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How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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HD600 has
So is Bose just a meme brand? I never see it talked about here.
pretty much
How will Grado change when Jonathan takes control?
can anyone recommend decent replacement cables? (3.5mm jack Y etc) i was rough on my SR-80s and damaged the cables. Ideally i just want to solder the replacement cables on and go
How did I do?
Either it'll become an actual good brand and lose its individuality, or it'll continue to be a complete piece of shit but atleast maintain niche appeal to boomers.
Idol setup, user.
What's your like trash here?
Call me a retard but Sennheiser hd215 to me sounded kinda better than Beyerdynamic DT 770 250ohm, music just sounds kind of better
Is it fine to use plug adapter from 240V 60Hz to 230V 50Hz for O2 amp?
No. DT770 are vshaped, hd215 is likely more neutral, and thus objectively better. This isn't surprising.
But muh shitty 808 drum samples and incoherent mumbling sound better if they go BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM
Need some closed back cans to pair with my HD6XX's. I'm currently looking at picking up either a Beyerdynamic DT 770 ($230), Audio-Technica ATH-MSR7 ($240), or a NAD Viso HP50 ($180). I like my bass-mids-highs like 1/-1/2 and I'm not sure on the NAD sound from what I've heard, but it's very cheap and usually costs a ton more, and dt770 vs msr7 just goes back and forth every time I read on it.
The most impressive thing a headphone can do is become completely transparent. Debate me.
Fuck, so does it mean that I got memed by Jow Forums?
And just when I've bought them...
Serves me right I guess, at least I've bought them for 50% off. Thanks for the response.
The most impressive thing a headphone can do is make sounds into your ears retard
MSR7 and 770 are very different.
Do you want something that sounds similar to your Sennheiser or another sound signature?
I'd listen to exclusively them for a week to let your brain adjust to their sound signature, and then compare.
Those 215s look like meme dj cans, so it's hard to believe they sound better than 770s.
Also, there's one user here who is very autistic about the 770 and shitposts about them a lot. They're generally a very well regarded v shaped sounding headphone.
I really like the senns sound but wouldn't mind something with less mids and more low-end. I'm a big clarity fag
Pretty much the gold standard for ANC until recently
I personally don't enjoy the treble. Too forward.
How's the bass on these?
I have a giant head and these seem like the only decent headphones that would fit on me.
It goes pretty deep. You'll feel it
Okay, so I have a pair of headphones that are incredibly neutral and I love them, but I want something colored to pair them with
Something beautiful, emotional and euphonic. Any ideas what I can start looking at?
Looking for something hifi as well, I don't mind shelling out the $$$ if it's reasonable value by usual standards
I should add that in essentially looking for the Sony MDR-R10 but easier to obtain and hopefully cheaper.
What’s up with people calling Grados boomer headphones?
>want something colored
>want something hi-fi
Pick one
Alternatively learn to use a parametric EQ and save the cash and buyer's remorse
I will be getting an OL DAC, but I want to engrave it but I'm too dumb to do it.
Here is the guide. I know I have to send the image in grayscale. The thing I'm stuck at is about how they will engrave it. I have to send the original image and they will fit it there, right? In pic related, there is a full engraving, so I guess there is no "safe area" at all, I can just open the templace and check if my image fits right under it, right? Then cut the necesary and send the original image.
just send them an email and ask it to be done the way you want it
JDS Labs has one of the best customer services out there, Jason usually answer mails within the day
What are you engraving on it? Waifus? My Little Pony? A big ”Z”?
OK, I used the template and I guess it would end looking like this. I think I will use another cute Ryuko cute vector for this, but I think I can get the preview right already, I just have to google how to turn it into graysacle, or I guess they can do it for me.
Also, last dumb question, should I put the OL DAC above or under the O2? Right now I'm using a crap Modi 2 (that I am selling to a dude) and the O2 is on the top, it looks easier to me to control it.
>inb4 side by side
yes to all
>how to turn it into graysacle
Consider using some dithering patterns for colors
They're very bright and have an avant garbage design. Perfect for boomer trash AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, or Led Zeppelin
Just out of curiosity does anyone here own a pair of these?
For some reason I really like the look.
So, seeing how the recommendations have being getting a bit more varied later i'm thinking of making an actual guide for the General. Thinking of something simple with most of the characteristics from the Suggestion's template.
Should it contain any other information?
Pic related i guess, a veeery old guide.
they look like cheap chinese plastic.
then again my /fa/fones are pretty trash. i don't own any cause fuck wasting money but pic related.
I just gave them a pic and they put it in between
What bluetooth earphones does Jow Forums recommends for running? Is it worth it expensive brands like beats? I have heard that you can get just as much sound quality from bluetooth.
>only shitphones in the image
why does everyone recommend the 668bs and the monoprice?
both are below dumpster quality. just buy some apie bs1s for cheaper and get better sound. and i'd imagine tin t2s are way better than the apies, but i don't own any yet.
you didnt even add shp9500s, something that's been shilled on here for ages and are worth the price.
absolute trash guide overall. reddit tier shit.
jbl reflect minis
they're actually pretty good at what they do and do indeed look nice
Did you even read my post? I asked for ideas for a good guide, not cristicism for a guide made several years ago that i only posted to ilustrate the point.
ye i demoed them at fry's just cause i was window shopping.
fuck those pads feel amazing. the sound was good but i wasn't really looking at quality when i was there.
i want some but they're way too expensive.
I was using CMYK for some reason.
I will take a look, I think I can do that somehow on Ps.
that's nice, I guess I will drop them the image and leave them to choose for me.
Also, as it's a OL DAC, if I want to change my non engraved O2's shell with OL DAC's, it would be possible, right? Just in case I want the O2 on the top.
