RIP he doesn't need his OS to talk to god now
Terry confirmed dead
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh wrong pic :^(
Pour one out for our guy Terry guys
Sticky must make it official
top kek
It's so weird, i've seen like 10 threads and i really haven't commented on his death.
I have emailed him numerous times (30) on stream using Guerrilla Mail.'s weird.
He would always check his yahoo mail, open literally any email, then close it after viewing it for 1 or 2 mins. He always emptied his inbox and trash... that was my experience with him i guess
too good for this world.
No confirmation, though. Only screencaps that might be fake.
Well, Jow Forums?
There's still hope
chris chan is next
yayyyyy i wanna fuck your mom
YAYYYY Yippy yayayayaya
omg im so sad rn
first xxxtentacion
then joe biden
next is gonna be chris chan omg im so scared
its mostly newfriends and redditors who latched on to terry davis. i can guarantee you that anyone who got on Jow Forums before 2014 just rolls their eyes when they see another "glow in the dark niggers" post
Cia nigger spotted.
He created Temple OS. With that, he became a meme.
If you’re such a normie, you can at least relate to the death of Stefan Karl Steffanson, right? It’s kinda like that.
Maybe Terry isn’t hot shit, but he created something that gave us a chuckle and that’s at least worth respecting.
RIP Terry A. Davis
He was a true LOLCOW!!!!
CIA Niggers can't dab on him anymore.
I'm pickle rick!
so how did he die??
He got run over by glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers
He wrote a C-based JIT compiler and then based a relatively competent OS around it, allowing for live inspection of stuff, among other things.
Him being loopy helped, but the stuff he's done is interesting either way
A black car ran over him. Some people say the driver appeared to glow in the dark.
Oh my God could you use more buzzwords you colossal faggot
CIA nigger
Terry was too pure for this world.
good. another racist fuck bites the dust.
post a video of you browsing that message please.
The best kind of racist is a dead racist
Fuck off reifag
>doesn't need his OS to talk to god now
holy fucking based
>Thieves called out
>get butthurt
Fuck off fags.
CIA killed him?
what's the death count of anti-whites vs. racists?
so far we're winning.
someone call the fucking cops already
templeos is actually interesting aside from the memes and crazy. it's like plan9.
dunning-kruger at work probably, he knows about compilers and OS, and probably learned that uni students do it on 2nd year, so he shits on Terry because he's racist.
Jesus crist, have you ever fucking been to Jow Forums? Post picture with timestamp you retard otherwise it means nothing.
Friendly reminder Jow Forums mods only stickied a shitty applel event.
/po/tards literally got a schizophrenic killed for the 'keks' (or 'lulz' w/e).
Why do we tolerate these subhumans in our website again?
Hey TheTemple, shut the fuck up and keep looking over your shoulder.
Is his server going to shutdown now?
Are we going to archive it?
he just faked his death you utter brainlet retards. he had to go back to heaven for a few thousand years to assemble the army and then hes gonna initiate the cleansing.
You are a bioluminescent.
Jow Forums BTFO
Yeah, people don't like to watch crazy people because they are bizarre and entertaining, it's because they're all incel racists. Jow Forums BTFO forever.
Nah, he's just playing dead for tax evasion
So how much taxes are homeless people paying usually?
Been done before
post his cock
In a way Terry is now to Jow Forums what zyzz is to Jow Forums with the exception that zyzz is loved by everyone
it was when Jow Forums spewed back out of hell in 2012, i remember a huge trojan of autists and faggots seeping their way in. it never quite recovered though i have to say since the election i've been able to tolerate this shithole
please be shit poster
fake image that has been around for days
only a newfag would say that, I bet you have been here for more than a year
I'm so sad... alexa play despacito
Someone call the fucking cops already.
>join Jow Forums after HACKERZ ON STEROIDZ report on mainstream news
>called a newfag for years
>phoneposters wave comes in
>i'm now an oldfag fuck yeah
>r/the_donald wave comes in
>i am now a grumpy bitter cynical jaded oldfag
Is this how my hosts felt when I first arrived? I feel pity towards them. Please feel pity towards me.
10/10 bait by a Jow Forumsentoo men. reddit always gets offended when you call them by their own insults. got em
>since the election
You think it got better after the US election? What? We've lost any semblance of board cultures. You could join any discussion forum and find more mutual understanding through referential humor.
Now 1/4th of posts are arbitrary Jow Forums inserts where they don't belong and people yelling at each other without having come to a proper disagreement.
People here didn't actually use to just call names. Now it's actually something that happens. No retort, just name calling. It's incredibly droll to see.
I should have kept stats on hidden posts. I'm sure it has skyrocketed.
started off as a neat oddity, but of course you can't stop the autists around here once they set their mind to something
my n'wah
Why did you type the fake reply message in the exact same style as your message? amateur move
So did the user who said he'd call the Dalles Police call them?
listen to trips, burgers.
if i was in US i'd solve it in 5 minutes.
Audio recording from yesterday night of TheTemple admitting he larped as Terry for 4 months on faceberg:
Interview TheTemple did today with The Goldwater where he digs his grave even deeper:
From that interview we've got:
>Contradiction about being logged out of fake facebook account when it was memorialized
>Contradiction about having or having not told Terry's family that it was a fake account
>Won't give a straight answer about why he larped so hard as Terry for 4 months
>Says he only received one message (from Terry's mom) and never responded, but in the audio he claims he had a conversation with Terry's former boss
His comment about Terry's family adding him to groups is damning as well for several reasons. For one, he was in groups that people from KiwiFarms were in, not just groups Terry's family was in. It also proves that he pretended he was the real Terry the entire time to Terry's family. Why would they add a fake account to facebook groups that only Terry's family was part of?
Boys we just got butt blasted
And nothing of value was lost
>They even implement Network Stack
Typical nigger cattle that doesn't know anything about Terry's vision
Fake image.
>cia niggers murdered terry
>shill and jews attempt to shut down any discussion
>Jow Forums falls for it
This board went full reddit.