>Be Gaben
>Upset at MS Apllefying Windows
>Upset game devs and gamers refuse to use Linux
>Release Steam for Linux
>Port all major Valve titles
>Gamers still stick with Windows
>Devs still target DirectX and Windows
>Push out Proton and fund DXVK
>Gamers still stick with Windows
>Devs still target DirectX and Windows
>Hatch devious plan
>E3 2019
>Screen goes dark
>Show Half-Life 3 logo
>Small text on bottom
>"Exclusively for Linux/SteamOS"
>Gamers all install Linux partitions to be able to play HL3
>"Hey, this is pretty cool."
>Year of the Linux Desktop
Be Gaben
>gamers refuse to use Linux
i didnt agree to that
>Show Half-Life 3 logo
this is purely fantasy
i made this last e3.
Most gamers have already tried Linux and hated it.
Probably not gonna happen, but you know, that sounds strangely plausible.
forgot the link
actually, why do devs still target directx/windows? vulkan and opengl are just as good, no?
>Most gamers have already tried Linux and hated it.
windows is what gamers hate
linux has a huge compatibility issue so no one even consider that
I honestly don't care anymore. The hype is gone
what if half life 3 isn’t a game
it was real life the entire time
it is impossible to flock from one another overnight
thats too much wishful thinking
steam on linux has existed for at least 4 years, and opengl has existed since the dawn of time
It's not game devs that's holding back Linux gaming, it's the fucking card manufacturers not releasing drivers that don't break my whole fucking system.
Also why da fuck in 2018 can I only run Steam as a 32bit application?
Get with the times Gaben or else we will never develop your 2D waifus
>Also why da fuck in 2018 can I only run Steam as a 32bit application?
for the same reason it is hundreds of megabytes in size, it's a huge blob designed to have the maximum compatibility across everything
Every gamer I know would never use Linux as their desktop OS. Not because of games, but because it's not as good as windows.
Eventually windows will die. After 3 years since MS released 10 there's nothing's going on: no normal integration with the new design language, no normal dark mode, no useful stuff, no at all just a little bit evolution, we just have more and more telemetry. It's disgusting.
>because it's not as good as windows.
in which areas?
>windows will totally and absolutely die this year guize
>It's not game devs that's holding back Linux gaming, it's the fucking card manufacturers
nope it's linux that's holding back linux. When I decided to switch to linux I spent the first week raging while trying to make debian acknowledge my wi-fi dongle and in the week that followed I installed ubuntu and was hopping flavors until i found KDE and finally made my peace with God
gaben is a literal nigger
>Gamer culture slowly but surely takes over GNU/Linux
>Ubuntu 420 Monster NoScope Edition
>GNU/Linux is kill
>steam on linux has existed for at least 4 years
thats what you retards tell to yourself
if you only play team fortress and that other handful of games some cuck ported you really dont need anything else
but for the rest of us REAL GAMERS that isn't a solution, and if it doesn't solve the problem, i am simply staying on windows, i am not swapping to linux for the sake of it, i am not retarded
about opengl i am not a developer so i dont care, but it certainly doesn't meet their needs as well, the little i used UE3 i've never seen that name around, it is certainly obsolete
>Every gamer
>Not because of game
opinion invalid
go fuck yourself you and your "gamers"
why do you want so badly for everyone to switch to linux? let the normies use windows, who the fuck cares. if anything linux will become more cancer if it's mainstream
Not really. GNU/Linux would be your gaming OS, and OpenBSD your desktop OS.
>muh sekrit klub
How many times has X broken up for you the past week?
here come the BSD cucks
>OpenBSD your desktop OS.
