1337 h4x0r5

>went to visit some friends
>come back a day later
>ssid got changed to some swear words
>router password got changed too and now i cant get access to it
did i get hacked anons?
what do

Attached: download (22).jpg (231x218, 7K)

please help, is there anything i could do beside resetting it?

If you have physical access to the router, throw it in the trash.


hack it again you faggot.


oh noes not swears


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No, what's so bad about resetting anyway, frogposter.

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press the little factory reset button on the back and change the router admin ui password from its default setting

you'll have to reset.
you do have a backup of your configuration?
don't you?

a pwned box is garbage, please do the needful

He doesn't have physical access, since it's a neighbors connection - thus the swear words and changed password.
It was probably something like "Get your own fucking wifi you thieving shit"

why do people not mac filter, this is the solution to all problems. like.. why doesnt everyone mac filter.. was it bad genes?

Because (((((they'll))))) just spoof it.

and how the fuck would they even know your mac if you have locked your shit down at the source and go natty w/port forwarding

nvm im assuming the OP gives a fuck about learning things on his own. my fault.

this is just pebkac all the way down

that's every bit as useless as hiding your SSID
oh, were (you) doing that?

>and how the fuck would they even know your mac
A cursory glance at any wifi scanner?

well, its not useless, but you have to be competent on the machine end in order to ensure its effectiveness.

and hiding your SSID isnt as good as just garble/hash's, although I prefer to name my wifi [insert my countys name]-police-traffic-bandcam

was this a question, i saw the question mark but it was just following a statement of something unrelated.