do you think people viewed TN TVs in the mid 2000s in a family room you retard? TVs have been using a variety of view-angle extending techniques for ages

>4k is over 8 million pixels. It's a lot of stuff to record

3840 * 2160 * 3 * 8 bytes = 200 MB

Not that much. And thats assuming 64-bit integer for every color of every pixel.

The chink is a professional calibrator, he knows what he is talking about not like you.

Same way they viewed awfully scaled SD cable channels: with no regard for image quality.

That's a lot for a microcontroller. Even if you write it into storage you're putting it in memory first and microcontrollers that drive devices in real time are usually much, much simpler and much weaker than microprocessors/SOCs. There's also the matter of polling for all those pixels and processing the estimated wear before even storing it.

TVs are viewed from a greater distance than monitors, a TN panel won't look that bad in this case

Attached: lagom-angle-2diag.jpg (372x300, 11K)

You are missing a factor of 256 in there, the pixel is not just on/off, intensity matters too.

Now its 50 GB.

Disregard that, thinking is hard.

>professional calibrator
Topkek. Interesting that they're even bothering trying to improve VA tho. Most consumers don't understand why you could possibly want better viewing than what current VA panels offer - as evidenced by all the Jow Forumstards who don't understand that viewing angels also matter when viewed head on.

b-but muh 1ms gayming screen

threadly reminder about pic related

threadly reminder that we're still YEARS before getting actually decent displays like true electro-emissive quantum led or microled.

Attached: PhEnhQLED-OLED-PhEmQLED-ElEmQLED-mLEDQLED.jpg (634x1856, 716K)

Nice flickering, faggot

He is actually tho

Wtf I thought micro LED screen would have micro RGB LEDs instead of blue LEDs and some shitty color filter. What a fucking meme.

Which is why I think that Electro-Emissive QD > microLED and that the latter is a bit of a marketing overhype.

Of course provided the technology proves viable.

What is the best monitor to watch chinese cartoons on?

Attached: 1521239030648.gif (640x360, 1.68M)

OLED. If it's just animu there is literally no downside except cost.

penguindrum was such a snoozefest. no idea why people think it's a modern masterpiece.

IPS is garbage you LG/Sharp shill

>monitor VA worse than TV VA
Can you tell me if this monitor has a good panel? smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BVXGBHT/
It's 32" and released this year. I want to buy a 4K display soon and am considering this one.

True microLED displays probably arent going to be viable. Well any microLED TV will probably be difficult to produce. The large TVs like "The Wall" are "manually" constructed using a robot that places the LEDs onto a giant circuit board. It's not viable for normal TV sizes and Samsung has already said it's a massive roadblock. And on the opposite end they can already easily fabricate microLEDs but they're limited to a few inches. Some Taiwanese company already showed off a 3" that will cost next to nothing and hit 1,000,000 nits of brightness, yet it's not viable at larger sizes.

microLED "backlight" is probably going to be the next hot thing if it's proven to be viable. IIRC some chinese company is already trying microled backlighting for nearly every pixel with a normal TFT plane. Not sure how well that will turn out. There are also companies trying just normal FALD with mini-LED or whatever.

The future will hopefully just be electro-emissive QD

>bargain bin entry level TVs
Or pretty much all of LG's non-OLED TVs.

Does Samsung still introduce lag on VA panels to combat ghosting? Anyway, no reputable reviews. Buy at your own risk.

Look at the specs. Only 270 cd/m2 and 3000:1 contrast. Seems like Samsung is just phoning it in for monitors because no one cares about home cinema on a monitor. Might as well just get a 144hz IPS or wait for 120hz 4k monitors in 2019.

I want 4K (for work as well as for games) and I don't want to spend more than £400 (£350 preferred). Other than the monitor I linked my other option would be a 43" TV- which would have better contrast, but the lack of freesync and no flicker-free backlight are scaring me away from that approach.

How can anyone say this kind of stupid shit? IPS looks washed out compared to OLED.

>Only 270 cd/m2 and 3000:1 contrast
And already far better than 99% of IPS monitors

At that price point just get it. Even a decent TV starts at like 700. And those 4k 120hz monitors next year will probably start at over $1000.

UHD@120Hz can hardly be considered bad. The only reason you can't input it is because there's no interface in the market that supports it with a single cable. The panels have been 120Hz for a while now, and most manufacturers let you input 120Hz on FHD.

They only have shit low-tier models outside their OLED lineup, and that's for a reason.

Are there any OLED monitors around 27" at 2160p resolution, and possibly with a higher refresh rate than 60Hz that aren't super expensive?

the best TV tech already came and went: plasma. it died just as it has become pretty much perfect too.

Attached: kuro.jpg (4032x3024, 728K)

best TV I ever had was a plasma so I agree desu

VA used to have pretty bad ghosting. my old VA in the early 2010s did. my ssamsung VA I'm using right now has none. it also does 144hz, freesync, backlight strobing, it's as fast as any monitor I've ever used

talk about braindead...

OLED TV's have better black levels..but they suffer from burn in too kek

I still use mine but don't pretend they're perfect. I'd say buzz and image noise are the biggest problems, and the latter is a minor one to me. Image quality is obviously far superior to anything but OLED.

Also, VA shills should just die. Blind retards.