Is vinyl a meme, Jow Forums?
Is vinyl a meme, Jow Forums?
for audio quality, yes
for the 'vibe' and all the ceremony involved with actually listening to a complete vinyl album that makes the experience more involved and more special, no
dunno the study but its been shown in blind abx testing that people unfamiliar with audiophile gear felt a more emotional connection to the music when hearing it played back on vinyl. and this is more than just random, was something like close to 70%
yea before it degrades and you're listening to a fireplace
hippies collect it which is ironic because its a non biodegradable plastic that kills the earth to make
Yes and No.
>Is Vinyl, from a purely technical standpoint, content mastering not considered, a meme to use in 2018
>Is Vinyl, from a purely technical standpoint, content mastering considered, a meme to use in 2018
No, since even in 2018, many CD's are still infected with loudness wars bullshit, so Vinyl still has a place, only because Vinyl masters are never compressed to all hell and back to please Rick Rubin.
Vinyl is only 'good' because CDs are mastered badly.
Because CDs are universally fucked by loudness wars bullshit.
Higher DR > no DR wall of sound
>Because CDs are universally fucked by loudness wars bullshit.
That just applies to shit music, i.e. Type 0.
None of my classical and Jazz CDs are overly compressed.
After 1990, yes. It's only kinda-useful for DJs.
mastering for vinyl ruined CDs. on vinyl has to be compressed so the needle doesn't fly out of the groove.
CDs don't have that limitation, but people prefer recordings that are compressed so the texture remains. the only place you can find uncompressed audio as a consumer is classical music that's only been digitally recorded.
CDs are even less relevant today than vinyls
>mastering for vinyl ruined CDs.
False. See:
>My music > your music, I'm so HIP and COOL
eat a dick you turtleneck wearing cunt.
Also you didn't refute my point at all. nor did you link to your test which undoubtedly tested with top40 music, not your pseudo intellectual crap.
you don't know how vinyl works, do you. all classical and jazz vinyls are compressed so that the needle reading the signal doesn't fly out of the groove.
>old shit and avant garde shit is better than pop shit
>I'm so HIP and COOL
No. I just studied musicology and music theory, and consequently developed more refined taste in music.
>all classical and jazz vinyls are compressed
Sure. That's why connoisseurs buy DDD recorded CDs.
Pic related.
>pseudo intellectual crap.
By the way, preference for Classical music is correlated with high intelligence. Conversely, to no one's surprise, preference for Rap music is negatively correlated with intelligence. Source:
literary equivalents not rly accurate
also you listen to jazz it's just popular music for the negro
t. nigger babble listener
Jazz != classical
Jazz == Some fat dudes who blow things, whilst saying 'shooby dooby doo'
>muh jazz
there's post-punk, post-hardcore, idm, math rock and many other genres to be pretentious about and you chose fucking nigger jazz of all things
Don't worry guys, I'm posting a soiboi repellent.
only weebs, virgins and onionbaseds listen to metal lmao
I'm not a weeb, virgin nor is my diet based on onions. What now, faggot?
well you're gay and a homo rofl
you don't even listen to nuances of amplifier hum
If it's about sound quality, then yes it's a meme.
That being said, vinyls have some advantages:
- The mastering was better
- Some songs had intros that never made it to digital
- Long mixes/dance mixes/...
>t.30+ year record collector.
Does it sound better?
Yes, it can, with a $2k+ setup.
Better dynamic range? Yes,at least with shit that was mastered pre-1990.
Worth it?.. FUCK NO!
I've spent $4k on my current setup to get it to sound as good as FLAC. Why? I'm an old fuck who had a large vinyl collection prior to when CDs came out.
Cheaper to buy better gear than to re-buy my entire collection.
>Yeah, it's meme user. You like ''''audiophile'''? Get FLAC!
I still buy vinyl. But only because tracks I'm after are pressed on it, rather than CD. My last vinyl purchase was AQXDM - Aegis EP. I only bought it for the B Side, Roam. But the A side tracks are good too.
I'm a music collector. I like having physical media. But I'm not an audiophile. If a track, EP or album is available on CD and vinyl, I'll buy the CD over the vinyl. What I won't buy is digital audio unless there's absolutely no other option. I could have bought AXQDM - Roam for £1.50 from Bandcamp, but I like the physical media because I'm old and I remember vinyl and CD media being popular.
The upside is everyone going digital means I can pick up physical media in charity shops and online for peanuts.
>I'll buy the CD over the vinyl
>What I won't buy is digital audio
I dont care much for vinyl. Really inferior to cds or tapes. I just want to pop in a tape and listen trouble free.
You know what I mean. I'd rather buy a CD than a digital download. Especially with the prices some places charge for digital downloads. Bandcamp has the pricing right. Juno, where I bought the AQXDM EP was selling Roam for around £3. For a single track. If I'd bought the three tracks from the EP digitally from Juno, it would have cost £9. The vinyl cost me £10.... and I'd have bought the vinyl from Bandcamp if it had been available, but it wasn't.
>The upside is everyone going digital means I can pick up physical media in charity shops and online for peanuts.
This happened with vinyl in the 90's and it's happening with CDs now
Vinyl I picked up for $10 in 1998, I can re-boot on Discogs today for $100. CDs are dirt cheap now, and going the same way.
Came here to post this.
Check the spectrogram on some of your '''''digital downloads'''''
In many cases they're less than 16/44.1, which is CD Redbook standard. May as well get the shitty mp3 from TPB.
What's more, vinyl doesn't have this problem.
Yes and no. The format is vastly inferior to lossless digital, but is sometimes mastered with more dynamic range despite its maximum being comparable to 11-12 bit digital.
Vinyl adds a lot of noise and distortion that have nothing to do with the original recording, and quality decreases as the record plays because there's less track length per revolution.
It has a digital intermediary anyway because tape is too shit by comparison to use anymore.
"Lossless" digital is not boasting. Thanks to something called the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, the frequency resolution is effectively infinite. Amplitude isn't, but even 16 bits is tighter than sloppy vinyl.
It wasn't meant to be good, only cheap.
>tfw a vinyl retard tells you to "check the spectrogram" of your digital music
Tell us more about the frequency response of your average vinyl after a few plays
>What's more, vinyl doesn't have this problem.
Yeah, vinyl goes to about 12-13 bits of SNR and a maximum frequency