>download software
>have to chmod +x to run it
>windows you just double click and asks yes or no
>omg you don't do that in Linux. You use apt-get
So I have to open the shell and run a fucking command like a Neanderthal just to install a piece of software? Also many times I need to add a new repository. Why not just have a protocol where a website could have a link, and it executes apt-get after a confirmation dialog for each action(add repository, install program x, install dependencies y). Holy fuck.
im almost on the brink for switching to lincucks
only thing holding me back is not having a second system for muh gayms that i already paid for
>he pays for gayms
i honestly dont care about new shit, everything new coming out is cancer
maybe Redstone 5 will finally push me over the edge, windows has nothing going for it beside directX and the familiar interface
>steam on linux has existed for at least 4 years
>that's what you retards tell to yourself
so steam on linux HASN'T existed for 4 years? am i lying through my teeth?
>but for the rest of us REAL GAMERS that isn't a solution
i'm guessing that until you get perfect native ports you'll complain every day? cause that's what it looks like
>about opengl i am not a developer
so don't fucking speak on things you have no clue about
>Why not just have a protocol where a website could have a link
That's literally a thing
Fucking retarded idea, really cringe post OP. Most tech savy people want to switch over to Linux but it's never going to happen until it can run the same CAD programs Windows does, right now it doesn't support anywhere close to enough. Doesn't have anything to do with game support.
I have not see a single website use it.
>download software
if you're the motherfucker who was bitching about winrar the last day and you still haven't learned anything, holy fuck
>So I have to open the shell and run a fucking command like a Neanderthal just to install a piece of software?
no, you go to the fucking ubuntu store
>Also many times I need to add a new repository
watch youtu.be
no one enjoyed hl2
>so steam on linux HASN'T existed for 4 years?
oh so youre that dishonest
i thought you were talking about the library LOL
who the fuck cares if steam runs on linux, youre so fucking retarded
and also apparently gaming=steam LMAO
>native ports
doesnt need to be native
>you'll complain every day
no i will keep on windows not giving a fuck about you lunatics
>speak on things you have no clue about
if it is so great then stfu and go develop your cutting edge tech for opengl
who is holding you back
>2019 + 1/12: m$ develops reverse wine
MacOS is waaaay more customizable and userfreedom friendly than Windows.
What they're doing is iPhonizing the thing.
>implying half this shit ever happened
Their Linux adventures have been half baked at best. One of the things never really supplied devs were licensed/patented texture compression libraries that DX gave away for free.
Gaben was too busy rolling in dosh from TF2 hats and other cash cow DLC to really give a crap about breaking away from Windows.
PC gaymen won't be under any real threat until the pajeets at MS try to kill off win32. They're already getting ready to do so.
Just some ramblings...
Even if most new titles are released with native Linux support, the devs would still have to rework all older titles for that. AAA devs that don't give half a shit for last year's titles won't do it, so popular older titles like COD4, BF4, BF1 and such won't be ported.
Some engines have their roots tied to DirectX, .Net or Windows APIs, so the companies behind them would need a huge incentive to flip them around completely. Also, some engines that do "support" Linux have crappy (at best) compatibility, forcing you to lose features, performance or both.
There's also the drivers problem: Linux isn't even considered as a gaming platform by nvidia nor AMD, so no resources are spent optimizing drivers for gaming there.
All of these work in a vicious cycle, and it would take lots of effort, investment and perseverance from the biggest devs, both AMD and nvidia and many influential players to even have a slight chance of breaking the snowball.
All things considered, it would probably be easier for reactOS to overtake Windows as a gaming platform than for Linux to do that.
>oh so youre that dishonest
>i thought you were talking about the library LOL
>who the fuck cares if steam runs on linux, youre so fucking retarded
>and also apparently gaming=steam LMAO
The conversation started with "actually, why do devs still target directx/windows?"
You then reply to me with "it is impossible to flock from one another overnight"
I then reply to you with "steam on linux has existed for at least 4 years". What this sentence means is that the biggest online PC gaming store has existed on Linux for a full 4 years, and no one has given one shit to even attempt to port anything.