Also, I will post another one, give me your opinion, familia.
wasn't there something an user was making? canpicker.
com/ but it doesn't have much shit.
nice attempt at disguising a guide you made to get positive feedback
and third one
I also forgot on the second one to put the layer first but whatever
Canpicker didn't got any updates after it was done, it also contains refferal links, which is not allowed in Jow Forums.
>it also contains refferal links
didn't realize, hope someone rips that page or whatever and makes another one without bullshit
Classic Beyer treble rape.
i got bored and made this
>only shitphones in the image
>schiit magni
>I need a scratchy pot
Looks great, organize it a bit more so its user-friendly and retards like myself can read. Anyways I'm not a professional, but judging from this infographic do I really need a "schiit magni 3" for Sennheiser HD600s? I was thinking about buying the 600s because the reviews looked pretty good. What does the magni 3 do? I dont really understand the DAC/amplifier terms. Are the HD600s not loud enough that they need amplifiers? Or is it used depending on scenario? And I also have this infographic saved from a different user that gives HD600s more credibility.
hd600 is good but look elsewhere for an amp, schiit is a shit company. Some people here will tell you it is the best value, but it is really a $100 turd from a company that releases products that have destroyed headphones. I was recommended the magni 3 and brand new it has distortion on the volume knob, as other people on hpg have had with theirs, and if you google you will see is a common problem. Even Linus reviewed schiit and it had a scratchy knob out of the box. Don't be fooled either by the schiit shills saying that is to be expected for its price and 'direct signal as not to compromise quality', it is a defect from a bad company with no quality control
i'll sell you my magni 2 without a scratchy pot for 50 bucks.
THAT'S how you get positive feedback on low effort shitposting.
I don't want any more schiit products, magni 3 collects dust
>What does the magni 3 do?
it makes headphones louder but harsh, micca origen is a much better choice
same with my magni 2.
i use my fulla 2 and it does the same thing desu.
i kinda wanna get an nfb-11 but too lazy to order one.
Ok, got it. Not going for the schiit amps
>until recently
Something better? I'm in the market for ANC right now to use during flights.
WH-1000XM3 just came out and supposedly has it bested in ANC by a decent margin.
Requesting comfy, closed, not ugly, full-sized headphones for music and gaming while wearing glasses. Ideally looking to pay no more than $300. Located in USA. I've Sennheiser HD 201 and they are fairly comfy but I'd rather a pair that doesn't swivel because my hair gets caught in it.
Beats Studio
DT770 80ohms is pretty comfortable, if you preffer something smaller there's the Brainwavz HM5.
The DT250 is one of the most neutral sounding options, but the pads are smaller and might hurt the ears a bit, you can however get Brainwavz pads for it to increase comfort.
so my T90 kicked the bucket recently and I used it as an excuse to buy myself the DT1990
shit's delicious, beyer have gone far in terms of build quality
Thank you.
Needs more cowbell !
This one would probably translate the best
Don't disrespect the CAL! and PortaPro like that.
Yeah, a friend told me so too. I already made the order with that image. If I don't like the end result, I can just put the O2 over it and be done.
Finally got the Audeze Mobius after waiting 6 months. These are nice gamer headphones for the $250 I paid. The 3D is ok but more gimmick then anything else. Musically they are NOT LCD quality like they hyped.
Is the replacement cable for the kz zs6 actually worth it?
Doesn't make any sense to me because it's digital from my device to my iem's so why would the cable matter as long as the bytes stay the same?
Yet constantly I see it recommended to buy a better cable. What am I missing?
How good are the Philips X2HRs?
Just got the Sony 1000XM3s but I feel like I might have made the wrong choice
better cable might have build quality, making it last longer
and just so you know, it's not a digital signal coming out of your 3.5mm jack. that being said, the cable does not affect audio quality
care to give your first impression of the Sony's?
I have the Creative GigaWorks T40 which I plug my headphones in.
Would I notice a difference with a real amp? Even a cheapo one?
the fidelios are sadly not great from what i've heard.
whenever i bring them up on irc, hpg, i'm always shot down immediately.
so i'll be the guy to say "don't get them, get hd600s instead"
>buy shitty wireless headset
>expect it to sound like planars
>yes, even from the same company
are you legit retarded
Really depends what you want and where you came from. If you come from more "modern' headphones/music or just prefer bass, X2's are fine. You just have to realize they are colored in that direction.
However, HD600 are really a fine place to start if you're a blank slate and don't know what you like yet.
>immediately attacked instead of discussing headphones.
But they are planars. About equal to sine or el8 in music quality so not a total loss plus they will easily re-sell for $400.
I'm a brazilian trying to not use absolutely trash headphones but our currency melted because US economy is doing great short term while Brazil is basically fucked so conversion rates kill me. Taxes also rape me, it's basically 100% tax.
>TL;DR I want to enter budget-fi, redpill me on the consumer landmines.
1) Why do you hate the M50X? It's one of the only cheap cans available here.
2) Will I need an amp for DT770 80Ohms? Is it usable on headphones in a moderately loud environment (planes)?
3) For an absolute beginner that tried only the M50X and thought it was nice, will I really feel the difference getting the DT770?
4) Is the DT770 32Ohms trash?
I really didn't want to buy AMP+DAC, god fucking damn it imagine paying literally 8x the price in dollars and that's my life.I'm thinking of paying R$900 reais for the M50X + 70 for some velor pads or brainwavz pads (or is this a meme?
The rates are quite comparable, so you can imagine I'm paying a thousand dollars for a M50X. Don't trust commies, anons, they will fuck up your country big time.
Sorry! Drunk!
...finally did it.
i sold my lsr305s so i had some cash to blow.
check out my tube amp/potato clock
im excited :3