Yet you go ahead and misunderstand me. Just because steam is on Linux doesn't mean that suddenly gaming on linux is fixed. It means that Developers now have an incentive to care more about gaming on linux. I bring up the point that in the 4 years that steam on linux has been out, the majority of developers didn't do anything. unfortunately, this flew completely over your head
>doesnt need to be native
so what, are you happy with wine/proton? or is that too "cumbersome" for you?
>if it is so great then stfu and go develop your cutting edge tech for opengl, who is holding you back
you missed my point entirely. i asked if there was a legit reason for which developers flock to directx instead of opengl, even if for windows games (because writing games in opengl makes it a hell of a lot easier to port them to linux)
you then try to answer this question, and yet you start with "i am not a developer", and not only that, you write "it certainly doesn't meet their needs as well"
how the fuck do you know that it doesn't meet their needs if you aren't a developer yourself? and what, you want me to write a AAA game by myself so that you shut up?
>you have to compile hl3
>everyone ends up playing a different version
>Most gamers have already tried Linux and hated it.
Not true. Most haven't even fathomed the thought of trying Linux because it's too technically intimidating.
And this is all thanks to Microsoft investing quite a lot in gaming since the 90s. Microsoft treats gaming seriously, while Linux users and devs scoff at gamers, then cry when gamers don't use their OS.
>Microsoft treats gaming seriously
>Gets rid of the Sidewinder product line
>Gets rid of Microsoft Flight Simulator
>Gets rid of Microsoft Flight
>"actually, why do devs still target directx/windows?"
the market is on windows, they dont have infinite resources to develop shit to a couple of open software communists who dont even play games
>no one has given one shit to even attempt to port anything.
the people who care did, if you're in for profits that's retarded
>4 years that steam on linux has been out
literally doesn't matter, no games
>so what, are you happy with wine/proton? or is that too "cumbersome" for you?
cumbersome implies one can use it, it is not even in that realm
>it doesn't meet their needs if you aren't a developer yourself?
because everything is on the windows side, the tools, the consumers, the innovation, no one wants to reinvent the wheel
maybe taking the consumers out of that equation could change that, but the shift would certainly be anything but smooth
Yeah, so?
Microsoft changes its mind every few years whether it likes gaming or whether it hates gaming because Windows is an Enterprise Quality OS for Serious Business.
>cancels a few flight simulators and joystick lines
>this means MS doesn't care about gaming
You're an idiot.
Now they're going to try and essentially make Windows as locked down as the Xbox. Which means no Steam store.
I'm most gamers and I disagree.
Drivers isn't a real problem anymore, noveau has been reverse engeneering Nvidia shit for years and AMD just got a huge update into the last kernel, install any modern system like tumbleweed and you will see how far graphics drivers have come, also check poronix benchmarks, some AAA titles run faster on Linux.
you just answered the question of "why do developers target windows instead of linux?", not "why do developers use directx instead of opengl?"
why would microsoft push for opengl
is it even part of their ecosystem
no market = no adoption
it is simple as that
microsoft isn't developing the games, game developers develop the games, they decide what to use
>Push out Proton and fund DXVK
Hey, Valve just release this.
And I'm pretty chill here, playing indies on Linux
so you will insist in this bullshit that if youre a developer youre going to reinvent the wheel? just to give ms the middle finger?
if you're a developer you want shit done, you start from where everyone is already working, and you develop to your consumers, not to 1 or 3 linux loving freaks who said some crazy shit online
man, youre really stupid
this reeks of incellium
I'm not an incels type of person. Not only am I white, I am 6'4", having a muscular, healthy build, a healthy outlook on life, a superiority complex, and a great sense of humor. I could continue, but I do not want to brag. The only problem with me is my startling lack of intelligence. Just kidding. I'm a genius.
yea, you lied about the humor so i assume the rest of your gush is bs too
>calling yourself a "REAL GAMER"
imagine being THIS delusional
>bragging about having a superiority complex
holy shit
Yeah, I think people are underestimating the network effects that Windows has. Even dev tools for games are highly locked in to Windows. I'm not sure old games are a huge issue though since Proton could potentially perform better for old games than whatever compat layer they come up with as they deprecate Win32. Especially if they half-ass it as they are wont to do these days.
I don't think MS actually cares that much. Everything they've done with gaming (besides DirectX I guess) has been neglected heavily, see the dumpster fire that was GFW or the W10 store for games.
MS would be impossible to dislodge if they actually gave a shit, but I wouldn't be surprised if they half-willingly gave up the gaming market and just chased some cloud meme butterly instead. If that happens AND Valve goes all-in (which they have to for their own survival long-term) then it is possible that things could change, it's still hard to imagine desu.
Isn't bragging about a superiority complex like the height of having a superiority complex? No way to say "I feel like I'm better than you" by saying "I feel like I'm better than you because I compulsively feel better than other people" lmao
vulkan has a lot of potential but you see it is been almost 2 years since that doom release and many AAA games still make use of directx, it is really hard for these to gain traction because everything is on windows, i am not saying that one is worse than the other, it is just how the ecosystem is, it perpetuates directx because no one wants to reinvent the wheel
thats pasta though, youre all replying to pasta
and i capitalized that to sound ridiculous on purpose
>Microsoft investing quite a lot in gaming since the 90s
They haven't invested squat since the 360. They destroyed their own PC gaming platform to push devs to the console and were surprised that they all went multiplat to maximize profits.
DX11 was a bloated mess that had no right to demand a whole new OS upgrade. DX12 is looking like DX11 SP2. Consumers aren't tolerating this being used as upgrade bait anymore.
After MS shit the bed with the xbone, their attempts to resurrect PC gaming or turn the bone into an Office box seem half assed at best.
I honestly think in about 5 years time, maybe less, Valve could effectively split the market. Console exclusives have been a thing forever for a reason. Because they work. But, unlike consoles, Linux is free and can be run dual boot with Windows on your existing hardware. Once Valve gets Proton to a good place, aside from some edge cases, there won't be any reason not to switch. All it would take is Valve pushing gamers over the edge which a HL3 exclusive launch would do. Gaming is the last thing that Windows can do well that Linux can't. Serious media production houses have already jumped to Mac anyway, so the "Muh Photoshop" arguments don't really hold water anymore anyway. Once that happens the hardware compatibility issues will effectively disappear as manufacturers will start targeting Linux as a primary platform, not just an afterthought. Essentially we'll get the snowball effect that happened with Windows in the 90s.
You forgot what a meme DX10 was.. 'WE HAVE GODRAYS GUYS'
From a consumer standpoint, it was. It was largely the hardware mfg's fault for not having hardware ready at a reasonable rate. From a dev standpoint, it did fix a lot of the stupid stuff that was going on with shaders in DX9.
>releases competent audio drivers for linux
>everyone switches
What is this gypsy magic?
Linux won't supersede Windows in its current form.
>reverse wine
>not line
YaST One Click Install master race. Year of the openSUSE desktop when?
I never said anything about Linux overtaking Windows. Seventh gen consoles with their basic online capabilities ate PC gaming's lunch.
If gaben really wanted to steward a Linux transition, he would need some way to get users to try it. Not sure what the viability or legalities of distributing SteamOS via virtual machine files. It would certainly give gamers a taste without having to jump in feet first. OTOH, Intel has been fickle with which desktop CPUs they decide to support VMs on.
no one cares about hl and it sucks ass
they are not actually behind on HL3 it took them 7 years between HL1-HL2 and in the inbetwee years they just fosted mods and games the "stole" like dota/csgo/hearthstone clone is today.
last game Valve released was Portal2. every thing els is just a mod made by a team of like 5people helping some other retards use the engine. its been 7 years from portal2. if no HL3 in 2019 then we can start to complain.
and if you say what about between HL2-Portal2
well portal was such a basic game it was basically a mod. L4D was made by another studio and L4D2 was basically a mod. TF2 was a mod with balance and extra production values not a complicated game to make.
so yer its like 7years HL1-HL2-Portal2-HL3.
its ok we on track.
also the fact source2 is a thing and is in dota says alot only reason its not in CSGO yet is because they are still working on the FPS implementation of it which basically confirms they are working on HL3. once CSGO gets source2 patch HL3 will be announced shortly after imo. or they will happen at same time.
source2 for csgo was ment to be this year might be months away or next. HL3 is coming.
Why would you "patch" a brand new engine into an existing game? It's the driving force of the game, not something you can just patch in. All the intricacies would change and cause havoc.
do linux gamers really have this much free time they can start threads filled with nothing but incoherent shit?
because a valve employee literally said on a reddit AMA that they are patching sourc2 to CSGO you fuckwit.
they patched source2 to dota as well if you don't realize that.
its a backwards compatible engine with new features I guess. there are rumours that HL3 will include black mesa content and HL2 with HD textures and the story might even include some sorta speed running element thru the entire series.
""""""""""No one."""""""""""
>"Exclusively for Linux/SteamOS"
>Gamers all install Linux partitions to be able to play HL3
>"Hey, this is pretty cool."
>Year of the Linux Desktop
>Next year
>...Gamers still stick with Windows
don't know why people hate on HL2 so much. I guess because it didn't have a ending?
ever watched 2001 space Odyssey?
people voted for brand, high scores mean nothing
More like
>Kotaku: HL3 requires ridiculous hoops
>Polygon: HL3 is a nostalgic trip to the 90s with Linux
>Jimquisition: HL3 Linux is BULLSHIT
>Engadget: Half Linux 3, Steam's Linux is still Linux
>Anandtech: Is Linux ready for mainstream use? Probably not
>RockPaperShotgun: Linux is the oppressor PC gaming didn't need
>Pewdiepie: Sieg Heil Windows
>Yahtzee: Consoles (the bad kind) bollocks
Honestly, this is kind of true. I think most haven't tried, but most that do, hate it.
I love Linux and think it's an operating system that is in most regards superior and better designed than with with Windows. In truth though it's still nowhere near as compatible or dum dum proof as Windows is. It takes so much effort to learn all the ins and outs of the system and *especially* to figure out how to fix something.
If a person installs Linux on their PC and there's a driver issue or ip grabbing issue they are not going to spend the next 2 hours figuring out how to fix it, and that's how long it's going to take them to. They're just going to give up on linux.
I love Linux to death, but the community is batshit insane if they think Linux will ever be a standard desktop for people. This is like that "everyone will have to learn how to code, it'll be like not knowing how to read" bullshit that gets pushed by technological evangelists.
Any sort of successful Linux wouldn't look like it does today. Valve you have to work with someone like Canonical and hardware vendors to make a solid configuration that they actually support, and that won't have unpredictable hardware issues. Then they would have to actually market it.
Not saying it will happen, but that's what they have to do if they want to get anywhere. I don't think anyone sane thinks that normies installing Arch or configuring pulseaudio.
idknow I think motherboard plus windows is like 3-6ms of lag.
if some one could show that Linux is 3-4ms or some thing maybe gamers would switch.
I would take 4ms faster over 10% worse fps.
thou I imagine wine/proton lags even more than windows native regardless how "fast" Linux is.... but maybe not?
It ends up with a lot more CPU overhead which is where the lag comes from. Same issue WINE has. The GPU doesn't care about where it gets its instructions from since the native Vulkan API is handling that. The CPU is what handles the actual translation. Most gaming rigs focus more on the GPU than on CPU power.
All successful linuxes are not on the desktop
Chrome OS
RedHat and CentOS
right but do you actually know how much ms lag Linux is and how much wine is ontop of that.
if its less than windows that would be a good way to convince gamers to switch.
I want to believe.
I van't fathom that people can use Windows in this day and age, especially after Winblows 10